I’ve found my breaking point. If (((they))) remake this to include women, I will go full Tarrant

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I thought they made a sequel that had a girl as a main character?

Fuck you. No, don’t tell me that’s actually true.

You must be a young buck that doesn’t realize what this movie truly meant to a boy in childhood.

This was made over a decade ago and even then they weren't allowed to make an all male movie anymore. Stop giving Hollywood your shekels, goyim. PS the new Space Jam with LeBron is rumored to have 2 female basketball players on the Monstars.

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I think I saw this movie once and the term "you throw like a girl" was a compliment because the girl in the middle could pitch better than any of the guys.

This makes me so angry. I was flipping through channels, and the original is on right now. “You play ball like a girl!”....if that was said in a movie today, there would be an outage. Unreal.

It's a given that the girl in any sports scene in Hollywood will be the superior athlete. Honk honk.

There was no girl on any team in the original. In the original, a girl got tongue raped by a little boy.

No, you’re just suffering from the Mandela effect. In this reality the gay pedos didn’t like that idea, so they didn’t greenlight the script.

Bro...they aren’t erasing old copies of the original or anything. It’ll be forgettable trash like girl ghostbusters.

It’s not the point of “erasing”. It’s the point of taking a classic American movie that EVERYONE loved back in the day and making it “new” to fit our “new society”


It's the fact that a movie like the original will never be allowed to be made again.


Thank you.

I can't wait until Sandlot 3 where the nerdy kid with glasses comes out as gay (the one who tricked the lifeguard) and takes it up the ass by the giant dog (cause you know, 2019 and this is the norm).

This is what I’m dreading.

I miss classic American cinema. Like Jackass. And number 2 and 3.

> Jackass. And number 2 and 3.
A kind of last stand of implicit white identity.

A cast of all white dudes just having fun

Damn, this guy is going to start prepping because you know it's gonna have a girl in it.

They made the protag a hilter youth blonde haired blue eyed hero



You know what I’m talking about

A fucking leaf

It's already been leaked bro.

They're making a Sand Lot 3 where the lead is the female dating a black dude, and cucking the other boy's on the team.

the other boy's drink onions, and are bernie supporters as well.

Bernie appears out of nowhere, and helps the boy's realize that they're actually girls.


>rip off of the bad news bears
>which had a female player
goddamnit user you are full on retarded

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I respect this stance

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Rated Alt Right

shooting fireworks out of your asshole while other people are watching is actually very based and redpilled

Remember when he poured beer up his asshole and then they took a plunger and pulled it out?

unfortunately, I do. those faggots fucked up alot of kids

Or when he takes a shit on the toilet in the hardware store while reading a newspaper? “Oh I’m sorry, I’m almost done.”

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checked. absolute favorite was hotwheels butthole guy.

When he sticks the car up his asshole and then goes to the doctor for X-rays?

You play ball like a girl.

Imagine the lifeguard scene but with the genders reversed.

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ryan dunn I think? fuck it I think he is kill now

>OP will shoot up his school over a dumb movie
sad, honestly

School? I am 29 years old.

They even got themself a tyron in the girst row next to the woman. Truly a progressive movie we can be happy about such beautiful times we live in


You start hopping thru alternate realities, sometimes you forget which one that you’re still in.

>OP is 29 and still in high school
This is turning into a tragedy.

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A fair breaking point. May the tides be in your favor.

Have you not been paying attention?
Hollywood has never produced anything of value.
Don't pay attention to it.


I flew over this anons house and can verify.

imagine being so pathetic you go crazy over a nostalgia-bait film being remade with a gender flip.

I hope they make them all black, sassy and muslim just for you OP

>Nerdy girl sexually-assaults Chad Thundercock

For real. This is like people getting worked up over Caitlyn Jenner getting an award for woman of the year from ... Glamor magazine. It's Glamor! Who in God's name gives a dead horse's last shit about Glamor, which hasn't been relevant since it was a Seinfeld punchline!

Lol OP how does this $0yb0y interpretation make you feel


Sandlot was indeed a progressive film lol

livestream it

I truly believe they can't let a classic stand because they have a philosophy of disposability. Anything older than 5 years "must be remade for the modern audience" in their eyes. Notre Dame can't be left alone, all your favorite movies must be remade, cheap Chinese goods that break are what everyone must buy, everything must be quickly thrown away trash with no value so the shekels continue to flow.

Maybe actually do something that will make a difference instead of standing by while the things you disagree with force themselves upon your weak mind.