Zomg this is nothing like the fps games i played lmfao!!!!!!

zomg this is nothing like the fps games i played lmfao!!!!!!
>gets handgunned by feds from 150 feet away

you suck at terrorism, Jow Forums.

Attached: 006C420F-30C7-4973-A6F6-42C1AF1CDA4C.png (1248x1688, 2.33M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lol what is that retard even doing

what a fag

This dude stinks of Antifa

>shit talking a dead person
Oh aren't you a hardcore badass? lol

Did he actually intend to kill anybody?

Fake and Gay. This is just a film shoot for Sam Hyde's new movie.

Was he forced to do it?

I'm not a terrorist. I am merely watching the collapse.

Attached: Watch_it_burn.jpg (480x357, 26K)

Hebrew looking.

lol retard

Maybe he just wanted the pain to stop.

>you suck at terrorism, Jow Forums
whatever you say, antifa!


video of shooting. i think you can hear him yell something after he is shot then he run away and collapse.

>you suck at terrorism, Jow Forums.
obviously, Jow Forums is a board of peace.

>you suck at terrorism, Jow Forums.

Well to be brutally honest, you guys are pretty shithouse at espionage

The dude dressed in armor and an Anime pillow. He was a loser.

ex-military apparently.

>that sporterized barrel
>p mags
>Rick Morranis glasses
what the fuck? lmao

mpII optic ready

Attached: 1546596962855.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

shouldn't his hand be on the grip so he can return fire?

he was merely pretending! :^)

Can I get a quick rundown?

Yep, clearly a mossad agent. They let autistic army dropouts into the mossad all the time.

>Entire shooting was staged
>Shooter was under direct control (mentally, physically, and spiritually) of the Bogdan-

What shooting?

>dpms oracle
>no front sight
>airsoft $10 sight

haha what

Lmfao, this.

Feds forgot to scrub the (you)s from the screenshots in the search warrant they filed against 8ch and got caught red handed fed posting. Some tripfag from Jow Forums a long long time ago took pictures of the building where the shooting happened through his guns optic without the gun and posted it. That image was reposted a ton the last week so feds decided to use a false flag to frame the chans.

Attached: IMG_20190617_163629.jpg (1564x1564, 559K)

yep, the government will crush any peasant that dares to rise against it.

Meant for

Attached: glownigger_confirmed.png (1544x1926, 392K)

Image in question

Attached: 20151020_090905_2100x1346.jpg (2100x1346, 801K)

>Trying to personify Jow Forums

Go back to your tranny muslim loicence dystopian hellhole bong.

Attached: 1553429785051.jpg (1024x946, 206K)

he definitely looks like a lib who is larping as a terrorist

very much so.

I took this photo 20 mins ago. Cops have the block shut down

You already know too much abo

Attached: C5D58DCF-DFC0-4A04-B840-6ED53CA31217.png (1024x768, 227K)

Jesus christ even that danny phantom obsessed cringelord from /co/ at least got a few kills. How embarassing

Attached: 3514B25C-91E6-4866-AEC1-9AE21FA1E0A5.jpg (4032x3024, 2.43M)


Literal fake shooting
Why are feds so fake and gay?
Billions of dollars of infrastructure and training and the top intelligence agencies in the world and they are still so obvious with their false flag shootings.
Sloppy job CIA/FBI/mossad

Some complete autist in Texas attempted to shoot up a federal government building. Clearly had very little planning involved and it ended up being an enormous meme because he got shot like 5 minutes after the whole thing started

Shits funny as fuck but unfortunately this fag was probably one of us so of course the media is using is for propaganda purposes

what is “fake” about it? I watched the footage and also our buildings security footage of the shooting. You false flaggots are so tiresome

Quick rundown



Attached: 1560807689570.jpg (725x555, 221K)

Does anyone know where he got shot

if I could I would man. I have literally no idea how to do that

I’m sorry I’m retarded

Then just record the screen
Also you're good at gets aren't ya?

FYI black is horrible camo, and probably led to him getting shot right away.

memes are real

Don't forget the police almost killed the guy with the camera.

He missed every fucking shot he took and shat himself when someone returned fire

He deserves humiliation. This fucking retarded transfaggot doesn’t get the same respect as the worthwhile dead.

>Don't forget the police almost killed the guy with the camera.
Really? How, what happened?

He was hit from behind, from officers on the other side of the car park.

They almost hit the cameraman too.

>Look Jow Forums I'm going to do a Tarrant. Look at m-NO NO NO WAIT IT'S JUST A JOKE I DON'T WANNA DI- *gets shot in the head*

Attached: photo of the actual shooter.jpg (960x960, 117K)

Were they shooting from the upper left of the video? He looks like he gets shot in the back, while he's shooting into the doorway.

