Alex Jones

>“It is worth noting that if the Jones Defendants had engaged in even minimal due diligence and actually reviewed the materials before production, they would have found the images themselves,” the document reads. “Because the Jones’ defendants did not do that, they transmitted images to the plaintiffs that if they were knowingly possessed is a serious federal crime.”
That's he's a distributor now. I don't know what to say to anyone that still supports him.

So now Jones is a distributor? This is serious jail time.

Attached: 787877878.png (405x402, 317K)

Other urls found in this thread:

So they turn over a database of 9 MILLION emails and wowzers someone sent CP to their email.. imagine that. You can't control who send you anything and with that many emails you can't go through it all. Well unless you're Comey and need to let Hillary off the hook again.

Tell the retards that, they magically find that email within hours of receiving a database of 9 million emails and found that special one that infowars never opened or knew was there

Mans a degenerate... does it surprise you?

Attached: jones trapped.png (368x415, 139K)

Let him off the hook he was obviously set up.

The FBI Already concluded they never viewed or had any intent behind it as the email was never opened or scanned, yet this kike lawyer magically found the file within hours? the kikes themselves sent the porn to their email, i'd bet my house on it, was sent days prior to them filing the fucking lawsuit as well

Yeah and lawyers put trap porn on his phone... which he showed to people voluntarily.

100% degenerate.

Attached: jones.png (1024x776, 1.16M)

Kike Adblocker is also blocking every video but their live stream on infowars

>if they were knowingly possessed
so Alex didn't commit any crimes?

Attached: watch it kike.jpg (244x207, 13K)

No one's falling for this shit.

Pretty fucking sure the FBI going over it and not immediately arresting him is proof retard, let me guess Drumpf told them to not charge alex for receiving emails

None the FBI said he was the victim and was sent child

FBI 100% Cleared him now the kike lawyers for the actors from Sandy hook are trying to use it for influence because they are trying to win a lawsuit against him which theyre losing badly.

And the trap porn just randomly appeared on his phone. CP is just a few steps further down the ladder of degeneracy.

Attached: trap jones.jpg (699x973, 209K)

based tranny discordfag. well meme'd.
don't you fucking dare deny this shit for him... weaponized autism revealed this is legit.

Attached: top congrats.png (330x1702, 155K)

AND the child shit was only viewable in the fucking metadata as well, fucking disgusting

Alex Jones - next whitehouse press secretary. Checkem

Fuck off kike shil

The FBI was informed 7 weeks before infowars retard they concluded 12 emails were sent with coded CP that was an attempt to infect his servers with child porn maybe you should do your research kike. It was coded into the metadata of emails sent to the infowars email

He’s cleared by the fbi. Don’t buy this kikery.

>weaponized autism revealed this is legit.
What weaponized autism?

Did you forget where you are?

the kike thinks hes subverting us, let him keep playing along its fun to play spot the kike, its like spotting a cockroach before it scurries under the fridge after turning on a light

shills sure are desperate

wait, explain. How did they put cp in the metadata of an email?
if it was a link then how did anyone even find that it was in there?

have sex

>500 AJ threads in a few hours after news breaks
Be a bit more subtle next time, Moshe.
