This is the newly formed Buzzfeed worker's union, organizing a walkout.
Say something nice, I'll start:
They did a nice job keeping the darkies out. They are literally whiter than Jow Forums.
This is the newly formed Buzzfeed worker's union, organizing a walkout.
Say something nice, I'll start:
They did a nice job keeping the darkies out. They are literally whiter than Jow Forums.
They could probably grow a beard between them.
>name my band
enemy of my enemy
By the way they formed their union after Buzzfeed just laid off 15% of their workforce. Doing a walkout after that is clearly an alpha move.
Learn to code.
Literally kys
Looks like we got a butt hurt Vox employee here.
Alpha? How? Every single one of them, deep down and sucessfully hidden for the most part, fully know just how absolutely useless and meaningless their "work" actually is.
They would be much happier unemployed.
Unions don't work with unskilled labor.
>that job you get paid for.. it's meaningless,
>I've got to go, my shift at wackyburger starts soon.
Nick Nolte and Charles Krauthammers love child?
Buzzfeed is literally shit-tier news. Fire them all.
pic related
what do clickbaiters need a union for?
Thing is they're paid to write stories and have no actual qualifications, so literally anyone can replace them
>working class
Pol could give out a yearly award for the most liberal company advocating the most for poc / against whites while being the whitest of them all.
The whitest anti white self hate award, or wawsha
>a yearly award for the most liberal company advocating the most for poc / against whites while being the whitest of them all
The trophy would be a white-washed dry piece of dog turd....
>Buzzfeed workers
>organizing a walkout
and nothing of value was lost that day
I hope they all commit suicide after eradicating a synagogue full of Jews
God i just want to see them hang so much.
Smashing Drumpfkins
Is that a niggasain ??
>If you only knew how bad things really are
Onions Division
Onions division
>unionizing to try to protect the make-work jobs you feel entitled to that are dropping like flies without artificial government slush fund subsidization from Daddy Obama
they look souless.
Public enema
I say that we should save all the photos with the faces of this people, create a database and track them.
They acted as a terrorist subversive group waging war against the free people of the united states and worked to install an autoritarian government.
They tried to erase the americans right to bear arms, they pushed for predators to have access to their kids, and they helped to cover the crimes of illegal immigrants.
All those people are traitors, not to the US but to the free people that lives there.
ALL of them should be executed in a near future.
Tool (of the Jews)
Hilarious isn't it
Ree against the machine
>narsisstic faggot
kill all narsisstic homos
Oi m8 u got loicense fo dat cheekiness?
He looks like a Jojo character
Steven King lookalike
Fucking do it yourself.
>we should do this
>it'd be great if we
>someone should
Holy fuck. Get off your social media, wrangle your minuscule attention span for a couple of hours and get shit done.
To the FBI: not the violence, the database
cute that they call themselves "journalists" when they are nothing than conspiracy peddling blogger and bullshit merchants
I hope their People get the reparations they deserve, so that they may be free
every single face in that picture is the "I've made one too many mistakes in my life" face
thy all have huge bags under their eyes from nutrient deficiency
Lmao these people are idiots and can’t even bring in as many views as teenager making content for free in their spare time.
I dated a girls who's brothers GF worked for Buzzfeed
Surprisingly she was brown, even more surprisingly she talked like she was a big journalist and didn't want to say that she worked for buzzfeed. I pulled up her 'work', it was just shit she wrote about Friends gifs and quizzes
It was a fucking joke and it ended up ruining the relationship
they all look like they have aids
The (thought) Police
Rage Against Whatever They Tell Us To
Th Ungrateful Living
Pearl Clutching
(I want my) Nickelback (because I don't have a job at Buzzfeed anymore and can't afford my customary tip on my my $5.95 latte)
Panic At The HR Department
... should I go on?
Would be a shame if someone were to mercilessly gun them all down.
>He does it for free
in these areas the competence hierarchy by age is basically reversed. But it's always one thing to stumble upon something successful than to bruteforce atraffic driver under time pressure and with no real passion for the subject. College aged kids are most competent in this area.
Aww what’s the matter?
>peddle utter shit and propaganda instead of news constantly
>people don't trust journalists anymore
>obviously trumps fault
union of a downs