A Martin Luther Koon statue will be defaced tomorrow

Mark my works niggers. You've gone too far. Coon dog is coming down somewhere on America. Watch 6pm news on Tuesday est. for the finale.

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Wacha doin rabbi?

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Doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit... On mine craft.... Dpitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit.... On mine craft... Steamitstreamitstreamitstreamitstrramit... On Jow Forums.....streamitstreamitstreamitstreamitstreamit.... On Jow Forums...POLITICS IS AWESOME. Those fucks getting away wuth defacing civil war 1 statues need paid back. Otherwise they'll feel they can do whatever dindu nuffin thinks he can. Maybe a minecraft thermite fire.? That make got shot in the 60s by his own black people because he undermined their inner power structure; statue, melt. Fast.

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have fun user

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Thank you user! Long live the white race!

If you just damage it and write racial slurs, then you're a fucking idiot that would be better off (for everyone really) not doing it at all.

Deface the statue by highlighting the gray morality of human beings. Instead of writing shit like "Nigger", "1488", "KKK", swastika-in-error; write shit on him like "Adulterer", "Rape Apologist", "False Shepard", etc. and everything the FBI got on him.

Make the Far-Left question their belief to think it's OK to determine a person's entire life by a few evil actions and ignore all the other good they did.

Fuck that write 1488! Fuck these niggers! Time to fight back!

Paint his face tawny and put a red dot and turban on his head so the bleggs get mad at pajeets

This thread glows in the dark.


Well, writing 1488 and nigger would be low IQ.

Gotta fight the Jews better than that's user.

Fair enough

Unironically spraypaint "he was a rapist"
On it. Then we can compare it to the confederate statue that the nigs sprayed "they were racists" on.
It will highlight the fact that the media thinks racism is worse than rape

This guy is either summer or a shill.

based you know how many historical statues they have taken down without any arrests.

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This, a false flag and a counter false flag in the hope the race war will kick off.

If you were smart you'd spray paint "RAPIST" and "THE FUTURE IS FEMALE" on it. Then people wonder why feminists are defacing MLK statues and they get redpilled on that audio recording of MLK laughing while his buddy rapes some chick.

Or you could just write nigger on it and serve the Zog.

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Just put up flyers of the fbi rape dossier on it. Cover it head to ground with it.

>defacing MLK
Not possible. He was the original Mr Potato Head.

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Good Idea, but 1488, and nigger still strikes fear into the mudbloods and race traitors considering they know we are still here.

Put a Sworstika and Hale Hotler on it so the Jews will be blamed for it.

tag it with something like "rapist" to make it look like you're a #metoo leftist faggot
Get the leftist outrage mob to want to take them down and in fight with other faggot leftists that want him to stay cause he was a civil rights nigger

>nigger still strikes fear into the mudbloods and race traitors

No it doesn't, at least not at this current level. All it does is give propaganda fuel for the Far-Left opposition. Only time it really does strike fear is when actual RL Right-Wing death squads/mobs start roaming.

You are goddamn stupid. Nigger or 1488 strike no fear.

Plus fear is transient. Turning MLK into the next Bill Cosby would cause chimpouts and a massive divide within the leftist subgroups.

Go hang yourself you low IQ faggot.

Whenever they show the bell curve of white IQ distribution, you’re on the far left.

save this thread for the fbi plz.

Just hang a bucket of KFC from his arm and call the local news as soon as youve run off.

Doing god's work.

MLK was a jewish puppet.

are you going to paint it black?

Checked. Based and stonespilled


You are forgetting the demographics are changing and we still have the population advantage. We don't want a slow defuse that takes 20 years to actualize, because by then the majority of people will be mixed in some way.

We need a bomb ready to detonate right now; and accelerating it by making far leftists impose more and more draconian laws is one of the only solutions imo. That way social collapse happens a lot faster.

or just put a clown wig on it, no need for any vandalism

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At the end of the day. It doesn't matter if you vandal something. It will mean you will go to jail or prison. But the bigger issue is that since there is a growing support of his statues, name-plates, street/road names might be getting replaces since there is a growing support of removal since he was an enabler of rape culture.

