read this article. Trump isn't just going after the current border crossers, but all illegals. Seems that they started this plan months ago and are pulling a nationwide arrest on all illegals. Big if true.
read this article. Trump isn't just going after the current border crossers, but all illegals. Seems that they started this plan months ago and are pulling a nationwide arrest on all illegals. Big if true.
He’s not going to do anything and never intends to. He was merely a ploy to give false hope to whites. Everything he’s tweeted out has never become a reality.
we will see
Trump is legit, youre just a tranny that never be a real woman, and God, I wish I was a fcking American. Americans are probably the greatest people on earth...
No, they aren't.
>dutch twink calling others a fag.
get a load of this guy.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Instead, he's going to deport all legal green card holders that are white and let the illegals take their homes.
checked, trannies btfo forever
Will he actually do it
boomer begone, no one without dementia is falling for this
They will come right back next week. Nice plan fucking kike.
This would unironically re-invigorate his base if true. It would definitely bring back the ann coulter type fanbase that is pissed the wall isn't happening.
always next week....
Daily reminder that all anti Trump shills are fbi user
>Cringe af
Have you been reporting every spic you see to ICE just in case they're illegal?
You should have been. The government doesn't ever throw anything out, especially when it can be used against somebody.
Wow that last thread got slid hard.
you must want that h1b visa bad
No I don't want to be part of degeneracy. Your women fucks black dude hehe : )
Just like how he was gonna cancel nafta rite? Or stop daca KEK