This is the most pathetic reddit thread I've ever seen...

This is the most pathetic reddit thread I've ever seen, filled with so many kikes bragging about their existence whereas rome, greeks and other cultures/nations have vanished.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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is he wrong tho?
look at your country m8

I hate them so much

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It's true though.

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Romans, Greeks and others survived in an evolutionary manner: they evolved, propagated and become something new. Romans and Greeks laid the philosophical, legal, cultural, linguistic and scientific groundwork for the entirety of European civilization. The Lay the groundwork for the holocaust. That's the difference.

the jews lay the groundwork for the holocaust*

Lol and them proclaiming this is their downfall. Jews will be assimilated and outbred in less than 6 generations

Rome and Greece still exist, what a bunch of utter ignorant rats.

Just nobody mention Khazaria okay? Or the fact the original Israel is mostly rubble.

Reminder, the original jews were all killed in the biblical flood. These are demon worshipping pretend jews.

Kikes are anti Gid yet feel the ild covenent applies to them


I don’t want to kill them tho. I just don’t want their satanism.

Top comment
>Yet, here we still are despite our diaspora and attempts like yours to delegitimize our existence. No nation aside from the Jewish People has survived with the same level of continuity after having undergone similar diasporaic dispersion. Even despite the development of varied Jewish subcultures, Jews still remained and identified as Jews all the same. Jews in Spain identified as being the same Jews as those in Iran, who identified as being the same Jews as those in Europe, who identified as being the same Jews as those in Ethiopia, etcetera, all while similarly keeping the Torah, the Hebrew language, their dress and their names.

>To compare, take Japanese culture for example. All ancient historical accounts agree that they originated from the Yayoi in the Korean peninsula. Despite this, the Japanese language and culture is heavily influenced by Chinese language and culture, who's origins trace back to the Huaxia, yet Japan identifies neither as Korean or Chinese to the extent that even their linguistic similarities are still far enough removed to be incompatible with either.

>What about culture, the -ism of Judaism? Bhuddism, Hinduism, and even Shintoism are similar to the -ism of Judaism in that they developed from ideologies into cultures. However, they are still not ethno-centric cultures and have similarly branched off from, and influenced each other throughout the ages as other ethnicities their cultures adopted and influenced their evolution and vis versa. Judaism at its core as an ethnic culture has remained the same and moreover separate from other influences despite facing similar dispersion.

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Continued because kikes dont know when to shut up
>Even going all the way back to the existence of the Yayoi and Huaxia, and how they still exist in a similar capacity today within the regions that they originated in we get to consider their subjective histories. The fundamental differences between their's and the Jew's is that they have existed and still exist within the same region as their homeland. The Jews have not.

>What about in cultures from which modern Western society comes; the Greeks and Romans? The Roman and similarly Greek empires at their peaks controlled and had large influences over the entire world. The extents of their cultural influences are felt even today. Whether its physical or cultural, large portions of modern society as we know it can be easily said to have Greek and Roman origins including the language in which you're reading this. Still, while the influences of a culture may ripple through time, their physical existence as a people that can be identified evaporate.

>This is where we can begin to understand the origins of antisemitism. Judaism as we know it today has existed for 3,332 years. The Jewish people have existed for 3,761 years starting with Abraham. Abraham had Issac, and Issac had Jacob and Esau. Esau innately hated Jacob with a whole story that goes into that, and from Esau came Eliphaz from whom came Amalek which later dispersed into the Edomite nation from which Rome was built later on. The innate hatred from Esau was carried on through the generations, through the Roman empire and until today. The ripples of this culture built on hatred persisted through time.

>All while Jews have remained the same as a cohesive and identifiable people, with the same language, culture, history, dress, and names.

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Isn't he basically right though?

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All yid things must come to an end.

Who cares?

Abraham, the first Hebrew, was born roughly 300 years after the flood.

