This says a lot about our society

This says a lot about our society...

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Gee, I sure feel bad for American blacks. Maybe they should move to Africa to be safe

fuck off moshique

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does it say that we don't see race since the nigger is colored pink?

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Almost no women are killed by the police. The disproportional amount of men vs. women killed by the cops is much greater than it is for race. But you don't see anyone protesting that, I wonder why?

Yeah, white people in white countries are despicable and evil. All of us People of Color should leave and let these sunburnt abominations handle life on their own!

Yea you're right it does. They would never have let Black slaves drive if the Confederacy survived. USA sure is nice in comparison to whipping people and actually having people shoot you indiscriminately.

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says that blacks freak out at the slightest amount of stress, i.e. an encounter with the police for a minor infraction turning into them being shot and dieing.
just take your ticket and go on with your day maaaaaaaaaaan

Women are selfish cunts

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Yeah, don't chimp out during stops.

>having the capability to project consequences of actions


>Cops hate blacks

Well maybe if you stopped breaking the law they wouldn't be so racist


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Have you tried not acting black?

Niggers dont even care about nigger lives, they murder eachother and kill their unborn at astounding rates. If they dont care why should anyone else?

Saged and hidden. You're retarded for not knowing that the nigger is hiding illegal drugs in their trunk

I know it’s bait and fake but one could hope that this was actually reality, except she should be hoping to be allowed to live but rather hoping it’s painless.

Yeah no one likes niggers. Why are you surprised?

we live in a society

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I recently learnt that Michael Brown wasnt even wanted by the police, he was walking in the middle of the road, a cop was in the area for another call, the cop asked him to move, and he chimped out.

we live

Why is the white girl with curly hair scared of dying so easily



>We live in one

>canada 50% greater than the usa

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I'm more triggered over how women hold their steering wheel. It's suppose to be 3 & 9 o'clock NOT on top of the wheel.


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I use to hate pictures like this, but after hearing about the Phoenix cop threatening to shoot the fsmily for the kid stealing a barbie, I can't help agree with the message to some degree now

White people don't get pulled over by the cops

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Fuck that. It's 6 oclock. Just 6 oclock.

Try again

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yeah... why the fuck are there not one but TWO women driving? Society has gone to hell in a handbasket.


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Yeah, it says niggers commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime and anyone with a brain is on edge around them.
Go to South Africa or somewhere in Africa, start the African Basketball League or something.

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>The nazis did any of this

Non-whites deserve everything that's coming to them, never relax.

>1 post by this id
slide thread, sage and ignore

So all these niggers, spics, and muzzies come here because they think its safer here, why don't we make in the west so unbearable that they all move back? just convince them the free one way tickets back are gibs.

>how dare he blame these cumskins for what those other cumskins did

the ironing

Well if you follow the rules youll always live maybe african americans shouqld learn to follow rules

You mad nigger?
Maybe next time you'll actually try inventing something during the 1000s of years you were given.

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>it's a meme flag unless it's the black nationalist one
>then it's a real EBT carrying feral jungle mandingo out to cuck me

I swear, it's like you stormniggers have retardation disorder when it comes to niggers. Use your fucking brain and think!

So when's the last time the cops shot a black woman?

Have you considered just not being a nigger? Or perhaps going to a country that is predominantly other niggers like you? You could chimp out all day long and not have to worry about getting shot for it.

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A month ago?


this, for fucks sake i doubt niggers can even figure out how to switch flags on here.

Should say
>Hope I don’t do something so stupid he has to shoot me

Stats say the nigger driver would have an illegal fire arm and be smoking drugs. then they would resist arrest get shot and complain that they "didnt do anything" guess what nigger most people see your retarded shit and just laugh at every dead nigger cops make.

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Crime is usually caused by poverty, low academic ability. Not even about IQ. The same is true for crime rates in Thailand, India, and the Philippines, which are higher than those in South Korea or Japan. Blacks in the US are committing many crimes because of their poverty and low educational background. It seems like American capable educators need to devise customized education methods for African-Americans.


