Why Right-wingers Should Embrace LGBT+

LGBT+ might be a bit degenerate and yes you could argue it has negative societal impacts on the family. But at least it is a great alternative for many socially unsuccessful men for prostitution. Don't believe this Liberal lie that people's sexualities are ingrained in them, people can and do change sexuality by developing fetishes and strong emotional stimulas. LGBT+ promotion is a great way to get incels and incel-lites to question their own sexuality and they may even pavlov themselves homosexual because otherwise they may turn to prostitution, which is a much bigger danger to society and more degenerate. In otherwords, LGBT provides incels and desperate men with an alternative to prostitution


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What about Pansexuals?

STFU boomer.

Fags and dykes are literal carriers of HIV.

Honest question. Were you sexually molested as a child?

No i wasn't.

I support them 100%

I'm not a boomer.

Not as much as prostitutes do.

Are you not a homosexual?

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Kind of. I'm 24 im a kissless virgin and i have always been disgusted by gays. I'm in the process of making my self gay by watching homosexual acts, currently just gays making out and masturbating to it. At first it was hard but im conditioning myself to like it more and more and now i can fully cum to it.

Many porn addicts develop more and more hardcore fetishes and fantasies by doing exactly this although unintentional. I'm intentionally using the Pavlov effect to make myself homosexual.

I've never once considered myself homosexual before this year, but im slowly changing that.


A great man once said that homosexuality was the last stand of implicit white identity

This is nonsense. Sexual behavior is extremely deeply coded by evolution, you can't change your sexual inclinations through simple conditioning. The consensus among dissident scientists is that homosexuality is caused by a behavior-altering parasite which is spread by the sexual molestation of children. You might try going to a gay club and getting your anus destroyed, but it probably won't work, as your adult immune system will be able to fight off the parasite.

Additionally, evolution has instilled in all healthy men an instinctual violent revulsion to homosexuals. Normal men are genetically programmed to kill homosexuals on sight, an evolutionary response to the pathogen threat. Since you are able to view homosexual behavior without extreme violent revulsion, I must conclude that you have already been infected by the parasite.

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I can stand behind that.

I always found homosexual behaviour disgusting. I've been forcing myself to stare at it and masturbating to gays kissing for like a month now before im finally tolerating it. Scientists all agree sexuality is flexible and can bend like how im doing it.

totally fine comrades

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The point of LGBT is to create a generation that will be used to outlaw procreation. And that plan is proceeding well.


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Are you happy to be part of a plan to exterminate everyone while we are being replaced by AI?

is legitimate sex work, misogynist bigot. Also children are born gay and transgender with a set of preferred pronouns that they simply can't articulate until they learn them at drag queen story time. Gay faggots in flamboyant costume at the pride parade did not make a choice to dress up like that, they are basically robots that have never made a conscious decision in their lives, and that's a good thing.

>Scientists all agree sexuality is flexible and can bend like how im doing it.
Scientists all agree that women are equally as intelligent and strong as men, they also agree that tropical subhumans are equal in intelligence to the hyperborean agricultural races. Our science is has been completely subverted by the people who control media and finance, and the elites want this disease to spread among their host population.

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>is legimate sex work misogynist bigot
Feminists are against sex work. They are the ones pushing for it's criminalization worldwide.

>LGBT+ might be a bit degenerate
a bit? taking another man's penis into your mouth and suckling it is "a bit degenerate"? Shoving a guy's cock up your ass is "a bit degenerate"? 8 year old little boys dancing in strip clubs is "a bit degenerate"? Slicing off your penis and testicles so you can have an open festering gash is "a bit degenerate"? Please clue us in on what's moderately degenerate, very degenerate, totally degenerate, and over the fucking top degenerate because the only thing I see as being worse is literal jeffrey dahmer type shit

We gays will be safer with the communists and Islam, (who are soo misrepresented in the media).
It's the right wing extremists that persecute us in so called free countries

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I agree it's not the PRETTIEST thing but it's better than prostitution, which is the most widespread degeneracy.

>the only thing I see as being worse is literal jeffrey dahmer type shit
that is cannibophilephobic. Babies past the 3 month mark (no longer eligible for post birth abortion) are legitimate targets for castration if they show any sign of weakness. They were born wanting to be a girl in that case obviously.

so all of the things in my last post is less degenerate than paying for coitus.
You have a really fucked up sense of morality. I hope to fucking Christ that you do not reproduce. And stay the fuck away from kids.

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You need to head on back to your discord, I hope you screenshot this so that your buddies can see how low-effort this is.

Move to non free countries then literal faggot.

you're a bad troll

Paying for sex is the ultimate form of degeneracy because it destroys sex the intimate act. At least homosexuality is about love and emotion

>I'm in the process of making my self gay

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Well what alternative do i have when every woman turns me down?

Go take a nigger cock you absolute faggot. There is no redemption for you. You aren't even a product of your environment, which a lot of homosexuals can claim. You're doing this to yourself and you are responsible. The only value you have left is as someone who can be made an example of. A noose is all that waits for you at the end of this road.

I will be a lot happier when i can find people to have sex with. Not my fault every women turns me down. What do you suggest I do? Remain forever alone for life?