Jews you want to hear my thread, I know you will discreadit it only reason you have power is cause the goy want to rule over other goy other wise you not needed

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It's the unbelievable lack of self awareness. As is said, the jew will tell you what has been done to him, but never what he did. And likewise, the jew cries out in pain as he strikes.
They are the most aggressive, harmful group of humans in history, who have spread nothing but misery and destruction everywhere they go. They view themselves as chosen and everyone else as cattle to be used or genetic enemies to be hated and destroyed. Note how the top comment ends with a screed about the amalakites, and how he doesnt mention that Jews believe they must eradicate them from the earth. And of course, they see European whites as amalakites.
In reality, they are the synagogue of satan, who rejected and murdered Jesus Christ. We are the Israelites, and deep in their mean little hearts they know it.

No, jew births are very low, especially amongst american jews. They interracial a lot, both males and females, and they have essentially jewed themselves, their children being faggots and transgender radicals.

Only the orthodox are still maintaining themselves.

>the mortal world is ruled by Satan
>Satan's chosen instruments enjoy worldly privilege
They're going to be REALLY surprised on the Day of the Lord

>Jews are pure evil, good this whites are the real Israelites!
YHWH worshipers like you have truly cucked my nation beyond belief.

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>Jews are dying out, they can't control the west forever.
>Any day now...
What's it like, still be able to cope?

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They can't though. One benefit of this demographic transformation is blacks and spics do not give two shits about jews or the holocaust. They are not able to extort them like they do European gentiles. It's quite hilarious really.

Then go back and stay there in your discreddit, my jidish friend from Germany

Rebuilt what exactly? They only got a country last century and they’ve been at constant war ever since. They are absent from the archaeological record, and their “greatness” only exists in books that they write. I don’t get the arrogance.

But they aren't even Jews. They are Khazarian imposters from Russia, claiming something heritage don't understand from an ancient and long dead people.

>All early Christians were Israelites, of the tribe of Judah or Benjamin, or else Samaritans who were just Israelites who had mingled their blood with neighboring nations and each other.
>These people were largely concentrated in Palestine, but there had already been a diaspora, so there were many more spread all across the Mediterranean.
>The missionary journeys of Paul, Silas, Barnabas, etc were to spread the Good News primarily to the Jews, and secondarily to the gentiles.
>Paul gives explicit instructions to the new converts that there is neither Jew nor Greek, but all are one in Christ.
>In 70 AD, the remaining Israelites are scattered, many of whom have been converted. They spread out to the churches that have been established all over the med.
>these people then mix with the new converts and continue to spread themselves throughout what would become Christendom.

There is no preserved original Christian people who were Israelites and remained separate. You come from Israelites, you are an Israelite.

All of this is not even getting into Paul's argument about who is an Israelite indeed being one who accepts Christ, and you are almost certainly descended from those who did.
Note that in the case of Ireland, the ADL is struggling to prop up their Rabbi there by lumping in the Muslims with them, claiming it will be Jews AND Muslims the circumcision ban accepts, and Iceland will have the reputation of being a neo-Nazi paradise.

Good post and video fren.

Thats a bingo, and are they actually daring us to try? We could prove them wrong if push came to shove.

That subreddit is pure shekel.

look at this.
>nothing any Jow Forumsack doesn't already know.

This is a good article for any user to read.

no. almost everything written here:

is incorrect

he's not wrong.

Using academica, entertainment and subverted community councils to disarm, subvert, kike and poz, it's more likely than you think.

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no modern day jews are merely converts

no reason to stop trying

killing jews wasnt the downfall of the third reich, nor rome, or anyone else. it was literally the lack of it that lead directly to their end. Moral of the history, never trust kikes, kill them all and enjoy bliss


Mmm gee, wonder why all current jews (Sephardic, Ashkenazim, Yazidi) all originate from outside of Palestine and outside the borders of the Roman Empire?

It's because the Roman Empire was far more effective than Nazi Germany was at destroying Judaism, forcing them outside the Empire and converting the locals to their religion. The descendants of the original jews still exist of course. They're called Palestinians.

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