Living in DC, I stopped by pic related to check out the new exhibits. It was a complete wall-to-wall liberal shit show, ranging from tacky sexual perversions to depictions of women and colored people as the victims of the white man.

My question while walking through was, "where is the art from the right?". As important as it is to put yourself in a position of power in government, business, and STEM, there is immense power in media and art. These mediums influence the zeitgeist, and best of all, they require no degree or real expense to pursue.

There is no story telling from any other side but the left, only silence. Start creating something, Jow Forums.

Attached: joseophhhirshhornmuseum_1575x900_esto_02jpg.jpg (1600x915, 228K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums's only "artists" can't get over putting vhs filters over marble sculptures. good luck getting art out of an ideology that refuses to experiment in a meaningful way.

Attached: 800px-Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg (794x794, 496K)

I'm an artist, it's a real shitshow out there man. Most gallery directors are not going to accept anything overtly right wing. So you are limited to online

If you have any talent at all, you likely don't have time to create right wing propaganda, although this is what we really need

Not saying it will be easy, but if the left was able to subvert its way into academics, media, and art, then so can we. Subtly is key.

racism towards whites is not art

Was thinking about this earlier user. Thanks for the thread. Some skateboard art had some good anti-consumerist, anti-tech messages. Maybe art could be created like this but against tech censorship.

Attached: alien-workshop-exalt-the-new-god-1995.jpg (624x800, 49K)

I've thought about doing a futuristic series of battle scenes and propaganda poster style paintings that glorify fascism, but avoids natsoc symbols. So something like what the futurists did, but with actual skill.

Not very subtle but it could be cool. All of the men will be Aryans too

I think imagery like this is very powerful

Attached: 1560180435664(2).jpg (911x871, 162K)

That could be cool.

Go for it. I think the point should be to get out there and create, anything and everything.

I can't help to think sneaking in concepts through narratives wouldn't be hard...they would have to be buried...and repackaged....subtle....but not surface...most burgers here think about representational painting whenever they talk about art. I could probably think of contemporary stuff that could Trojan horse a redpill. Maybe something like what Matthew Barney does. Or some of the casting stuff like Rachel whiteread. But then you're average burger wouldn't take the time to get it so why bother. You'd be better of to put it in Hollywood cinema form. Or airbrush graphics on the side of a pedophile van

Sadly, artistry is associated with openness, which ia associated with liberlism. In a falling world, artists channel theit creativity towards filth.

Mostly musicians are immune.

I think you and OP are right about subtlety. I think for redpilling normies we really need to make them question the mainstrean narratives about race, gender, Jews, etc. Subtle redpills only work for some. So we need messages that are easily read, but also not too overt unlike what I posted above.

Fine art isn't accessible like you said. If we could infiltrate hollywood we would be golden. But that's a long term goal. I mean what if we focused on small-scale stuff like animations for youtube or just propoganda for posters. Or even indie games and movies?

You don't have to be right wing to see clown world and have a problem with it. In fact as people start to wake up, many whites who are now far left will join our ranks. Besides, how many "leftists" actually believe or understand their own ideology? I know I didn't. It took fucking a "gender-fluid" girl to shake me out of my insanity

You're an idiot. They've all been through and spend all their time around people in post secondary elite liberal society. They're completely versed in their ideology. You're insane. I've been around these people. They're privileged and all go to university. The galleries and venues all exist off funding from donors and corporations and institutions.

No idea what that has to do with my post.

those places are money laundering shit holes. grow up and get a clue you uneducated retard.

good luck with that

You need money. You need buyers. But with the nobody will want redpill art so it will have no value. What keeps contemporary art allure is the money. Maybe if there was a European Religious avenue...Religious populist traditional that Bannon could organize with all those weird religious institutions he's working with in Europe...classic art and sculpture....private rich euro and Russian patrons..but contemporary installation and performance art like in Jew York? With sexy hot chicks and coke? No

Also considering this is Jow Forums and there are plenty of degenerates. Degenerate art could be weaponized against the Jew. Instead of pisschrist, you get a menorah with shitlog candles. That kind of thing.

we speak but our voices were taken from us.
a word that rhymes with "rage" goes in the options field.

Attached: neo_gag_order.gif (518x200, 1.24M)

What are they to tell? Make beauty, then we will talk. Art should inspire, so make inspiration.

You can't use the arts...look what the Democrats have done with mainstream TV and social media...every soccer mom engages in retard anti-trump, open-the-borders, politics. The arts are enjoyable and enriching but won't serve your purpose

where indeed, fellow art enthusiast.

Attached: BAS_emo1.png (597x577, 347K)

Here's the thing though. Nobody, even a leftist can't stop you from being an artist because they risk bringing the whole faggy house of cards down. Art, unlike politics is one place where you can actually get away with claiming irony.

Yes, it's just not populist. It's elitist, and you need access. The behoves the institutions to make 90% of the population to feel intimidated and stupid, to propagate that exclusivity. It doesn't really redpill a large amount of people. Unless you dumb it down like Banksy

What about a piece for example traditionalist Chinese parents letting their child free from their arms in China to where the child is seen in the other half of the painting dancing at a pride parade or something holding an American flag? So. Etching along those lines. Maybe display the cultural virus to foreign minds would be enlightening for all viewers, including US citizens. Overtly Aryan is cool but we can sway mind for a purpose. Exclusively Aryan is certainly for folk art. Show everyone how things used to be and could have been. Many such situations for depicting today's lunacy alongside a better alternative.