$500,000 to find this nigger

melbourne is offering 500k to find a nigger who raped a 19 year old white girl in broad daylight. lets get rich Jow Forumsacks


Attached: find this nigger pol.png (1920x1080, 949K)

On it aussiebro

Ok, link to the live stream of his flag.


let it burn

I bet it costs less money to deport every nigger from rooland.

near impossible when all niggers look the same and they all rape

Where the fuck would they send the abos?

Based kneegrow


to hell

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One can only wonder if the 500k would be better used on migrants instead.

500k would indeed buy a lot of bullets mate

I'll do it for free. Give me 1 minute of airtime on national news to talk about it.
>One would think, that in these countries of great wealth, there would exist a very comfortable life for its people. When in fact, the opposite is the case.
>They talk about democracy when all that matters is this group of "democracy makers."
>Who only care about two questions, Are you willing to be plundered? Are you stupid enough, to keep quiet, while you are being plundered?

Bump we better promise to split the reward

>be me drunk off my tits walking down Brisbane train station
>just won big time on the tilers laptop
>see something going on at the carpark row
>literally 10 apes jump out of a car and harass some guy near them
>so drunk, i keep walking without hitting the brakes
>smoothly stroll pass and i nod at the niggers
>they simply say sup bro, you looking fly haha *monkey screeching*
>i get 10 meters away and they literally hit the guy that was there

i hate these fucking niggers, Australia was a lot safer when it was just heroin junkies and abos.

I'm willing to help, do you guys have any general records with pictures of previous criminal offenders in melbourne?

exactly the junkees kill themselves and the abos normally just hang around the valley sitting in their own filth and yell "oi got 2$ for a bus ride? nah? fuck u u whyte dawg"

Can some user give quick run down on what happened. I don't trust the (((media))) narrative

I got a solution for you bro, go to the local farming shop, get some reasonable amount of fertilizer from each store start stockpiling bomb ingredients for around a year. Then get a box or something that looks valuable from the outside chain it to a post in a bad part of australia with makeshift bomb (make sure you put metal fragments in the bomb to create max amount of damage through shrapnel). Then remote detonate it when a wild pack of niggers trys to swipe that laptopcase or w/e.

This type of stuff isn't hard to learn and you can remote detonate pretty far away as long as you have a good look at the target through a scope of some sort.

a nig followed a girl for a while then dragged her into a side street and raped her during the busiest hour in the cbd then legged it

now that's a glownigger post

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500k US or 500k kangaroo dollars?

poor girl. good for her speaking to the news about it.

I think the best use of the money is to give it to the black gentleman after he has finished his community service

We know for a fact The cause of all crime is racism and povrty so if he had more money he wouldn’t need to rape any more

Holy shit FBI /pol is board of peace...
Until the day of the rope when we kill all the traitors, glow niggers and regular niggers, in minecraft.

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Joke's on you faggot, I have an immunity cat that negates the effects of all "If you do not reply to this post..." posts. Also kill yourself.

It’s probably about 400K US

Also everyone should be scouring Australia social media. I'm 100% sure this dumb nigger has his photo on there somewhere with a profile probably as most of them do.

Fuck off FBI scum, I hope you all rot in hell.

Bet she came buckets and dreamt about it the night of and awoke to a her ruffled bed sheet submerged in vaginal secretions

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That feels when I get called glow nigger, but unironically just hate niggers and want a race war now.

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I like this idea , do you think we could get (((them))) on board?

So a Canadian was larping as a nazi. Nooooooo shit lol

Kek even glowniggers are insufferable newfags

Or just leave around bait shinies covered with a film of ca fentanyl and dmso
They touch they die

kys nigger. i'd do it myself, but you're so pathetic, it'd be a waste of my time

I see you think I am FBI my friend. That would actually be pretty cool, because I hear they make good money.

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lol me too, in minecraft. But /pol is board of peace. If one were to 'take action' it should be done as a lone wolf, in minecraft.

FBI incitement strikes again! See you in the other threat about MLK, you piece of garbage.

That actually seems like a better option. I legit am trying to think of the best way user's could not get caught and that might be better than explosives.

500k wanted dead or alive?

>I'd blame Mossad, CIA and FBI too [...] because we know they can all meme because we are shilled all day by them
cringe and ironypilled

Haha, I get called a glow nigger sometimes, but I find it really funny considering i'm legitimately not.

Idk why people think it, it's probably because of my RADICAL opinions on overwhelming violence solving most issues.

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It is all purpose anti nigger anti Jew cleaner

You can go to the synagogue and paste it on all of the car door handles

I am officially requesting that any and all FBI agents on this board help out with solving this case. Also, I would like the 500k roodollar reward money (minus 50k for myself) to be used to help all the Aussie Neets on this board.

>identify him
>news reports on it “user mcanderson helps find rapist, wins half a mil”
>basically get doxed and your winnings are known
>dudes friends are hunting you for snitching, also trying to rob your 500k
Hmm seems risky

fuck off glownigger

That is because you are a glow nigger, doing what glow niggers do.


women are whores and better off dead, that includes your mother and the nigger that fucked her, those genes still lurking in your little skull that will be set free when have you leaking on a slab of concrete, the curse is lifted and the cost is your life

No pity for ausfags.

agreed, ideally in a place with no street cams and if you can get the resources through non legit means it would be really hard to get caught.

