Break the stigma guys. It’s ok to open up

Break the stigma guys. It’s ok to open up.

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I want to lick Ocasio Cortez' eyebrows.

What if I want to be emotionally strong? do I get a choice under the new feminist regime?

Jesus what a faggot

Pooping makes me emotional.

>open up
>get ridiculed by women

This unironically.

Are you implying the men here are tumblrinas?
For real tho yeah guys you can feel. Cry on your woman's shoulder we love it. But the second you start whining in public it's over for you virgins.

chad 101

>how to tell if a kid was raised by a single mom and no positive father figures

Gay Nigger faggot shitty titty dick fucking Nigger shit faggot cunt cunt bitch ass titty fuck ass titties bitch
Poopy poopy shit fuck out my asshole onto your mouth and gay Nigger faggot Eat it shitty titty bitch fuck

Have sex

Whenever I open up people tell me I can't say such things in public.

My emotions are telling me to beat you to death with my fists.

No u. Nigger. Gay nigger pussyboy.

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Get raped.

Rape is alright I guess.

Sometimes I pick my nose and eat my boogers when im alone desu senpai

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Sometimes i taste my earwax.

I've been deeply depressed for at least 10 years. I'm 26 now. I've gotten so good at hiding it I can actually push it deep enough to feign happiness most of the time.

Deep down I see society crumbling and don't even wanna work because it all feels pointless. I even just landed a great job.

Talking about your feeling is gay

I looked at the small image of that and read "IT'S OKAY TO GAY" and was confused. That is all I wanted to contribute.

Who the fuck says half of those things? "Men don't get depressed" is a phrase that has been uttered probably by literally no one ever.

Oh you too? Small world. Hang out with me buddy. I will cheer you up.

No, it's fucking not.
A man is supposed to be the foundation of a family. What happens when the foundation is weak? Everything collapses.
Men are meant to be strong, resilient, adaptive, and innovating for the betterment of their loved ones.

Imagine if your father were to cry in front on you. Would that give you a good impression of him?
Even if it was justified, will that not make you change how you perceive him?

Men are NOT women. Grow the fuck up, faggots.

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Feelings are for homos. If you are a guy who can't get his shit together then it's time for toaster bath. Man up or an hero, faggots.

>Be a submissive, emotional white cuck while we take your country from you via mass immigration and diversity hires.


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It was obviously created by a woman who doesn't know jack about the average man's experience. One who doesn't know and doesn't care to know.

Shit I wish I still had my friends to hang out with. One friend moved to Tennessee, the other one Indiana, and I just moved back down south to Kentucky from NH.

Where you from my dude?

Brohug. I want a blumpkin for time efficiency but my girl won't go near the bathroom when I take a dump. I think she needs to man up

i'd say tits or gtfo but you could probably just link me to your pornhub videos


Haha! My blue haired (not old, dyed) female dentist told me to man up when she was drilling because she didn't want to wait for the Novocaine.

i love crying thinking about the eco-fascist takeover
desu vult~~~~

this is the gayest thing I've seen all week

What's this girl's name?

>open up
>get hurt again
Never listen to roasties who say to open up. These retarded cunts hate any sign of weakness and are shit testing you. Always lie to women.

Ok you got yourself a crying pass. Cry in public as much as you want. Also change your dentist faggot.

This. Its sad that older generations of women will brainwash young men with this shit only to be called a pussy by girls their own age. You ever wonder why alot of guys despise women and not trusting them as far as they can throw them after they become adults?

I just want a friend to reject degeneracy with.

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>wanting your gf to man up
are you gay or something bro?

She presses her boobs on my head while she's drilling, user.

can confirm was the best part of dentistry as a teenager

>you're allowed to hurt

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stay away from the Midwest, we deserve a second chance >:(

The thing is that women are the ones saying all those shitty things to him in the first place.

But if you open up it'll be used as a weapon against you.

Ok that justifies your choice.

Hey Kentucky is alright. It's Colorado for me. And I get that. It can tough when friends move away. But you can make more. My humble advice: You have to be willing to get out there and meet new people. But don't expect others to make the first move for you, since everyone is as uncomfortable as you are. So you have to become the initiator. Also accept that you will fail sometimes and just move on from it quickly and don't dwell on it too much. Eventually you will have good friends around you.

I really have a deep seat and genuine hatred for America.

My country isn't perfect, far from it. But compared to the Jew-controlled, degenerate violent filthy shithole that is the US, I would say it's pretty good over here.

Americans pretend to be the biggest freedom-loving patriots in the world but worship their Jewish owned corporations, their lying corrupt politicians that are blatantly in the pocket of the Jews and don't even hide it, and their police force who they bootlick every time they a kill unarmed person.

America is responsible for all the degeneracy or at least spreading it too mainstream. Multiculturalism, the trans movement, third wave feminism, a nigger for a president, political correctness, allowing Jews to control the banks and media, fast food that is making the world more obese and stupid etc.

A truly shithole country with equally shithole people.

Anime is for niggers and faggots

Men used to have a perfectly fine outlet for their emotions - beating their wife. betafag pussy worshippers had to go and make that illegal.

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>I really have a deep seat

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