@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>SoS Pompeo meets w/Italian DepPM Salvini 6/17/19
>CommSec Wilburine on Bloomberg 6/17/19
>CommSec Wilburine on CNBC 6/17/19
>HHSSec Azar @USGLC Annual State Leaders Summit 6/17/19
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on F&F 6/17/19
>America1stPolDir Ellis on FBN 6/17/19
>StateDept Press Brief (Morgan) 6/17/19
>Pres Trump on ABCNews 6/16/19 (pt1) (pt2) (pt3)
>Is-ra-hell PM Bibi unveils Trump Heights 6/16/19
>SoS Pompeo on FoxNewsSun 6/16/19
>SoS Pompeo on FtN 6/16/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 6/16/19
>Happy Birthday Mr President 6/14/19
>ArmyVideo: Army Birthday 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on Health Coverage for Small Biz 6/14/19
>Pres Trump on F&F 6/14/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


according to drumpf more are being detained in our southern borders


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>Trump vows removal of ‘millions of illegal aliens’ starting next week

Imagine if this is the crown jewel of the rally. Holy Shit.

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Retard Trump does nothing as his supporters get slaughtered

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Winning Big League!

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The church of N.E.E.T.:
1. never ever associate with niggers, or humans for that matter.
2. work makes you gay. actually just going outside is gay because 100% of faggots go outside.
3. GBP, as they are earned, each must give 10% weekly for the tendie meal at McDs
4. Must not watch, but finish, one entire season of anime per week.
5. 3DPD is strictly forbidden. not only is going outside the big gay, but if one WERE to come to your house, you are to shoo them away unless for cleaning/tendie purposes.
5. You must have, but not publicly disclose, at least (1) loli waifu. disclosure = excommunication = the big gay
6. Only salty snacks are proper for the big cola. mixing fruity with soda of any type is forbidden.
7. drain your piss bottles at least twice (2) per week. too many piss bottles clutter your area, which is better served for manga and figurines.
8. mommy does NOT know best. she is a woman, and even worse, a 3DPD, but treat her well unless she stops giving tendies/GBP.
9. remember, only working people (gross) shower, and thus you can only touch the shower twice (2) per week, unless you are cleaning it (dry) for GBP.
10. GBP cannot be traded for interest. However, it is strongly encouraged to save them for big spending like your favorite visual novel.
11. If punished, endeavor to have "quiet time" to reflect, this will give you an opportunity to read manga.
12. Underwear is meant to be worn no more than three (3) days. If you must, turn inside out for extra longevity.
13. Tell your mom that any packages at the door are for your literature club you post to online.
14. absolutely NO boing boing wahoo but slice slice kill is okay.
15. thots never ever, especially brittany venti

anyone that can adhere to this list will be greeted with 72 lolis in heaven
*addendum: keep your hands off my pure chiaki

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>A woman in England who recently celebrated her birthday requested a cake decorated with a picture of her favorite singer, Mariah Carey. However the birthday girl was probably feeling emotions when she saw the result, which was topped not with the singer of "Hero" but with the face of one of science's heroes: Marie Curie, who conducted groundbreaking work on radioactivity.

>As a cake topper, the renowned scientist looked "very festive," said writer Harriet Alida Lye, who tweeted a photo of the cake on June 14.

>Carey's prowess as a musician is notable: She is a world-renowned recording artist who earned five Grammy Awards since the release of her debut album in 1990.

>However, Curie's accomplishments are arguably just as cake-worthy. She discovered the first evidence of radioactivity, a feat that in 1903 earned Curie and her husband Pierre Curie the Nobel Prize in Physics, which was awarded jointly with the French physicist Henri Becquerel.

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Niggers piss me off

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Who are you voting for in 2020?


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furthermore I can't really name any famous women with the name Sarah other than that hateful kike "comedian"

who knows, maybe "Sarah's" make ideal submissive housewives

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>next week
>trump deporting 1 million illegals

where are they storing all these people
is this going to be a regular occurrence?
whatever the answer, im excited

>"That's nice but I'm not paying for it."

What would a /ptg/ anime be like?

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Goodnight friends

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Fake news, nigger. There are no whites in Baltimore.

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Imagine if he actually follows through for once

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white heroin addicts are worse than niggers

you haven't had to live with them i'm sure.
>its worse than you think

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>Trump admits ICE has done nothing for two years while he failed to stop an invasion that has added more than a million more
Weird sell, but all right.

You think Trump deserves my vote?

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Who are you voting for in 2020?

ALL the Squatemalans who previously claimed asylum will soon be eligible for instant deportation. Then it's just a matter of dealing with the backlog of Salvadoreans, Nicaraguans somehow but hey.

Please please for my birthday on thursday have cali get slammed by the big one and wash all the illegals back to mexico
Is it really too much to ask

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Thread theme

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Disappointing and repetitive

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>baltimore sucks
>trump did this
based retard

idk user. I'd rather date a "Sarah" than a "Montana" or "Dakota" or some other hipster parent name. Also, pretty sure "Jennifer" is the most common name. It is the "Mike" of female names.

