USA intends to amend its laws against Huawei

>Under the amendment - seen by Reuters - companies on certain U.S. government watch lists, which would include Huawei, would not be allowed to seek relief under U.S. law with respect to U.S. patents, including bringing legal action over patent infringement.

>On June 12, a person briefed on the matter said Huawei had told Verizon that it should pay licensing fees for more than 230 of the Chinese telecoms equipment maker's patents and in aggregate is seeking more than $1 billion.
So that's how law and order works in America.

Attached: IMG_20190618_123717.jpg (1080x1738, 253K)

How many of you Hong Kong Chongs are armed? Will you start shooting chinks when they really start cracking skulls?

This guy has been accusing China of infriengement of US patents

Now that a Chinese company has patents, suddenly it's another story

Typical "it's ok when we do it"

Well go ahead then
I guess that means since Chinese patents are not respected, neither are others


China has never respected patents, has continually stolen from every single one of their trade partners and dealt in bad faith for decades. It is about time the west stood up to the thieving chinks.

>Hong Kong Chongs

Just like what USA did to UK.

You're confusing technology and patent, my mutt friend

You can steal a technology, not a patent
Owning a patent means even if other people know how to do it, they are not allowed to do it


Tiannamen square massacre.

The question is on what stolen technologies are your "patents" based? Everybody knows that HTC stole "their" technology from Cisco. So sorry, but no sorry, Chong

So America will copy Huawei's tech without being prosecuted.. Nice.

>About time we stood up for these Corporations who tolerated this behavior from China for decades and who destroyed its own nations middle class by moving production their.
100% only one winner here

Good, they rip off our stuff without recourse, time to start ripping them off.

That's Marco Rubio. He did the same thing with amnesty (gang of 8 bill)

ah jewish law, no thanks

This. Is. Based.

You are confusing something, my azn friend

U know the difference and u know for sure what is steeling. So if u think someone has to respect ur patents of stolen tech, u can go fuck urself


Fuck you chink, stop sending your retarded people over here just so they can perform some form of espionage and fuck off back home, it is annoying.

You are already spying them, they can spy you too.

I wish Nanking actually happened

>taking a sledgehammer to the foundation of patent law over a measly billion
everyone should be celebrating this