Hypothetically speakin

How big a force would you need to storm the Vatican and liberate all the libraries they “burned” through out history. Surely humanity deserves to know it’s real history. How armed are the Swiss guard? Do they have a military type force? Does the Vatican maintain their position via blackmail? How bad was the commie infiltration of the Catholic Church and what does that mean for this type of operation. All answers in Minecraft only pls, just curious.

Attached: 7EF37AB5-AA4A-40AE-B825-35D99A571828.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

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Also if this is what they admit to being in there what kind of documents are they hiding?

Attached: 675C2DEF-4696-458D-BCE8-55200BB31BED.jpg (1242x2065, 1.11M)

What kind of porn they hiding down there

child porn obviously

>he doesn’t know most of the good stuff are burnt and destroyed

Why would they keep a copy?

Moshi, it's better to tunnel in covertly and replace the books with fakes.

The future is bright if you support Lambright. I have no intelligence training, my posts prove it.

Attached: bigbrainlambright.jpg (710x594, 161K)

I'm sure a special forces tier crew could do it. My guess though would be they have lock down mechanisms set up for the libraries and wings with other artifacts. They could probably get in but not out.

C'mon Wayne...post the CIAyyylmao login on your desktop tabs again
Or maybe that greenhouse debacle is evidence of your lack of intelligence...and training

>the Vatican and liberate all the libraries they “burned” through out history.
Everything good is being hidden by those fucking pedos

Attached: pope hollywood van halen esoteric.jpg (736x885, 122K)

Swiss guard are heavily armed. It's not just the spears they wander around with.
Vatican archives are slowly coming online but you can go there and read from them if you have a reason like historians, theologians and not normies (so autists don't show up and accidentally tear 1000 year old manuscripts after spilling Mountain Dew on it and covering the pages with Cheeto dust).