Inb4 some pol neckbeard writes out the n word, completely proving my undisputed point

>inb4 some pol neckbeard writes out the n word, completely proving my undisputed point
Accept the facts retards.

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Nazi, there i said it.

Guess I'm right once again.
and invalidated.
Not an argument


You're absolutely right that America has a shameful history of mistreating people of color. Also, nigger.

Thanks, now I'm 2 - 0.

none of it matters, at 100 iq all races earn the same amount of money. blacks are in a bad spot because they're less intelligent

>n word
Go back

>intelligence and IQ are the same thing
How low is your IQ user.

Not an argument

T. OP is a fag

You can leave. No one is making you stay by your own admission. If im forced into someones home and they force me to work at gun point if I managed to gain my freedom I wouldn’t want to stay in their house. Simple as.

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you got power owned, muh nigga

Not an argument

>No one is making you stay by your own admission
What about the millions of Americans who cannot leave as they cannot pay their way out?

>equating several hundred years of oppression to being a hostage in a house
A lot of low iq people in this thread, huh?

just got owned again right there

>America goes to war because Blacks are given liberty by... who exactly? And then America loses to... who exactly?

Literally the first part contains nonsensical mental diarrhea that makes no sense.

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all slave transport boats were jewish owned and operated, first slave owner in america was black etc.etc.etc. it doesn't matter tho, youre getting paid to post dumb shit like this to slide actual threads, good job fbi.

lol why would I bother arguing with a gay nigger
it's like teaching algebra to a dog

I take issue with a couple of those kosher lines.

i think you need to learn how the Atlantic slave trade worked. america never enslaved anyone, they just bought and bred slaves... blacks in west africa started the whole kit and cabootle,

>enslaving slaves
>the state of ameritard education

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Holy shit can Jow Forums really not refute this?
I'm a proud black man but I hate niggers and the incessant victim complex and racial identitarianism. It's literally Jew tier. However, summing up the history like that I can see where the grievances come from but I'm still more likely to be harmed by a fellow black than a cop (or non cop white) then any other group of people so there's that.

>citing a single EDITORAL piece referencing the outdated and proven false practice of the "bell curve"
Literally so fucking mad at how disingenuous you're being. You're done, bye now.

Nice ad hominem fallacy bud, not an argument.

>literally forgetting the entirety of the how the US formed
>forgetting the civil war
>forgetting nearly everything that give the US their identity
You need to go back to school, or blow your brains out. Either one works.

>as a black man
>says a fellow black
damn....... thats some cringe..... bro......

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you said you are undisputed thats not an argumenet

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Why does OP care so much about outdated farm equpiment?

You forgot to add “so you legalize abortions and they kill themselves” trololol

>damn....... thats some cringe..... bro......
Am I supposed to give a fuck about your feelings?

I said what I posted was an undisputed fact, I wanted to here the arguments that you retards post here and so far they've all been lackluster and completely debunkable and it all devolves into mindless sperging as we see in your post.

I ask people that use outdated IQ testing the same thing.

You do enough to reply.

based black man. you get a nigger pass
op is however, still a gay nigger

The civil war was whites fighting whites you brainlet. Nigger did not "gain" liberty. It was given to them by benevolent whites.

Hey nigger, your niggerkind in nigger Africa niggerenslaved your niggerancestors in niggerwar and then niggersold their new niggerslaves to Jews who had their niggerslaves brought on boats owned by Jews that hired white men to captain and crew so Jews could have niggerslaves on their niggerplantations.

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But why do you care if people like outdated farm equipment or not?

Doesn't mean I give a fuck about your feelings. What is the point of this thread? To make an excuse for black failure, criminality, and victimhood? You haven't invalidated anything Ive said, just given reddit tier meme responses. You have to go back.

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>gained liberty
Who granted them said liberty?

No buddy, I know all of those things far better then you do by a wide fucking margin. The meme is saying all of those actions where the work of America vie its use of the American flag, but the thing is it doesn't make any sense. Slaves where not given universal liberty until the midway through the civil war and the war was fought between America and secessionist states who seceded partly because they where worried that the Lincoln administration was going to initiate general emancipation. The meme then says that America was defeated which doesn't make any sense because America won, it defeated the secessionists. So no, go get bent you brain dead piece of shit.

We just want to be left alone. Yeah, slavery was a horrible practice spearheaded by Jews and we pay for it even today, but we just want to be left alone. Access to whites shouldn't be a human right


>you align with my own beliefs so you're good
Sounds like you need a safe space friend.

>whites fighting whites
>white fighting over property of slavery
>the South wanted to maintain their slave based economy and attempted to withdraw from the Union.
>leaf thinks they know more about american history than an american
>leaf has the audacity to reply
Ok, NOW I'm offended.

not an argument

>deleting your post because you know youre wrong
lol, another sissy downed

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Remember Liberia?

Niggers are still free to migrate to Libera.

>Thanks, now I'm 2 - 0.
I don't really know your point yet, but you're not "2-0" in anything probably ever. Or a Jew.

It's been fun completely barebacking your idiotic talking points but I need to sleep and do something productive tomorrow, like fuck my white, blond haired, blue eyed, FWB with my black cock. I'll see you fuckboys later.

cool larp bro. if you were a nigger, another nigger would have killed you already

>Top Text: A fucking paragraph
>Bottom Text: None
Fucking why?

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lol mommy told him to go to bed

>Ok, NOW I'm offended.
The leaf clearly knows more then you.

My chocolate beauty hates niggers more than I do. Like her dad is literally a black man, and everyone in family denies it. It is funny as hell.

>This is totally true

>>deleting your post because you know youre wrong
>lol, another sissy downed
Wtf? None of my posts were deleted, you are one delusional nigger.

>Do all that shit for 150
>They still haven't gotten the hint that we DON'T WANT THEM HERE

doesn't matter, his mommy took his computer away and sent him to bed

historical oppression fails to explain the success of asians/jews, but iq explains the standings of every race in the u.s. perfectly. why would we continue to use the clearly faulty theory of past oppression to explain the current?

slavery started in the Americas long before the United States.
the United States ended it though.
you're welcome.

Silly nigger, no one who posts anything here has lost his virginity (including yourself)

When you’re black and have a slave in 2019 because Africa doesn’t have human rights

it is only undisputed because somene convinced you. you believed them. so spread your religion elsewhere
your a fag who loves niggers u are a nigger lover. someone who endorses loving on some slaves pretending they have person rights, so as to continue on your slave plantation cotton picking niggers, while bitching about trades deals with other countries made by america
tldr ur a faggot traitor

You’re right racism is alive and well in the world and needs to be eradicated this board proves it

Tyrant pigs make words an issue There is no intelligence or morality in crying about them

end you're life fagit

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Trips of truth

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Why have black communities deteriorated since the 60s? Why are all black communities literal ghettos? Why is it that the poorest white neighbourhoods has less crime than the richest black neighbourhoods? Why are 75% of blacks below the minimum standard in school? Why are black children and teens committing crime at such young ages? Why is it that blacks sell their food stamps for half the price and buy crack with that money. Why are most black families without a father, why do they run away? What caused blacks to treat women like shit? Why is armed crime committed 52% of the time by 13% of the US population? Why is it that blacks are given lesser sentences for crime? Why is that Smollett not charged with anything, even though he broke the law? Why is it that the MSM goes berserk when a cop, bonus if white, kills a black man who wasn't following instruction? Why not look at cop of white killings, and you'll see a massive gap.

Please OP, btfo. I feel sorry for your mother, who was pregnant with you for 9 months, only to give birth to a faggot.
Pic related

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i didnt do any of those things bro calm down