Thus spake the faggot kneeling before the gaybar gloryhole

We want disaffected men to rise up. We don't want them to be gay. Also gays end up falling for the false consciousness that is LGBT+ rather than siding with their own race. Trannies almost always become anti-white communists.

why are people against gay conversion therapy then

Because they know it works.

then why don’t you go

You're training yourself to be gay because you're unsuccessful with women?

Yes. I thought about it for a while. What's better

>Being straight but remaining a kissless virgin for life


>Being gay and finding sexual partners regularly.

So being homosexual is a choice

Based user, this is the only route for some incels as men are much easier and more willing

I think it is personally.

Right? It's not like im giving up on starting a family because that was never an option

If you need help making yourself gay, see if you like things up your ass. It blew my mind experimenting as a kid but some people probably never try it

"listen i know you guys like morality, but dude, you can like, cum and stuff"

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I can't do that, i can't put anything up my ass yet the thought cringes me out, it feels so disgusting and unnatural. I'm trying to get into making out with guys first and then maybe we will see from there.

Hard to compare the two scenarios, since gay sex doesn't interest me and from what I hear from gay friends, their pickup scene is pretty unhealthy and depressing. In my opinion the time you spend on your conversion experiment would be better spent exercising or learning new skills; with a bit self-improvement you won't need silly gimmicks to stop being a kissless virgin

pretty much this. this is the take-away of their entire argument

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I'm pretty sure you're a troll of the
>I'm gonna trick these homophobic BIGOTS into admitting you can't change your sexuality
variety, but at least you're putting effort into it

>better spent exercising
I do exercise and am fit

>learning new skills
I'm a software engineer and am currently learning my third language (English, Spanish, now German). So check that off

>bit of self improvement
I have no idea how I can self improve. I'm going to be making 130K next year, I do work out, I go out to clubs and stuff and have lots of friends. Problem is im not Chad

In what way are you not chad?

Move to the middle east then.

I'm Anglo but look like the stereotypical Jew. I look like John Oliver and have really bulgy eyes.

Appropriation is the best weapon we have. It's worked in the past. In a crazy way it actually makes sense.

Nice bait fagget

You are a bad troll

I'm sure John Oliver was getting laid before he was famous though. If you're really making 130K, are fit and are social enough to have "lots of friends" then just an ugly mug really shouldn't be that big a handicap.

You're already a huge faggot OP
I honestly would rather kms than suck a dick

I am a muslim and you won't.

Well everyone I try to talk to women they make an excuse to leave. Never respond or pull out their phones and pretend to ignore me. And I only have lots of friends because my dad owns a medium software engineering company and all my friends want a 120k a year job there after graduating

The problem is that you try that with 7+ girls and totally forget girls below 4. You are a fake faggot who is trolling.

That's like telling a starving African to stop going after real food and eat dog shit instead.

I would rather just go for a dude than a sub 4

Then you are a hypocrite. You are not a kissless virgin, you are just a male version of a feminist.

>I would rather just go for a dude than a sub 4
You already are gay then retard

I have never kissed before. How am I not a KISSLESS virgin?

Why not retrain yourself to be attracted to sub-4?

No I'm not

Because he's a fag

Because he is a jew, trying to justify and encourage homosexuality on Jow Forums

Probably both yeah

That's actually a good idea but I feel as long as it's an attractive guy it would be easier to get him

By get him I mean feel attracted to him

If you're being serious you're fucking braindead
Go be a faggot, your genes definitely shouldn't spread

They are the oppose of women. Don't let them near your kitchen.

How am I retarded

and to think this shit was a slide thread

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If you have to ask you should unironically kys


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Sage and fuck off

Enjoy ban troll

>They display the infantile, narcissistic attitude that underlines liberalism. They are the barely coherent expressions of a child playing with his own feces and genitalia, looking for new ways to gratify himself.

CUMMIES. POOPY DICK.BUTTS. Why be Aleister Crowley?Because you're a memeflag Israeli Jew here to shill tranny discord shit.

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>LGBT+ might be a bit degenerate and yes you could argue it has negative societal impacts on the family. But-

That's it. Kill yourself.

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They all say they weren't molested, but most of them were. Just like Milo trying to say he wasn't, but he finally admitted it.


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Go back to Plebbit Tranny Nigger Lover

Beta males are born to service alpha males with their ass and mouth.

That grrentext applies to you and the author of that everyone but me gotta learn that

>muh right wing extremists
They aren't a threat any longer, fags have got more value than straights in developed countries. If some merican redneck tries to hit them they'll end up in jail and take dick up their fat asses by some bear nigger. I vouch for homofascism but that isn't gonna happen as fags are too shallow to shot whoever shows dissent at sight.

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God damn why the fuck are you people so mentally retarded
>paying for coitus is more degenerate than homosexuality
>being a literal faggot is the only way to get laid
For fucks sake
I suggest you to kill yourself already

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Come on man, don’t be fucking gross. Just get your shit together and find a woman, or else find something else to live for. Don’t resort to this filth

No fag. Fags reproduce by molestation. They want to indoctrinate our children to become fags or be completely accepting of fag degeneracy. Isn’t it funny how most fags support socialism ?

Fuck off

Source faggot. pretty legit

Fuck off faggot. I don't give a fuck of lives of creatures with mental illnesses. Faggots and trannies deserve rope like nobody

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If whores are more degenerate, why did God give you aids OP?