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In regards to the case of those two lesbians who cut the penis of the son of one of them off and then murdered him afterwards, one of them is registered member of the Brazilian Communist Party.

I agree with this, you KNOW to avoid nigger areas, but you can be out in the countryside and get knifed in all white area just because you did not know that white guy was a fucking meth head

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Lots of hats.

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You guys ready to btfo some mudSLIMES in Iran? Based Trump owning libs again WOOP WOOOP

with a LOT of filler

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>Then it's just a matter of dealing with the backlog of Salvadoreans, Nicaraguans somehow but hey.
If it's retroactive their asses are gone too, because they had to pass through Guatemala to get to the US.

My response is limited, but the changes in international recognition and designation are not something to scoff about in Central America. Even if the caravans keep coming, Guatemala declaring themselves an official Safe Third Country means Border Patrol and ICE can automatically deport anyone crossing who isn't a Mexican national (Mexicans tend to not be the major crossers aside from drug smuggling operations).

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Nigger, you stupid

Imagine my surprise

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jus convert fren

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> not naming your daughter Le-a
> (Ledasha”)

I'm not voting for president white genocide, fuck Trump

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Who are you voting for in 2020?

Shoplifters of the world
Unite and take over

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>ANOTHER fucking episode of him arguing with Hiki?

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Biden might build a wall, Trump never will

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(((He))) wants us all to just not vote so Dems win by default.

Usually this is the part where you explain how and blow yourself the fuck out.

I know. Asking them who they're voting for is kryptonite to them though. You can see him squirming.

i top all the character polls, the creators can't help but put me in everything

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>Who are you voting for in 2020?
The campaign employee go to when you have nothing left.

who are you voting for in 2020?

>This picture is totally real: Mexicans took a selfie as they climbed up a ladder and broke their ankles dropping down the other side.
>N-no wait, they must have brought two ladders!

Oooh you got me, I love kikes now

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yeah I guess sticking out isn't necessarily good
conforming to small town whitesville lifestyle is definitely an attractive quality
Those "people" would stab their own mother for a $10 bag, it's a fucking disease

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and who are you voting for in 2020?

Socialists in Brazil protecting the environment by burning tires, a mother of 8 kids was killed by having a health condition through inhaling the smoke while she was on traffic going to work on last Friday

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the horsefaced broad from sex in the city was sarah I think

Tulsi, she might build a wall

Who are you voting for? Answer me, kike!

and that has worked when?
actually gross.
not like heaven-sent pic related

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No, really. You are the stupidest nigger ever
Possibly the stupidest nigger on all of Jow Forums

>mass deportations
>still bleating where's muh wall

you are an unbelievably stupid bastard m8

Answer the question, Shareblue.

>I just don't get why they keep airing the same episodes over and over again. It's completely redundant when the one with the Trump hats wins every single time!

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Who are you voting for?
Or are you just an "accelerationist"?

>and that has worked when?
I didn't say they were smart. I just said that's their strategy.
If they were smart, they wouldn't be leftists.

echoing in the pit of shills.
you wont get an answer
so stop replying

O miles of wall, huh?

are you ok with her being a member of a hindu cult?

Charge them all with manslaughter.

Is someone upset I made fun of their replacement dad?

>last 2 episodes of a season feel like Gainax/Trigger because some random hobo comes in and starts schizophrenically screaming about shit that hasn't been in the entire series

Considering they're felons of one form or another it's just a matter of time and energy for ICE to remove them. Maybe some more free donut scams

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>changes in international recognition and designation
The letter of any of these agreements is a distant second to the political will needed to do mass deportations. Every time something 'harsh' or 'mean' is proposed it has been walked back in exchange for promises of some imaginary future 'humane' solution. It's getting very tiresome. We'll see I guess.

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>shills: we need accelerationism, make things worse, that will wake up the white race!
>same shills: waaahhhhhhh why are bad things happening, stupid zionist trump

Is this the mental illness general?

Remember a decade or so ago when it was predicted Brazil was going to grow into a huge economy but the socialism completely held it back?

Whoever builds a wall, since Trump refuses

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Pretty much. No one ever comes in and offer solutions, they just shittily attempt to demoralize.

>Blake Lively
>Girls with boys names

>Girls with boys names who also happen to be tomboys
absolutely top tier patrician fetish

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>Tulsi, she might build a wall
A wall of thicc perhaps

me want smol milkies

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Omg. Is this real. Is he going all the way

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think you've been reading too many of the non-canon doujinshis, because i've never lost an argument from the day i was conceived

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>Whoever builds a wall
Who is that?

lol which shill are you talking about

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It stopped being Real Socialism® the second it does was socialism always does: fail!

>these are the people on Jow Forums calling americans "mutts"

>Biden might build a wall,
He's literally running on stopping what Trump is doing.

Yep, the dumbest nigger on Jow Forums

>tulsi might build a wall
Lmao apparently you don't know her positions very well. Shes an open borders cunt who is also anti-assimilation and considers the current state of borders (circa 2015) to be "fine"

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This is what we call damage control.

>Legalize dog blowjobs

yes, welcome fren

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lula was the guy who made brazil relevant

Yup, upset over a man he's never even met.

Next week huh?