What the fuck is this retard doing?

What the fuck is this retard doing?

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whatever the fuck he wants

lmao no way this retard gets reelected

>give the heads up to the millions of illegal beanpeople you've smuggled in that the cops are on the way
Nice going, Blumpf.

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haha didn't get the first post there kike

I have not read the news lately, but i imagine he is going to pay millions of dollars to a third world country so that they will take all of the illegals crossing the border and asking for asylum.

It is a huge step up from letting them in the country and hoping they show up to their asylum court hearing (they don't) like we are currently doing.

Looks like he’s posting on pol

>doesn't understand that if theres even a whisper of deportation boomers blow their load and wetbacks shit their pants

if you really scare them they might just go back themselves

Oh shit you meant Trump not yourself

Campaigning on false promises


Not if shills like you have their way come 2020.

Promises Made, Promise Kept!

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Trump is warning all the spics to hide. He is putting om appearances but really wants to help Isreal with the Kalergi plan.

Cringe, go back to Facebook

Hey cool it with the anti semitism pal, President Trump wouldn’t approve

Freaking out about polls

>Imagine being this much of a new fig.

Yeah, I wouldn't trust them.

There is absolutely ZERO talk of deportation here.

Today, 1 Million illegals are crossing the border and asking for asylum. The US has absolutely nowhere to put them while they wait for a judge to hear their case, so they let them in the country "while waiting for a judge". That is usually the last we see of them.

What Trump is saying is that instead of letting them in the country they will get shipped to guatethefuckshitstan and await their court date there.

Expensive hobby compared to building a wall, but whatever


I'll believe it when I see it

We need a wall with turrets.

Paco... Will be sent back home on Taco Tuesday.

he's bombing hard and desperately needs something to rile up the few supporters he has left

>as fast as they came in
inb4 he makes it legal to shoot them

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>I have not read the news lately, but i imagine he is going to pay millions of dollars to a third world country so that they will take all of the illegals crossing the border and asking for asylum.
That's smart.

Severance pay the spics and make them go away.

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Rahowa rampage through Central and South America. /ourhemisphere/

flash burning your retirement plan and putting you in a nigger nursing home where coons wafflestomp GRIDS infected shit down your throat at the end of your days, you cocksucking demonic boomer trash

has nothing to hide

Go back to TikTok or IG degenerate zoomer shill.

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kicking out ILLEGALS

Even having seen this image a thousand times, it still makes me laugh every time. Someone needs to photoshop the shekel into his hand.

USCIS officers can already deny their credible fear claims, and they have no right to appeal that determination to a judge. Trump simply won't order them to deny all the claims.

I really fucking hope so. ICE needs to start at the northern border of Canada first and start sweeping them down. All smart taco niggers get across the border and head as far north as they can to North Dakota. I’ve called ICE four or five times and it’s literally one dude up here. There’s at least 50,000 illegals in McKenzie County alone. How many based Americans will join the fight against these bean burritos?

Share blue is back


more lies from the orange kike

>that second tweet
God bless Donald Trump, he's so precious. Seriously, it's like a kid being told the parents are santa and he spills the beans to the other kids, and the parents are like "what the fuck donnie, we told you to keep your mouth shut" but he's just honestly too excited to keep his mouth shut.

Anyway it's not like the illegals will be harder to find after this. He's been going on about getting them over and over, it's not like they'll stop showing up to work at the slaughterhouse or Home Depot parking lot.

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Paco Tuesday? Nice.

>launching 2020 campaign tomorrow
>down in polls, knows he can't win if he does not do anything about immigration
>impulsively tweets ICE plans kek


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>b-but if you don't vote, then blue team will win!


Boomer stooge

You're the retard now idiot.

we wouldn't need a wall if we actually defended the border. we got this big bad military but we can only use if for Israels interests. the USA is a joke.

