Dear Jow Forums

I meet a nice looking Arab girl age 23 in Los Angeles,I started a conversation with her who's with a guy friend but their not dating as the guy had a girlfriend after she keep looking at me wasn't sure she was checking me out or looking at someone behind me.I had guts to ask her if she needed something which she responded with 'yeah are you European you know German or Scandinavian or Russian?' I have a very European look tall,blue eyes,but black hair I got ask the same question when I used to work at a supermarket and customer and employees ask me the question,anyways I told her Yes I was European but from Spain she look shock but said That was cool I introduce myself and she herself She was from Morocco and yeah we were at a Starbucks so I ask her if we could talk which she give me interest look and say yes we talk sound like a cool girl but was did not speak much on which she did for living or other stuff that She thought we not be necessary I give her my phone number as she was to protective with her's and she give me a call back we talk for 30 minutes basically the same thing we talk about at the cafe except I told why I was there she sound like she more interest after I told her after I ask her on a possible date and she maybe but it depends if I was serious and looking to date her on looks but personality after that she say she will give me a respond in the night tomorrow. Now I ask you guys should I date her she was fine looking and fit but her personality was more important to me then her looks I know it's very late for this I like her but I don't know about it.

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Go for it, but only if you give us an update in a few months

Is she a Muslim?
And are you sure about the guy with her

Yeah I will give updates on important stuff but not too personal.She looks very beautiful I was able to get to laugh a lot of times and was into me but I don't know if it's smart.

I'm not gonna tell you it's fine because it's not. Race mixing is wrong.

Yeah She said she was born in Morocco which is Muslim nation and had look Arab to me and friend is of Mexican decent and he was fine with me talking her and flirting with her he never look upset or mad. Her is also very Arab but I can't give it out since it personal.

ha he thinks i'm going to read the whole thing

Why? Also I have more interest in her than I ever had in a white women they have become nothing slut's since the turn of the century even earlier then that.

Just read the end for the question I am asking but if you read the whole story you would have a better input.

She is going to be an easy mark. Go for it

>I have a very European look tall,blue eyes,but black hair
where do you idiots get teh idea that black hair is not European? is this an American thing?

Also, if she's Muslim...well, someone will tell you. Long story, short: why date someone who'll never marry you? also: good luck with her males relatives and friends...

If you think you are going to help the white race by having white passing kids you are wrong. Rolling in mud doesn't do the white race any good


moroccan women will marry anything that moves.

I don't know I never said that I was describing how I look.Black hair is common everywhere in Europe.

>implying that all of you aren't constantly trying to deceive americans for fun when you take your stupid vacations here
tell me again about how your dad rides a donkey to work, and you have 40 brothers, and have never heard of toilet paper

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Really she seem to what to take stuff very slow and was very protective over a lot of stuff including her job.

Bruh she more white then you.

what part of morocco is she from?

Never said

he's not even white, retard. look at his typing and flag.

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wow another race traitor faggot from commiefirnia

that's the point dipshit.

>I meet a nice looking Arab girl age 23 in Los Angeles

I stopped reading right there. tl;dr.

Stop before you hate yourself for the rest of eternity. You've been warned.

Not Californian but OK.

Better Looking then any white girl I meet.

>Better Looking then any white girl I meet.
Ah right. I'm sure you'll tell yourself that years from now when you stop thinking with your penis.

why are all of you warning a beaner who doesn't know english to not racemix, run away with her back to mexico, paco

Nah I use my heart and mind when picking a girl and she seems fine to me.

No you should go for it, then fall in love and take her back to Spain. And get the fuck out of my country until you learn English.

She is not Mexican but OK.

I know English and maybe I will or Maybe I won't take her to Spain with me.

Sounds like this Saudi chick I'm talking to a bit on snapchat when I gget bored... we shoot the breeze about slightly-above-normie stuff and about Saudi. Her family sounds quite affluent, she has some type of government sponsored job, and she doesn't like showing her face (I've seen it though, not too bad), though she says I'm welcome all the time if I visit Riyadh. Something tells me she just wants an American friend, but she insists on calling and texting weekly.

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Hey OP, as a moroccan myself, I just wanted to tell you that she may not be arab but berber, which is a north African ethic group that traces its roots to pre-islamic civilisations such as phonecians and germanic vandals.

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Yeah she had Berber look brown eyes and hair.

Dear OP,
Stop blog posting you fucking faggit.

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>Nearly half the western flags turn out to be north Africans, Muslims, CHIs, Chinese, etc.


Why m8?