Boomer Housing

How is this acceptable?

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He bought common area at a foreclosure sale and didn't research what he was buying. kek. See that shit all the time. Don't buy at foreclosure sales or tax auctions unless you know what the fuck you are doing.

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Just like this

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he should erect giant dildoes and other offensive decor until the neighbors buy him out

Put some posts and build up

Plant mulberry trees on it or something

Put a fence around it, move in with a lawn chair, and chill out. Maybe a neighbor would split wifi with you and let you use their kitchen. Put some tarps over the top. Cheap living.

Force the neighbours to remove their structures from your two foot wide strip of property and build the worlds smallest house between the two. Be extremely aggressive in defending your territorial domain. REEEEEEEEEEEEE don't step over my lawn!

>Put a big sign there saying “We Hate Niggers”
>Everyone thinks it’s the guys in the houses
>Lefty’s sperg Out and damage their property

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I like you

This. Keep the signs up until they agree to buy it back from you for $20k.

Stick 15 ft posts and build a tree house. Problem solved.

There is nothing wrong with boomers getting fucked by the kikery they've enabled and embraced for decades.

Nah it should be like three stories high just really thin, learn to live in two dimensions. There's room to lay down, too.

Put a billboard there.

Attached: jetsons-apartments.jpg (550x422, 184K)


Build a fence around it and shut the water valve off.

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Because the listing said "100 sq ft"
It's not the county's fault 2 first time bidders worked the price up to 9k because they didn't read anything.

It's 1 ft wide
Lawn chair won't fit.

There's a lot of mischief you can get up to with a footwide bit of land.

Where does poo poo and pee pee go? Plus crusty socks?

I'd literally set up camp on that strip and live on it, telling the occupants on either side that for just $9100 EACH, they can be rid of me for good.

Better yet, bamboo and kudzu, see which one wins out.

Winrar. Get a digital sign and change it to a new slur every day. Fuck it. A full fledged billboard.

If it's a foot wide it's not 100 square feet, it would have to be 100 feet long.

Even if they misread it, this is obviously malicious since the land is totally worthless.


Could you build a house on stilts?

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Nothing malicious about it.

The government did not get paid taxes for six plus years on that land, probably owned by both home owners. They put a lien on the property and sold it at auction to the highest bidder.

Stupid fucker bought it sight unseen for 9k, nobody's fault by his own.

Don't worry, he probably made out well overall helping governments steal other people's property.

Let's find out!

build a house on it and just sleep standing up sandwiched between the walls.

I'm trying to think of a single situation where neither the buyer nor seller is acting maliciously

>let's see if we can sell this useless strip of land to a fool
>hahaha, let's see if we can fuck with the homeowners somehow to sell this for a profit
No matter what, someone is being an asshole

Boomers just keep on winning.

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Exactly what a leaf would say.

id pace back and forth with a menacing look for hours on end. any inquiries would be met with "FUCK OFF". when they go to get in the car id stop walking and just stare intensely

That's actually a good idea

Not a problem.

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I work in local government and you’re an idiot. The dimensions of these properties are clearly advertised before they’re auctioned off. This dude didn’t do his homework.

So, you are saying he was being foolish? Acting the fool? Perhaps, even a fool?

Build a statue of hitlrr

Spotted an actual Jew today guys

>buy 100x100 advertised piece of land
>expect 10,000 SF property
>it's actually 100mmx100mm
>sorry bro shoulda done your hw lol

That isn’t how it works. They’re surveyed and mapped out.


yeah something like that for sure.


There's an easy fix to this. If it came with mineral and air rights he should start excavating and constructing really tall structures on his tiny strip of land until he becomes a major nuisance and somebody buys him out of the plot.

He could definitely get a good 100ft guard tower above a 200ft deep chasm going within a few months if he puts his back into it, and it could become a tourist site further annoying the neighbors.

Redpill me on what happened to California

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He prolly went by the address instead of reading the metes and bounds legal description.
Fence it in and raise skunks.