Also i'm beginning to wonder if a lot of these people calling me a glow nigger are in fact glow niggers themselves considering they want to make Jow Forums a passive place where people only talk, but not act on any of their ideolgies. Makes you wonder; is Jow Forums non-violence the actual jew psyop?

ur details wont be made public

WOW youre glowing brighter than the sun

haha, for real i unironically wish I was an fbi agent because i don't have a job currently. That would be sick as fuck.

In that case I’m on it

Ahh, Australia, how far you’ve fallen in such a short amount of time.

Holy fuck glow nigger, you are radiating. Are you Special Agent Rod? Reason I ask, is your words are oddly familiar to his.

>That feels when I get called glow nigger, but unironically just hate niggers and want a race war now.
Haha! Me too fellow Anoon I just want us all to make bombs with PRESSURE COOKERS and possibly ASSASSINATE public figures of your respective nation. Haha 4channers these days are just too paranoid.
I certainly don't see anything strange with that, We do it all the time around here.

You know what we should all do? Post all of real addresses Haha! Wouldn't that just be epic sauce my guy

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Oh, it's 500k dollarydoos. Not interested

Lets see that flag



public figures would create too much social backlash. It would need to start off small with actually harmful elements like gang members and nigger thiefs.

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At this rate they should include a memeflag for glows

Hang it up FBIBro, you have been made.

$342,000 usd

That's actually my partner,

they call me Special Agent Roentgen considering I break all radiation measuring devices when they put them next to me.

I legitimately find it funny that you guys think i'm FBI.

However I appreciate the laughs this thread is giving me.

this idea is actually kind of frightening. i dont know if it would work (fentanyl or carfentanyl would need to be small enough a molecule to pass through the skin), and i doubt its easy to get fentanyls. if anyone were to do this, theyd also have to be careful not to put it on objects whites would touch. but obviously no one should do it at all, just wondering as a thought experiment if it would work.

500k aud is 400k usd

I could believe it. What the fuck is up with the absolute morons being tasked to cyber? I would guess though NCIS might be far worse. Those fucking dorks...

Fucking glowposters man. They're everywhere aren't they?

That award is for niggers that know said nigger

He'll be caught pretty quickly

Why do we care that some "refugees welcome" scag payed her toll?

Just put ca fentanyl and dmso in the parliament soap dispenser

There's a chance she might not have wanted them here.

Yeah, I know, modern young women and all that, but you know.


she was probably just a apolitical girl minding her own shit, that doesnt mean u deserve to be raped by a nigger

I have an IQ of 200 and i've learned theoretical physics when I was 12.

It's okay to be jealous of by big bold glow in the dark FBI brain.

The dmso is extremely skin soluable solvent
I guarantee you it would work
Shoot from watergun
Put on coins and throw them into the street around nog zonesc

Spare me your Jewish debt based currency. I will find this nigger out of pure passion

Just drop the flag and you wont have so many of these conversations.
I dropped the red white and black and have been better off ever since.
Trust me, we are all Hitlerists here, so no big deal.

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Did I mention that they are also teaching us in powers of telekinesis? You have to have at least 180 IQ to move objects with your mind.

I am currently a level 60 telekenetic sorcerer that has been dispatched as an FBI assassin. I take out high profile foreign agent resistance by puncturing their brains blood vessels with my mind. It appears as though they just had a regular stroke, but in fact it was me with my big brain powers.

Story sounds a bit suss

>nigger she fucked
cool, i'm not part of le 56%, faggot. my blood comes straight from europe, northern italy to be precise. not a dirty mutt like you. i feel sorry for your coal-burning whore of a mother, for being pregnant we you for 9 months, only to give birth to a retarded FAS faggot.

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Are you FBI faggots done raiding 8ch yet?

Attached: FBI Niggers.png (1257x813, 863K)

You know what you're doing is wrong. You could be responsible for many deaths.

They all look the same

Hey asio, what's new?

Not an abo. Looks like a recent import from africa.

that's $458,297.10 CAD, enough for 6 steaks...

Human death is my only concern

and as far as i know niggers aren't human.

Also literally anyone with above 115 IQ could easily figure this shit out. You act like the majority of pol is retarded or something (which i'm still unsure of at this point).

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Been breathing down our neck to create more right wing terrorists Nm man the mossads

How do you get raped in broad daylight? Sounds like click bait. Happened in the day sure but probably in some dark windowless room down an ally way with no foot traffic.

Or was it really in public with a bunch of onlookers doing nothing? There was a video of that from NYC I think.

We currently have a floating fortress above new zealand monitoring every conversation in NZ through complex radiowave synchroziation. We have over 2500 trained monkeys that are fluent in english deciphering the conversations to see if anyone is currently sharing more christchurch footage. That is our primary concern and will be our concern for the next year or so.

After that we will meet back in Israel to get instructions from the Zion Elders about our next objective.

Around blacks

If human death is your only concern, and African-Australians aren't human, then you can't be concerned with the death of African-Australians. So what is your real goal? The extermination of European-Australians?