It's always been a class issue that's been obfuscated as a racial issue by those in power...

It's always been a class issue that's been obfuscated as a racial issue by those in power. Wealth inequality will only get worse if something doesn't change with how much power the wealthy have.

Attached: fo33jajjec431[1].jpg (960x512, 68K)

careful, shlomo. class warfare inevitably becomes war against the jews

Chicago School, neo-liberalism is what caused this. It is literally a Jewish invention.
The Jews are a minority so that reasoning does not work.

cool it with the antisemitism buddy

I don't blame the minorities. I blame a single minority.

I'm pretty much thinking Jews are a minority OP.

Isn't this guy fucking rich?
Why the hell should i listen to him?

These kinds of posts are so fucking deceitful it makes me spit. My wages since 1978 have increased by 5.7%? I wasn't fucking born yet in 1978, I didn't have a fucking job until a few years ago. My income has increased from $0 to $40k/y in a span of like 3 years. My boss also makes barely over $200k/y because this isn't a giant company and he can't afford a bigger salary than that.

Fucking socialist scumbags always obfuscating reality by talking in broad statistics that are not applicable to 99% of people who now work.

Class is a function of your breeding

Nice truism.

what's the issue here? am i missing something?

kys david

It's also time to stop blaming your boss for his success, go out and get yours or shut the fuck up.

Yankovich? Hopefully his grandparents got fried in the holohoax

Just be your own boss lol

>1 post by this ID

It means the salary of your average CEO has increased by 937% while the salary of your average wagecuck has increased by 5.7%.
Blue pilled kike scum

Ehhhh both are to blame. "minorities" will work a shitty, low skill minimum wage job their entire lives and make no fuss about it and bosses will make more profit because of it.
Problem is, "minorities" are low IQ and do shitty work.

That's funny, have they also been importing 100s of thousands of CEOs yearly from third world countries to compete in the labor market? Is this post suggesting an increased SUPPLY of labor into the market that outstrips DEMAND puts no downward pressure on wages?
Asinine shit like this is what results when the entirety of your modern education comes in 200 words or less on social media.

1968 Immigration Act you dumb nigger. Chart is just LEGAL immigrants. And obviously doesn't include their children and the millions of ILLEGAL shitters.

Because of this the US population has literally DOUBLED in just 50 years.

>muh suppressed wages
>how did this happen
Gas yourself.

Attached: Immigration.jpg (1055x712, 149K)

That seems unfair since the rise of the internet and global brands like mcdonalds. Those few corporations and their CEOs make extremely high amounts of money which would tip the scales. Most business owners/CEOs salaries haven't skyrocketed like that.

This was my first thought, too. In reality, the tweet says very little, and I'm not in the mood to read some traitor's Twatter profile to find out who he's implying is at fault. I'm guessing capitalism as a system.
Wage suppression is an inevitable consequence of mass immigration. Both (((those))) who enable minorities to come and those minorities who take (((their))) deal are complicit.

>foreign investment,cant buy house
>moving production to China,ignoring trade deficit
>wages high? flood the market
>cant find a job loser?! go on welfare
I blame both but one more than the other, one corrupted the Government

Who the fuck has been working for the same boss for 40 years?
Did you, at age 20, start working for your buddy who's just 25?
Then you're a dumbfuck for staying there.

That's because there's a fuckton more CEOs than in the 70s.
If there's 100 people and 10 make a million dollars, and 90 make 100, the average CEO makes 100,000 dollars.
Which is 99,900 more than most CEOs actually made.
The CEO market has exploded in the past 40 years, but the worker market has not.

Immigration is a tool to decrease salaries. That jew is a piece of feces, of course.

The average CEO was not even born in 1978 you turd. Nor were they CEOs their entire careers. You are trying to create a false narrative of class warfare by pretending like CEOs are some kind of distinct tribe and working class people are a distinct tribe, but they aren't. You're talking about jobs, not people. People change jobs all the time. 10 years ago the current CEO I work for was in college with an annual income of $0. He got his first job making less than I do now. Now he makes about 4x my salary because he's CEO. In 5 years I will probably be making 2x my current salary because I don't plan to stay at this job.

Cause, holy shit, it turns out people aren't tied to a fucking class because it's not the fucking 19th century any more you dumb fucking socialist.

I've always blamed the jews

You two are fucking illiterate

You're a fucking moron obfuscating reality with your bogus use of statistics. Averages mean fuck all because they do not apply to actual people.

>stop blaming minorities

The ones they imported to drive down the cost of labor and make sure three's so much competition I can't get a living wage? Fine by me, I can blame the fat cats, BUT THEY STILL HAVE TO GO

So get a better job you stupid piece of shit. My boss won't give me a raise? Find a different job that pays more. It's worked for me, and I see no reason it won't continue to work in the future.

Muh class

>tfw my income has risen infinity% since I made $0 in 1978

CEO's are a distinct tribe. That tribe is called wasps, and they live as an adjunct to the jews who control finance. wasps are bred for upper management, largely by treating family life as a business. Have you ever seen a wasp family IRL? They will literally do things like "formal potluck gatherings" and "family photoshoots" in business casual attire. Being a CEO comes naturally to them because they have no soul.

Newflash: when your income increases, you most likely becoming boss yourself.

luckily for normal whites the heroin epidemic took out some of their offspring though

>Jew says to stop blaming minorities