I grew up in a trailer park, surrounded by meth (not in my family), mom wouldn't sign to get me into a community college, and still have been successful. I didn't do retarded shit in the open to get a criminal record, held several shitty jobs from 17-27, before I made over $15 an hour. You can be poor, and still be successful. Keep your record clean, don't do drugs, be patient. It's they want the easy route, and don't want to avoid vices, and dumb decisions.

"Every single cop is racist, all of them, no exception, they're all out to get the minority, not a single one is good" You're fucking retarded. Maybe if minorities committed less crime and weren't low iq. Be more like Whites and Asians.

Fuck off, You have not even met Niggers irl. Niggers are below human. Niggers are badder than Pajeets.

>It seems like American capable educators need to devise customized education methods for African-Americans.
That would be like super racist.

The one on the right is going to pull a gun out and act surprised when she gets shot.

They tried. They pumped in money into black schools that bought them 15:1 teaching, olympic-class swimming pools, a fully functional planetarium, the list goes on - the fucking dream of education.
The result? No academic improvement at all - rather, the results went down even further.

you can not teach the human education to monkeys. niggers are no better than monkeys. ask any brazilian poster, why is brazil so poor and shit. cause brazil is full of niggers.


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Hey, nigger, newsflash! The world is not obligated to coddle you. My ideology is that if you cant protect it, you dont deserve it. Learn to defend and fight back.

Irony is how it's spelled, bongo.

Lol the chinks in that small patch of land breed like insects and outnumber everybody else.

Niggers are responsible for all the crime as such they deserve to be approached with suspicion and stigma. You deserve to be shot if you nigger start your "why you be rayciss n sheeit mufugga cracka" instead of shutting the fuck up when officer treats you carefully as the dangerous beast you are.

Dumb niggers

After watching so many police videos on YT and liveleak I can say that police only kills you if you don't obey. Behave like an ape that tries to get away using any kind of force gets you killed. If you have to start a chase only to avoid a ticket... well, play the Darwin Award card ;D And the police does not make any difference by skin color. They are just protecting themselves from criminals and idiots.

"native" yet they also migrated from Asia killed the previous people that inhabited the land, especially "native" Americans

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>because of poverty
The richest niggers commit twice as much crime as the poorest whites


There is a reason why niggers are called niggers and not africans. Africa was not populated by niggers in the south nor the north, and it is debated if wildlife should be considered population in any case

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Look at this fucking statist

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we tried that, niggers don't want to learn because education is racist

That fucking art style is killing me hahahha

maybe if nigger were smart enough to not chimp out on people who clearly have guns

t. Potatonigger
Lmao You think you're better than us? at least, We are not loyal to our ex-rulers. You're nothing more than a cucked Whitenigger.

The difference is that one is a drug dealer and one isn't. Guess which one isn't?
If you got nothing to hide, you have no reason to fear the cops

in a house

yeah it says blacks freak out around cops for no reason and make them feel uneasy. and they have a big tendency to escalate situations that would be over with if they just fucking relaxed. blacks are overly impulsive and would sooner take suicidal actions over paying for a traffic ticket


Blacks actually show no.fear of police. They act extremely aggressive to them

Hey, nigger. My friends burned one of your fellow apes alive for trying to steal our car and I helped them hide the body. What are you going to do about it, nigger? Serbs don't judge by the color of skin, they judge by you acting like a fucking jungle ape, which you are physically incapable not to.

And when you're judged, you get IRL banhammer. You literal fucking nigger.

Holy shit that was funny

listen here spook,

you think education is racist. I hear it daily from some of your kind so I don't wanna hear your racism

>Hey, nigger. My friends burned one of your fellow apes alive for trying to steal our car and I helped them hide the body

Fuck bro, that is pretty hardcore thing to do. We cannot even legally defend ourselves here or else it is a hate crime.

is right pic supposed to be a nigger? why does she have pink skin? she just looks white with ugly features, how are nogs not butthurt about this?

You should always fear a sub 90 IQ human with a gun


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I literally can't figure out what the cartoon is supposed to mean. Anti blonde propaganda?

>White woman
>Acts respectfully, is patient and non threatening
>Black woman
>Gets shot

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Why nihggers are such pussis? Why they dont revolt and start to kill whites across JewSA?

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sir i think you mean the söystate