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I shall fight

this is America

Keep living in your fantasy world, grandpa.
Whatever it takes to cope with an Israeli cock in your mouth

You have to go back

>What the fuck is this retard doing?
Attempting to pander to his base that as already become familiar with him empty promises. Trump is getting worried that the gallons of kike cum he has voluntarily swallowed to fulfill his MIGA agenda will not be enough to full voters in 2020

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Trump read The Art of War. Remember that. I will get everything I barely have that he is playing the media like a fiddle and that is not his plan at all.

Hop in a time machine back to 2015, nobody is buying the same old bullshit.

ICE officials don't need to be made aware, just do your fucking job.

Shit that never happens:

-" We're gonna build a wall."
-" No more funding Sanctuary Cities "
-" Those mayors should be arrested "
-" No more catch & release"
-" No more anchor babies "
-" No more refugees "
-" We're closing the border "
-" A five percent tariff on Mexico "

>You are here

-" ICE is going to remove millions'"

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promises made, promises monitored

he's literally a jewish con artist and everyone knows it, unless they are 75 years old, a glownigger or Jewish.

>Hop in a time machine back to 2015, nobody is buying the same old bullshit.
> t.Tranny share blue shill



Im old.

You have no idea what my fantasy land looks like cock knocker. I will stuff your little ass like a piñata and let these greasy fart taco niggers beat the shit out of you for a job. Then i’ll pay them in gum. They already make pennies working here compared to what they could make if they came in legally. That’s how we bait em.

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oh jews know, if anything they're jealous that he beat them at their own sport in 2016 by lying and conning even better than them

Eisenhower got serious about deportation and MILLIONS of spics, even back in the 1950s, self-deported rather than get on the record as being illegal aliens. Tipping them off is probably more efficient then just going balls deep.

which federal agency are you working for.
they always spout the same inflexible, unchanging narrative :

"You MUST vote, or the Dems will win! Those who do not support Trump are trannies, muzzies, spics, or Hillary supporters! VOTING MATTERS."
Your false dichotomy dialectic for control is transparent.
Hitler did nothing wrong hooknosed kike.


>Attempting to pander to his base that as already become familiar with him empty promises.
This. If he doesn't actually do it, he won't win. He can't just say he's doing it. He must begin removing MILLIONS OF SPICS. Even "legal" ones. Even Dreamers. Even veterans. And he must get them gone in SOCIALLY NOTABLE QUANTITES before election day.

Otherwise fuck this fat boomer.

Oyyyyyyyyy veeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
If you don't RE-ELECT DONALD TRUMP 2020, then the DEMOCRATS will win, and his promises will NEVER BE FULFILLED!

This is my narrative and if you question me, you are (insert strawman / insult / baseless accusation / incoherent gibberish to distract)!

Fuck yeah based user. Let’s do it to em like we did in ‘48.

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>"The one problem is, E-Verify is so tough that in some cases, like farmers, they’re not equipped for E-Verify. So it’s a very tough thing to ask a farmer to go through that. So in a certain way, I speak against myself but you also have to have a world of some practicality." -- Donald Trump
He doesn't even support mandatory E-Verify anymore. How could he be serious about self-deportation?

>He can't just say he's doing it.
That is what he did during the entire 2016 campaign and tweeted nearly daily as president. This it not like the first time he has said shit to his base he knew he was never going to follow through on. "removing MILLIONS OF SPICS" is absolutely not going to happen and any attempt to do so at this point will result in super powering the Democrats for 2020. Trump is an absolute goddamn moron

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Based. Trump BTFO WaPo

fuckin based
MAGA 2020
vote for controlled opposition or get lost you democrat

>Promises Made, Promise Kept!
Migatards LMAO

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He doesn't have to be serious about self-deportation. In all probability Zion Don is only planning a PR move by very publicly raiding one or two locations in the majority of states to make it seem nationwide, and then everywhere else will be ignored. Rather, it's the SPICS who will get serious about fleeing because they don't want a criminal record, they want their brood to finish middle school in America and become """dreamers""".

Trump gave the heads up so that the plan would actually fail and the hotel industry would succeed.

