This is your next president

Say something nice about him.

Attached: Andrew_Yang_talking_about_urban_entrepreneurship_at_Techonomy_Conference_2015_in_Detroit,_MI_(croppe (2023x2904, 896K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait for the debates.

Also, inb4 mods delete the 1 yang thread on the board because MUH DISCORD TRANNIES REEEEE I WANT TO SUCK BRANDON TARRENTS COCK REEEEEEE

For me, it's Mayor Pete. He's a candidate I can get behind.


Fuck off Spencer, China, Natbol, and Tarrent

Attached: richard spencer alt right commie again.jpg (640x591, 158K)

>EU = poo

The only thing accurate about your post, faggot

me no speekie ingrish

Chink niggerfaggot loser cunt

He's the only presidential candidate I've heard say something positive about white people.

Andrew Yang of House Yang, One Millionth of His Name, King of Nothing in Particular, Securer of The Bag, Father of Humans, Entrepreneur of the People, the Unbought, the Bringer of Abundance.

Attached: D9MLw7qXUAAS_AA.jpg (902x677, 104K)

You probably noticed that Drumphtards are obsessed with trannies because they want to have sex with them or they themselves are trannies. That is the sad state of the MIGA movement, coping and proyection.

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He will give me neetbux

This fucking gook couldn't get voted president of a whorehouse.

I could blind him with a shoelace

Spencer had an in with some great folks back in the day.

Asian guys have shrimp dick and pull no hoes


Attached: uncledaner.jpg (1305x892, 115K)

You mean in 2024 when the USA is only whites and Asians?

yang hates white people

comes to mind for some reason:

Would need subtitles foru the debate

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He wont even be on the ballot

This chink can fuck off. Any cunts willing to sell their rights to be paid $1000 of their own tax money deserve to be replaced with robots.

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IF he doesn't get fucked by the DNC and IF he gets nominated and IF I don't think he's going to fuck up the economy or bring some insane AOC tier social justice bullshit with him, then ya, I'll vote for him.

Lot of hurdles for him to leap, hope he's not a flash in the pan.

>comparing asians to jews because that one dude shot up a synagogue because muh jews
>realizing whites are the violent niggers you truly are just waiting to lash out at a scapegoat
thats actually pretty based desu

I see what you did there..

he isn't Bernie Sanders


the $1000 is a right.
we have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to own guns,
but we do not have the economic freedom to simply pay for our basic needs without selling our lives to mr. shekelsburg.
it is you who is truly the cuck. you have the wagecuck mentality that the elite desires to keep the populace under control


>I'm totally going to get my $1,000 from Yang though.

Attached: 1368010702256.png (274x329, 68K)

>freedom to own guns
Brush up on your own candidate, shill. Go play in traffic.

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Yang of the human hive

Attached: Yang.jpg (291x350, 161K)

Obvious paid shill. Does the proxy come with the job or is it a personal touch?

Attached: 1554286797735.jpg (600x428, 119K)

>Those who currently own any firearms will:
> Be grandfathered in with their current license, and for the 1-year requirement if they decide to apply for a Tier 2 license
>Receive a one-time “Good Gun Owner” tax credit for adhering to the additional requirements implemented by the new system
>Be allowed a tax write-off for the purchase of any equipment required to adhere to the new standards
>Be allowed to register any currently unregistered firearm without facing any penalties.

you're just complaining about a tax writeoff and having to fill out some forms. you would also get a free fingerprint scanner lock for every gun if you wanted it.

Attached: D42lSR0WsAAGdFV.jpg (1024x1024, 166K)

I cant wait until Yang is outed as the Chinese spy he is. then he flees the country

No, it's because the sort of people who try to organize le epic raids on 4cham are disproportionately trannies

>putting an electronic lock on your gun

Enjoy your 20% National Sales Tax, on EVERYTHING, in addition to your State sales tax.
Yank is the Fyre Festival of political candidates.

>actual shill thread

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