Gangstalking victim ask me anything about Jews

Some people might say this does not belong in pol but I can assure you it does, pol is the bottom or top depending on if your learning or your already in the know, we are all part of the same group whether we like it or not, I created Poland ball, npc meme, cia nigger threads, I was and is one of the people who created those programs, this is a thread for the one person on pole that is not fed or a bot

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Why are you being gang stalked?

Cause about 6 years ago I wanted to start my own nation, a nation within a nation, using bitcoins as the central bank, I needed a source that as many people as possible could unite Witt even if they didn't like one another, something over religion, morals, personal values, and so on I knew it would be money and.i needed money that was not controlled yet by the government so I would not be controlled opposition, In order not to be false hope like Stalin or hitler

Goals: start small business centered around a bank with bitcoins
Expose and elminate pre pubescent child molesters, religious strife, sexual degenerate behavior as much as possible, to create a mentally stable society,
Release and use mainstream the forbidden technology that is proven real on the USA patients office and other technology not released and eliminated the sickos who control the tech
No promises of a perfect utopian world but a different world one that starts over with no homosexual leaders, child molesters, or women as leaders

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shut up you fucking faggot

In order to start this empire I needed money that is not central controlled yet, bitcoins or any crypto currency will.central. controlled no matter what is discussed but before then there is a small window to get operations started so now was the time to strike, however the feds had other plans

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go on

So since people even though they don't like one another based on race, religion, sex all agree on one thing that is money I had a short time to make this happen, well, the fbi had other ideas and that is to stop or control it, of course they knew I would know they are full of they came to my roommate, my friend who let thy in, the feds were not Hollywood types but 2 fatties and 2 skinnies

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I forget to mention no fed comments no matter how funny, no cia clowns please

So the first step after finding what all humans agree too is to start business by starting from bottom up, and the small town I grew up in would be perfect, start with crops and genetic manufacturer of crops and animals DNA and humans for medical fields to then be sold for health benefits... Continue

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So since most people after they have money, of financial means situation taken care of and other social aspects taken care of fear death then the best business to control is from the Rothschild's banks is the Rockefellers medical control, with those two you own the world because all the niggers, spics, crackers, chinks don't mean shit to what I described, so the next step after bank(money) medical (prolong life) is culture... Continue

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I mean lots of us have created memes and copypastas that doesn't give you a bigger e-penis you fucking faggot

Now what passive's the Masses, religion, but what religion is the best , now I Know it's the Catholic or traditional Catholics, why is that, all others leave open end questions with no answer to life's most complicated questions, who are we and why live and why life in the first place

So after a man has all his basic natural instincts or needs met, money.which is security bro get a cave woman to breed with and dominate/control Adam Eve situation, then it's social status, then it's I know I will die so now what since I conquered everything else, it's eternal life, or athiest non existence, so what is needed bro complete a new wordl order that is not the same as the present with a different coat of paint... Continue

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It does concerning e-penis size and I'm a no clip, I have a 100% non Jewish penis can you say the same ?

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So after you have now the basics, core aspects of human unity, money or self interest, then you got I beg for another moment of life in this world because I don't believe I am a living soul so I Will do anything to live another moment (medical death industry) last is I accept.death cause no matter what I do I will die ( religion) traditional Catholics, have all the answers, so what is left? ... Continue...

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The last step is getting the rich, the real rich, not.some multi millionaire or billionaire to get on board with the plan.... How can I do this... They have everything but.... One thing, they don't have those they say are friends worship or Respect them for the game and the sake of the game, and that's it, final piece, how to get the rich to fuck the rich, .... They secretly hate each other.... Continue

*Picture of your people feds, I'm a greifer troll for life, but I'm king troll*

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I was gang stalked when I was 18
I angrily confronted my probation officer and threatened anyone else coming my way and it stopoed immediately

Show no fear and confront them directly


>i'm being targeted and harrassed because i'm trying to start my own nation (Which didn't even have a central currency which means it was zero threat to the government)
>all based on basic 90s anti-government teachings that don't dive in deep or offer any meaningful answers
unironically take your pills

>, I created Poland ball, npc meme, cia nigger threads, I was and is one of the people who created those programs
ok and? this thread reeks of schziophrenia so far

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The last step is getting the rich, the real rich, not.some multi millionaire or billionaire to get on board with the plan.... How can I do this... They have everything but.... One thing, they don't have those they say are friends worship or Respect them for the game and the sake of the game, and that's it, final piece, how to get the rich to fuck the rich, .... They secretly hate each other.... Continue

*Picture of your people feds, I'm a greifer troll for life, but I'm king troll*

This is a sucide by cop post because I'm not sucideal and a few people might see the thread and it plants seeds into the agents minds who are monitoring it, ok next

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So now what I do, I'm not going to get paid for this and there is no rewards for this action, so what is the point of all this


The utter early release today of technology forbidden without it's destruction of society

All these athiests say they love technology, bullshits, they won't and don't know how to realease the technology

In order to create a society one must have a base, what is this base? Technology, Communist/socialism we are all one ideology, hell no that's all nonsense, it's faith and morals, so what had all the faith and morals it's the old school traditional Catholic religion, all others say do as thou wilt or I don't know the answers to life's questions, that is no base to build off of, a Sandy base blown away by the next destroyer or Jew man, .... Continue

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i propagandized poop swastikas enough on this board to get the e-celebs casually referencing it.
poop swastikas.
i shit u not.

god damn i love having autism sometimes.

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This is the most boring schizopost I have ever seen

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actually i think i even heard people on msm drop the "poop swastika"
i always laugh and clap autistically.
"aaaah! hahahaha! poop swastika!"

Fuck you Jew you ain't nothin but a clipped dick, cut off your own dick for the chicks, like mark Anthony and his bitch

All one must do to implant this technology into the masses is...

Get rich vrs rich going it can be done
I won't go into details the intelligence agencies know how to do it and they will do it, too much is at stake not too so prepare to die and die you shall horribly, (you should of paid to prevent this)

Spread the information on how the rich want to suppress technology while this rich group wants to unleash the technology in a stable manner so they are the good guys super heroes

Start to unleash the tech publicly while removing the other rich who would oppose it, (no fake flying Tesla's)

Continue on with the left vrs right fight with additional rich and plebs who defend them die so it's not another useless controlled opposition group

Keep as much normally everyday life while mafia members kill Richey for being a greedy Jew pig and taking his money's to use for industry for pleb jobs to make you look like the hero

Fuck the bullshit NASA programs everyone knows it's bullshit even though they don't want to talk about it in public, perfect opportunity to blame the lieing Jew boys while the real forbidden tech is realeased for the world to use under knew license

And next step... What the fuck a worthless useless pleb can figure this out in a few months and few hours of thought fuck you people, Fuck you people to hell, if you can't figure out the rest

I swear y'all suck and so does your world , seriously fuck yall tech truth supresseor

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Fuck the gangstalking federal agents if a miracle happens and I can kill y'all and your loved ones I will... just like you did to me, fuck you

I curse you to miserably death and luck In everything you do just like how the Chicago Cubs were cursed, may it be on you longer until justice is served, seriously fuck you people, no love no good vibes for evil people

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