Is it:
>ICE officials said that they were not aware that the president planned to divulge their enforcement plans
Or is it:
>When asked if they were aware that Trump planned to divulge their enforcement plans they said no, they weren't

Because this is an important distinction to make, who framed the narrative? ICE or the MSM interviewer?

>they will be removed as fast as they come in
>1000 in, 1000 out
needs to be a 5+:1 ratio breh

Promises to kikes maybe

>an important distinction to make, who framed the narrative? ICE or the MSM interviewer?
You know it was the MSM faggot interviewer, OP, you don't need to play Socrates here for us.

Fuck the MSM. I'm happy that this is announced whether or not it was planned so, or even if it's planned to happen. Spics should fear.

All democrats in office, almost all republicans in office, all the media outlets including Fox news and all the rich people in this country want illegal aliens to flood this country.

What you think USCIS officers can or can't do does not matter.

It is against the law for the US army to protect the border.

I am not kidding, you can look it up.

The moment an illegal sets foot in US soil he can not be returned back to mexico. He applies for asylum and we have to get him in front of a Judge, usually many months later.

If he is traveling with a kid we just let him into the country directly. Otherwise we put him in temporary detention until we run out of space and then let him in the country.

They don't usually come back for the trial, why bother when they already have a job that pays them under the table and they are getting welfare

First point is wrong. Posse Comitatus Act is for federal troops to not enforce domestic policies. Being invaded by foreigners across a border is not a domestic policy, it’s an international issue, thus under the purview of the President’s sworn duty to protect the borders thus allowing federal troops to protect it.

>lmao no way this retard gets reelected
I highly doubt that any of the Democrat candidates can beat him

>Being invaded by foreigners
Unfortunately the legal definition of illegal aliens crossing the border is "asylum seeker" not "invader" and the US army can not stop them.

Of course, your definition could be correct if any one of democrats, republicans, the media or the elite wanted it to be, but they don't.

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Unless it's considered a foreign invasion or govnt coup. LOOK IT UP retard

By this reasoning declaring war is informing your enemy of your plans. Fucking stupid.

This is true and you guys fall for the same trick over and over.
Last time, LEGAL immigration is the problem.

If you fagots get manipulated into voting for anyone but Bernie then we will get a renamed version of the TPP.
Which is open borders and it's not reversible.

Posse Comitatus Act doesn't mean what you think it means. The Insurrection Act comes into play, and the Constitution before that.

Military has been used to enforce domestic law going way way back.

who is going to consider it an invasion?

Not the democrats, not the republicans, not the media, not the elites.

face it faggot, we are fucked.

based leaf

What's the purpose of importing millions if you're just going to turn around and deport them? Waste time and money?

Also, why deport them when you want to legally import millions to tank labor value? Why not just grant those already here citizenship?

It seems to me Trump's interested in publicity, but he's going to find himself without any support because he screwed his base over for four years. Same goes for the GOP, which had two years of free reign to enact the will of those that voted them in.

Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. Fuck Democrats. Fuck beaners. Fuck niggers. Fuck Jews.

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It's only zoomers and out of touch boomers at this point backing him. He's cucked on every issue Jow Forums gave a shit about.

You're lame dude, Trump hype is done. 2017 was the last good year. Morale died as soon as the midterms came and went.

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Why does he always blab shit best left unsaid?


I too want some fig newtons right now

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On one hand it's not like most of them are known. But here is what might happen as a result and this is not trump playing 2340988723048592375823723908D chess but rather an inadvertentside-effect of talking about the raids.
>Trump tweets out raid is happening
>Millions will be deported
>illegals start to freak out
>they start to run around and either go to canada, mexico, or just hide.
>Main reason prople are caught for crimes is because they're acting really nervous

Eitherway it was going to be a shitshow reguardless because if the raids happened silently then people would see it as "Night of Long knives" and freak the fuck out. Trump tweeting a week out might calm things down a but also not leaving enough time for illegals to really prepare.

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Oy vey

Agree, he's a total disaster and hungry for white genocide. Clearly.

Literally kill yourself, retard.