Watching hme being redpilled slowly is fascinating

Watching hme being redpilled slowly is fascinating.

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You actually watch this lispy faggot?

Kill yourself

fuck off with your e celeb bullshit normalfag

He isn't getting redpilled. Can't actually recall we already had a civil war over the federal government telling states what to do with the populations they were trying to import. He's just an uneducated lefty faggot from Chicago that should've gotten shot.

He's scamming right wingers by pretening to be their token centrist/leftist. It's pathetic how transparent it is.

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Ilike tim. I usually watch his videos when he posts them. Though I find it amusing that he talks about how tough life is and how he’s been in so many dangerous places but he almost wept on video when a lefty “friend” supposedly stabbed him in the back. That’s what he gets for associating with liberals faggots.

he's not cute

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the beanie

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i think he grew up without a father.

He'll never allow himself to be completely redpilled

fuck off tom


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What's the scam?

Pretending to be something that he isn't while he's only doing very safe conservative rage bait.

He's a liberal exploiting you for $$$$. He does nothing more than read articles and feed your own opinions back to you.

Your picture for ants is pissing me off

First post worst post

Honestly Tim needs to get onto finasteride

Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
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Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura

He's NOT getting redpilled. He still refuses to name the Jew, so FUCK HIM!

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>watch a video here and there if the title is interesting
>free and occupies no time as I'm listening to it in the background

>I hate identity politics
>I’m mixed race, I had it hard growing up as mixed race, did I mention I’m mixed race?
Dude is like a quarter Korean or something
You’re white dude, own it and stop playing that game

I bet poltards ITT are jerking off to his videos. It's pure Jow Forums bait. Remember to donate to his Patreon!!

Tim Pool is a bald faggot who blamed Antifa for the reason why he wears that ugly ass beanie.

>Watching hme being redpilled slowly is fascinating

The sheer denial of it is the most hilarious part. It's like being homeless means that he is quite literally incapable of joined thinking so his desperate professions of being a 'centrist libertarian' just make him look ridiculous. He cannot stomach that he's basically entirely supported by people farther right than he is.

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Did you know that Double D was based on Tim Pool?

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What is he specifically lying about?

I'm pretty sure it's a little late for that.

>I bet poltards ITT are jerking off to his videos
I actually just got back to jerking off to gay shota cub furry hentai on e621

My dad was completely bald and now has more hair than me after going on finasteride for a year

is that you Gazi?

What would you prefer we talk about? Kike controlled celebs?

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His cognitive dissonance is amusing and frustrating at the same time.
>”These leftists don’t care about justice or equality. They are just racists hiding behind the cloak of anti-racism to gain power.”
>”Anyways, I’m going to vote democrat.”

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Why does anyone think anythink he does is anything but an act?
This is a former Jow Forums tard that created a youtube channel then took down one of the largest youtubers at the time with god level trolling.

If you are unaware Tim Pool is Reactor and also responsible for ruining GradeAunderA

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Seriously do people think Reactor is actually blue pilleg and centre left?
He says that to keep monetization while also trying to snare lefties into swallowing his redpills.

Open your fucking eyes newfags.



If that were to actually happen for the hapa it would likely end in suicide.

I used to watch Tim Pool and Crowder when I was radicalized and considered myself alt right.I lost a lot of friends over debates and arguements over political issues. At the time I was proud of myself, I was beating people with "facts" and "logic",as most alt righters say.But overtime,I felt as if what I was doing and supporting was a little wrong,but I stuck to my guns.Until I saw some "breadtubers",which changed my life,people like contrapoints,or hbomber(really like him :) ) really put my life into perspective,and invigorated me to give up all this "alt right" crap,it wasnt worth the friends and family just so I could "think " I was right.I had found solace again,and now Im no longer an alt right,deradicalized,and have a more optimistic view on life.Listen to my advice,dont watch alt right guys like Ben Shapiro or Sargon,they lead you down a horrible angry path,one which is objectivly and morally wrong.Dont take the redpill,youll gain more from seeing without a mask of hatred.

>things that never happened
Thats what is the most intriguing to me:
Why leftists only lie and strawman to promote their views ?

please stop tempting me you demon

This, it's Dave Rubin all over again

>following a little nigger-faggot around the interwebs
OP is a misguided little whore.

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