The Great Firewall of China

Is it really a bad thing? It might be the most redpilled thing that the Chinese Communist Party have done. Look at what nigger culture has done to our women. This wouldn't happen under good ol' communism and strict regulation.

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Nah. The Chinese want it only because the government doesn't want to be overthrown. When the time comes, the weak and hedonistic will be weeded out.

Not at all. China does a good job of kike and Nigger control. Imagine user, living in a land without a nigger or Jew in sight.

Anybody who don’t like that webm is a son of a bitch

>The chinese are white
Of course they are

both have deformed feet
wouldn't bang

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Fucking this, it’s about control not degeneracy

That's precisely why it's not a bad thing. The media here operates for the sole purpose of control. Censoring the Jews isn't bad.

Are these traditional and conservative asian women that /pol loves so much?

Why they twerking like degenerates then

It's because these aren't Asians, but Asian-Americans, as you would call them, which are overwhelmingly liberal, feminist, you name it... Simply put, there's no difference between them and liberal white women.

Lmao dude young “conservative” white chicks are also as degenerate as they come

Calm down Da'Quan LaFaye

China is a globalist slave state which is quite literally using up the land so that Xi Jinping and his mates can have another billion.
There is nothing based about it at all.

If you like it so much go use WeChat and start building your social credit, comrade. You know that Jow Forums is banned in China right?


A globalist slave state is how I would describe America, most of Europe under Zionist rule. Good motives or not, being able to censor Jews on a whim and having a personal army within the government dedicated to doing so would be a convenient thing to have, so I envy this Xi Jinping.


lel no its not you just need a 4chinz pass to post here. R*ddit is banned now though.

censorship against licentiousness is a good thing

But China anyway is a degenerate society - mass abortion, mass divorces, domestic violence I suppose

This guy is jacking off to the smell of his own foot?

china is literally owned by israel
they will become the next global jack boot police state even worse than america was after israel destroys america after we have no use anymore
look into the belt and road project for proof china and israel are "secretly" working together

>china is literally owned by israel
No, they arrested and murdered all the spies working for (((CIA))).

There is obviously a rebellion happening. And Jewish media have taken a harsher tone against China these days.

just like the kike media hates trump so that means orange man is good
even though cheeto faggot is a kike shill

Control in China is good. It suppresses faggotry.
Control in the west is bad, because you hand that control to the Jews.

It depends on the situation.

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kys faggot

i don't like it, because sons of those two will be aswell ones of the bitches

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That is because he has been too slow to start the war against Iran.
This is what the Jewish media wants:

if i was a degenerate man i would be out fucking yellow sluts like crazy.

t. married

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Do you believe in race realism?

Then you should believe different culture fit different races better.
There is no room to preach your morals and standards to other races.

Let China ban Jewish degeneracy. It's what works for China.

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It's nothing a good hard buttfucking won't cure. I've butt fucked the thot out of many a whore in my day.

same reason i hated it.

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maybe he finally got his dick wet and didnt wash it so he could smell it again later

>China is a globalist slave state
UK is a global slave state where the police arrests old women who critisize islam:

How many kids user? Or you think non reproductive sex isn't degenerate?

i wanna pump and dump a slutty chinese ho

>Look at what nigger culture has done to our women.
First off, white men deciding that women needed to be liberated did it.

Like in Nanjing?

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chinks are likely every bit as degenerate as westerners, society is just less accepting of them.

was excited until I saw they were asian.

they are the worst offenders, i've seen girls who dropped out of high school to be rave girls post shit about being pro-life these days it makes me sick. they're only acting like this because their time of "living freely" is either over or they're out of money

we already have social credit, its called social media

I wouldn't mind it if they weren't all pretending to be smart and accomplished. They could have had vibranium and used it for lip plugs and spear heads and it would have been better

It is a bad thing
You think it's fun needing to use a VPN for everything?

Luckily they just unblocked English Wikipedia the other day after it was blocked for a month

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