>you suck at terrorism, Jow Forums.
Christchurch would like to have a word.

See Watch the video of it.

Police were on the opposite side of the entrance. They almost hit the cameraman and also hit the shooter.

The shooter was shooting at security inside the building.

To the left in the video. He was shooting at security inside, but got got from behind.

You can see at least one round land near the cameraman.

you can’t upload vids to 4chin user.. I don’t know how to webm

What you mean “good as gets”?

Put it on streamable
Do you not know what gets are?

The most notable thing on our footage was the security firing at the dude, then people scrambling and running away. It’s not as juicy as you’d think.

No clue what “gets” are. Fill me in

Pol is a board of peace

you've gotten 2 already, summerfag doesn't know

Attached: 1547277066309.jpg (640x473, 30K)

Jfc, got a lower score than a fucking skinny ass Commie with a shit bolt-action. This guy is gonna get Naseem’d; memeory-holed by one side and rememebered by the other

Lurk moar

Attached: D9UHifIX4AAJjPo.png (725x555, 524K)

I’ve been on Jow Forums for a couple years and have ho early never heard that


god fucking dammit

So tired of these fucking noobs, learn how to shoot

Attached: 1261.png (424x543, 262K)

I love this edit

Attached: B263A9EB-34E8-483E-B9CC-F4B6EE5A3C06.png (960x902, 1022K)

Yeah I feel sort of bad for him. We were dreading him to show up at a perch downtown, a bar nearby and start drilling pedestrians and anyone in a suit. But to be fair he did have the nuts to try, in the middle of the day to get in the south entrance he posted all over the weapons board. We'd seriously didn't think he was gonna try to get in.

t. fed

Attached: dallas heeb.jpg (680x461, 101K)

>and got domed by a security guard
He didn't get shot in the head though?

>that duct taped on sling mount

no armor on the legs....pft amateurs

It does sound like he yells oh fuck or something.

Do not judge the peaceful majority by the actions of the violent minority.

This, he looks like a late-90's operator. Look at all those fucking mags.

>you suck at terrorism, Jow Forums.

Youre referring to Muslims, right?

I think that's when he gets shot in the chest

Dude from the Virgina beach was also an Ex national guard.
Wasnt that other church that was shot up ex air force?

If this was Jow Forums, they would've released his motive already. They only hide motives when it doesn't fit their Jewish narrative.

whats up with his boots. it looks like hes wearing some shitty $10 payless boots

Hey FBI, how are things today?

yes. new mexico air force base. probably part some illegal got in trouble


Yeah I don't get that
If you're going out and you know this is it for you, why not get yourself the nicest gear possible? You won't need the money tomorrow.

He's no Brenton Tarrant that's for sure.

Busy day, but not so bad man, thanks for asking.

Attached: ED38650C-D25B-4006-AC03-E91F5A8E1DE6.jpg (598x662, 85K)

What motherfuckers like Earnest and Clyde don't get is Tarrant PLANNED FOR YEARS
Their shitty two week op is destined to fail
I bet Clyde never set foot in that building

his whole look like a bad cosplay

Clyde probably got the address mixed
>wait a second this doesnt look like the middle school.

Attached: stan.jpg (360x360, 38K)

Guys. Read my posts. I believe that thw ahooter did post on here but there is also more. Ive been here all day. There are at least two others that are posting in a bot, shilllike fashion to promote this. This theead never would have made the first page, where I found it this morning.
think there is outside involvement. Likely Russian.
In the posts not attributed the man himself, these two not only hyped this thread in an awkward way, they continued an odd pattern of posts to keep this thread alive. Look at the parallel language and style. pol does not talk like that.
Look at the memes chosen in these posts. Not even a fucking clown.
While I believe Brian may have been motivated by hia own beliefs and reasons, I believe that there are other forces at work here that may have provoked him.
The original link leads to a Tarrants Lads group In russian.
He may have been rightfully upset with the way the world is, but he may have been manipulated into this by something that is not.
I’d blame Mossad, the CIA and FBI too, but this time I am not so sure. We know all three of them can meme because we are shilled all day long by them.
He chose a crappy pistol. Anyone would have planned a litte more thoroughly. If BT is a hero to him as he describes, he would have learned from this mistakes, or at a minimun made an effort to emulate him and do the same. To walk in there completey unprepared with a single pistol sends off even more red flags,
This is very unusual. This is not the typical (((conspiracy))) and I am worried. I dont believe this is the end of this.
I hope some one else takes it upon themselves to investigate what I posted above as well.