Iran Vs USA

ITT: We predict realistically when Iran vs America will start.

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War doesn't happen. Iran and USA united and we gas kikes holding hands together.

August 11, 6am est

Digits say the day after tomorrow.

July 4 2019 ---->

Get -------->check'em

open up, IRS!

Before the end of 2019 there will be fighting.
The USA will start the war in the air.
They will take losses, but ultimately dominate the air.
Russia and China will thwn step in and nullify Air superiority.
At which point NATO forces will join the fight.
Full blown WW3.
If the commies win, we are all fucked.
Iran is a proxy war now but it will evolve into a full scale WW3. Iran... They are the C-Tier player in the battle of S and A tier nations.
Gooks, Slavs, and Persians vs. Gentiles and Jews with a smattering of Black American servicemen.

It won't. The liars pulling the strings will soon be revealed.

Praise Kek

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If it's going to be like Vietnam, then it's not going to become a full out war for a few more years. But just for fun, I'm going to bet on July 21, 2019.

>If the commies win, we are all fucked.
so us?

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10-4 good buddy



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digits says tomorrow

Never. Just like Venezuela. Fuck off Neocons.

September 6 2019

10 days

pic related

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When John McCain becomes president

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September 11th 2019.
Hopefully by a preemptive nuclear strike


Trump will be assassinated in the 2020 elections. After that the US will attack Iran, starting WWIII. This will mean the death for the american empire and free all those under it's grip.

Checky checky.

>Relations between the U.S. and Iran have deteriorated in recent months, as the Trump administration restored crippling sanctions and designated the Revolutionary Guard as a foreign terrorist organization.
what makes you retards think this isnt going to happen