Why are they so afraid?


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It's a mystery

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>Manatees weigh 400 to 550 kilograms (880 to 1,210 lb), and average 2.8 to 3.0 metres (9.2 to 9.8 ft) in length, sometimes growing to 4.6 metres (15 ft) and 1,775 kilograms (3,913 lb) (the females tend to be larger and heavier).

Maybe because of this, you cum guzzling taggot. I would like to see you hold a brave face when you see something 500 kg heavy moving in your vicinity.

When does the girl show up?

Why are Anglo ethnicity women all like this? How do you guys tolerate these “women”?

That’s exactly what a Female soldiers first day in the trenches would have looked like if we had stayed at home in our Pyjamas like they did

Why are they so afraid? Why isn’t she more afraid you mean? “I’m gonna touch it”
You’d have emptied your bowels the second you saw it guarantee it

>so terrifying
>still manages to keep herself in the shot at all time sand never drops the camera

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Id be afraid to if i was bleeding in the water

Nah mate I fucked me a good manatee back in me old days. Just a bunch of fat cunts swimming around. Stop being such pussy

Why though? I'd wager most people here know what a manatee is.

Manatees aren't a threat to anyone or anything except a handful of seaweed you landlocked retard.

dey weak

>never attacks

Nice trick, rabbi.

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I don't see what the big deal of being scared of it is. I myself know enough about manatees that they're practically no threat, but there's man animals that you would think are friendly.

Dolphins will straight up drown you.

A whale, while not giving a fuck about you, can easily drag you down with it if you're anywhere near it.

You'd have to be pretty stupid to die by a manatee, but I'm sure there's a way.

dont forget the gays

This and the water cow needs better acting lessons.


Has he lived 7 lifetimes already?


>I would like to see you hold a brave face when you see something 500 kg heavy moving in your vicinity.
big deal

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Based nip & their eternal fight with ware

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>scared for your life
>still hold a selfie stick

>being afraid of one of the most gentle, docile, defenseless herbivorous sea cow
your problem isn't the mass of another living creature, your problem is your low IQ retardation and lack of education about simple reality, nature and life. Landlocked fucking sub-human Croat idiot. does your country even have books? Also the internet is the digital library of Alexander. How about you actually use it instead of spending 20 years of your life using the internet to jack off to porn you dumb fucking foreskin suckling dick head slav mongoloid cunt. Hitler should have genocided you fucking idiots along with the jews

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The Manatees can smell the menstruation!

Have sex

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I fucking hate women so much



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Cope harder slut.

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Never trust something that bleeds for a week and doesn’t die

Is that Hotwheels?

Straight porn has been slowly psyoped into gay porn with these gangbang vidros now where it's just a bunch of bi porn actors rubbing their dicks together through the proxy of some drugged out diaper shitting porn shiska goy.

arent those ads based on ur search history?

wtf is a manatee

This is the correct response I was waiting for. May good fortune find you always user.

your mum

They are. All Google ads are personalized based on browser history.

Seems like a pretty scary situation. Then again, she's clearly faking it as no one that scared would hold onto their selfie stick or whatever the fuck.

he's an american he sees that every day

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>lanar hoades

She’s not scared she just wants attention duh.

user, Manatees are widely regarded as some of the most harmless American wildlife we know of.
They are slow, incredibly fat, and even more docile than they are fat.

Sea cows.

These creatures needs protection from americans.

Watching that made me want a shark to swim up and eat her

Mermaid: 1
Roastie: 0

Bull sharks are cute

you need protection from yourselves

Imagine freaking out about a fat underwater herbivore.

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Hotsauce wheels


I love womem so much.

Source on this cum guzzler's sob story?

Too bad the Matnee didn't start to suck on her feet and drag her whore ass down under drowning her.

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You're going to hell you misguided whore.

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Literally one of the most friendly animals out there. They're basically the guinea pigs of the sea, fat, friendly and eat greens.


I'm sorry I even replied.

You can tell this is an uncultured ratchet-ass hoe.

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I cannot and will not

croatia isnt landlocked you faggot. burger education.

>dat husky voice
Really makes me want to rush to intervene. Birth control pills were a mistake.

>Girl getting attacked by a manatee
>by a manatee

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Jimmy Fallon

>get terrified while treading water
>just keep filming yourself instead of dropping everything and swimming for it

The unjustified fear isn't nearly the biggest issue in women being showcased here

This. Missing out on easy sympathy and not being the centre of attention is what really scares her.

Are you guys retarded? She is very clearly putting on a show for the camera/her friends. This is what normalfags do a lot of the time, they overreact and display emotion because they want to be perceived in a certain way during that moment. She knew acting freaked out and doing it on camera would be goofy/funny, so she did it. You even hear her say she wants to pet it, which isnt something someone who is afraid would say.

Christ, did you guys not have any normalfag friends growing up? They all exhibit this behavior.

>*adjusts her selfie stick to stay above water*
>*quickly glances at selfie stick to see if it's catching her best angle*

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lol l2 history and politics and read a book nigger beaner chink faggot.

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>I get easily startled by cows

Sea cows, are literally the most docile creatures you can come across in the americas.

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Should make them smarter, they would if they could.

manatees are probably the most gentle animals on the planet, what a dumb bitch

You are a homo


kek she seems cool.

>Are you guys retarded? She is very clearly putting on a show for the camera/her friends. This is what normalfags do a lot of the time, they overreact and display emotion because they want to be perceived in a certain way during that moment. She knew acting freaked out and doing it on camera would be goofy/funny, so she did it.
I don't believe that she's that good of an actress, that looks like genuine fear.

>deathly afraid of a gentle sea cow
>will jump into bed with a violent ape without a second thought

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best post

Manatees are called seacows, because they're literally as docile and mild tempered as actual cows.

I'd be scared too if I saw something big in the water swimming towards me. All these larpes are only tough behind a keyboard and only swim in swimming pools

This board is fucking garbage. A flood of non political, pure bait and /b/ tier posts and none of the OPs are getting permabanned. What a joke.

I don’t, that’s why I took the yellow pill.

>BBC poster
good riddance





Because women are children.

We deluded, brainwashed Westerners really believe they are just like us grown up human, just with a vagina, no women didn't grow up as much as us during adolescence and so are still infantile, get this through your dumb goy heads.

>Dolphins will straight up drown you.
lies. they just want to play.
not their fault you cant hold your breath for 30 minutes

How fucking retarded do you have to be to watch this video and think she's actually terrified, and not just obnoxiously excited?

holy fucking kek

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Didn't the old Germans drown faggots into bogs?

goddamn, it was much better when faggots were forced to be ashamed of themselves and not act like blatant faggots all the time.

>freaking out
>selfie stick focusing on her the whole time

Also women shriek and be hysteric so the males of the tribr will protect her from the danger

but you are in your pyjamas rn


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