No bro, we want the leftists to create ridiculous laws so social collapse happens a lot faster.

The jews will win this war if they get another 50 years of subversion and racemixing.

Something needs to create mass social conflict and fast, none of this gradual shit.

demographics don't matter as long as we never get campaign finance reform

Ok, have fun with your false flag FBI.

You are following up with your earlier stupid post with an even stupider post.

You think someone writing nigger on MLK will awaken the masses? Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

You must be the cool edgy that engraves swastikas into every rest stop bathroom in America.

Holy shit. Seriously go makeout with your shotgun dude.

Cops are fucking stupid ass retards
No one is going to jail, bootlicker

i dont much care for niggers, but MLK was pretty fuckin cool. watch some of his videos of him walking down the street with people yelling and screaming at him on every side. He had courage atleast to stand up against everyone. why dont you go find some retarded nogs who deserve it to fuck with instead, theyre not hard to find.

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>Make the Far-Left question their belief to think it's OK to determine a person's entire life by a few evil actions and ignore all the other good they did.
This. Cut them with their own blade. I like it.

yeah right lib which gated community safe space are you gonna find a mlk statue to false flag pussy

>announce your plans ahead of time
Your gonna fail.

> Mark my works niggers. You've gone too far.
why is this board filled with such edgy cunts

>beats women
>commits adultery nonstop
>conspires with Cuba
Yea, he sure was cool alright. Basically just another nigger.

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sometimes women deserve a good beating. they're people too.

And that makes you just another nigger too.

I wouldn't be sure about that fren. A comment on a forum or youtube channel can warrant the FBI to come pay you a visit. So, Take it to heart. Yes, I do agree pigs are retarded and porkers, but the point being to OP is that if you do something knowing it's predestine to come down from growing support of the removal of MLK since he was a Rape enabler. It will be pointless to vandal and do something stupid. It's not worth the headache from it. Let those around do the tearing down. It took years for Bill Cosby to fall from grace. It won't take long to take down something else PC thugs will do. Just sit back, grab a bag of popcorn and watch the show. Life today is a fucking act after all. A bad, C-rating Hollywood bad-act. So, sit back and enjoy it.

what does?

>Martin Luther Koon
You misspelled "Looter"

Beating women you absolute nigger.

They do matter, because at the end of the day; buereacracy isn't what starts revolutions. There is no way in hell we will be able to restructure our society with harmful (jewish) elements still subverting it. The only way we can remove them and then start rebuilding our society is through overwhelming violent force.

Ok i bookmarked this thread

Lol I think you are a bit triggered.

I can provide you with my reasoning;

It's simply because calling MLK a "false shepard", or "rape apologist" might have an affect on some people within the political party. However if you look at the majority of people nowadays in first world country's they are okay with migrants coming in and raping their daughters so do you really think that pointing out that MLK was a rapist is going to change their political beliefs? They are too far gone and must be exterminated with extreme violent force.

Don't forget to mention he was a plagiarist.

You’re glowing

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Just say king you dumb fucking nigger holy shit

What else do you know?

Oh and try defacing a communist that isn’t also adored by the boomer right while you’re at it you idiot

Loctite a dildo in his ass and mouth .

Where did you get that from? Watch some 50s-60s movies, white people smack women all the time when they flip out, and usually deserve it. Beating people when they deserve it isn't a nigger only thing, where did u pick that up from? You sound like a hippie pussy

I'm superhuman due to radiation poisoning and thats a good thing.

Do you not want a race war?

Summertards please go

Could some crafty bastard bondo a dick coming out of his mouth? Granted. It's no deep political statement, but id lol.

No. With the rape revelations this motherfucker is vulnerable. His reverence on the right is superficial as fuck and won't make a difference. Fuck him.

Deface it posing as antifa calling him a rape apologist and mysoginist.

eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

Exactly, everyone on this board should read Might is Right. It literally changed my life.

This. Rapists are just as bad as Confederate racists right guys?