'Chernobyl' Reopens Old Wound for Thousands of Israelis


> “As soon as I heard that HBO had made a series, I began to cry,” says Michal, who asked that her real name not be used. She was born in Kiev eight months before the disaster and immigrated to Israel as a child. “When I read reviews, I also cry,” she says.
> A few years ago, after giving birth, Michal discovered a cancerous growth in her thyroid – a common phenomenon among people exposed to radioactivity as children. She recalls that “when I told the doctors I’m from Kiev, they said, ‘Oh, why didn’t you say so right away?’”
> She underwent an operation and radiation therapy and has since recovered. But the memories remain.
> “It’s still very hard for me,” she says. “What’s most difficult is that the people involved weren’t punished. I was a baby and my mother saw cars packed with belongings leaving Kiev and didn’t understand why. That was about two days after the explosion.
> “We never sunbathed, we didn’t eat snow. I was afraid of clouds. It wasn’t justified, of course, but to me, everything seemed radioactive.”
> “There’s no such term as ‘first-generation Chernobyl,’ and there should be,” says Michal. “Not long ago I met a friend. He pointed to the scar on my neck [from the operation] and said, ‘Have you seen “Chernobyl” yet?’
> “It’s like a number on your arm. I’m exaggerating a little, but you know what I mean. Because none of those creatures ever paid for this terrible tragedy, just as nobody paid for the gulags.”

> was born in Kiev eight months before the disaster
> everything seemed radioactive
> It’s like a number on your arm
> none of those creatures ever paid for this terrible tragedy

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Other urls found in this thread:


They can't resist crying for sympathy

>Because none of those creatures ever paid for this terrible tragedy
cool it with the antisemitism

They're crying because they're mad that they won't get money for that negative experience


Who caused the Chernobyl disaster Jow Forums?


this is what the Jews are gonna be like about 9/11 after a few decades

commies being commies

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Also you've lost your thyroid but at least you don't live in Ukraine, so stfu and hava nagila.

Failure to trust computer guided instruments. Same reason small planes crash and night and in bad weather, same reason three mile island had a release.

and this is why I will never ever trust any of those fucking jew expelling graphs ever. Jews lie about there oppression all the fucking time.


I think it's time we go over all history once again. We all know who was behind the black plague as it's etched into our DNA forever. oy vey, where are MY shekels?

>Failure to trust computer guided instruments.

There are other WTFs:

> be 8 months old
> understand radiation

> afraid of snow because radiation
> no snow in Israel

> first-generation Chernobyl

> none of those creatures ever paid for this terrible tragedy
Except for radiation poisoning, prison terms and cancer.

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lol. show you how they think. Their mind is infested with the holocaust.

Anyone else read this in Mort Goldmans voice? You are now reading this in Mort Goldmans voice.

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>the jew crys out in pain as it watches HBO

"It's all about me" The article

>“As soon as I heard that HBO had made a series, I began to cry,”


Honestly, those 3 guys got off easily. They weren't the only ones operating a reactor with flawed design in Soviet USSR, but somehow managed to do the impossible and lie about it for soo long. Their incompetency was staggering.

RUSSIA IS NAZI (even though nazi is banned in russia)

Damn commie nazis!

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Jews just cannot pass up an opportunity to portray themselves as victims, more news at 11
Jesus Christ, those comparisons to muh 6 gorrilions. every. fucking. single. time.
How much did Pripyat have jewish popluation? Probably less than 5%.
Next time OP get links in archive. Dont feed the kikes with ad money.

Quite honestly, I also witnessed Chernobyl when I was 5 and to this date I am afraid of radioactivity. It rained down the fallout when we were playing outside and once the SU said what happened we weren’t allowed to drink milk or play outside for weeks.

cia glownigger kikes

>we weren’t allowed to drink milk or play outside for weeks.
Did you at least get to taste Lugol's iodine like us?

You also have it in Poland? Its taste is terrible.

> You also have it in Poland?
Using Lugol for thyroid blocking was invented on the spot by a Polish professor after they realized that they have not enough iodine tablets in civil defense supplies. He later claimed that it was unnecessary because the fallout was lower than expected, but given that Soviet comrades refused to say what is going on they assumed the worst.
> Its taste is terrible.
God, yes, I still remember.

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just give us shekels goyim! don't question it!

Ѹ Ѵєєєy


Oy Vey! A tragedy for the Jews!!!
Ignore all others who were involved goys

Donald John Trump stands with Israel 100%


Why do these fucking cockroaches always have to make everything about them?

Why don't we divert holocaust funds to help these Chernobyl victims?

>muh six million roentgens
Fucking kikes need a pity party in every story.

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> none of those creatures ever paid for this terrible tragedy
be victim and get paid,, basic jew values

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just cant fucking stop can they

Mykola, how did u move to Norway? Is refugee crisis real there?

you dont realize the scope of Chernobyl disaster for USSR, it was really bad and most of the people who were nearby and took part in 'liquidation' already died of cancer and other complications due to radiation exposure

(and Israel simply has millions of migrants from the USSR)

Classic jews

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Do they still give you that?

How the fuck can they hijack everything into being about Jews and how sorry we should feel for them? This was a disaster that affected millions of people across continental Europe.

You must be a special sort of apathetic, manipulative little sociopath to completely piss on the people who cleaned the mess up, pissing on Christians who suffered the same fate, by making this solely about Judaism.

And in such small portions!

>russian roasty writer on a local newspaper kvetches on "muh poor ussr rapefugees and strong radioactive women" while shilling a (((tv show))))
>pol gets baited
every single time

calm down goyim, it's just a story with a different perspective among thousands. when non jews tell their stories you don't make threads about it

They're a wounded people, just look at their dicks.

Your god is the holocaust

commie system. Ruskie scientists knew the reactor was faulty even before the catastrophe. But their reports were ignored, because "commie projects are flawless"


Chernobyl was a jewish conspiracy theory

He died of cardiac arrest, which has everything to do with stress and nothing to do with radiation

Good to finally have the attention spotlight on Israel, the obvious real victim here

You seem very confused.

your god is mcdonalds

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>its real

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dude i saw that fag in the comments of that video. America is fucking disgusting

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>It’s like a number on your arm
Jews ALWAYS have to be kvetching and make everything about them even though the communist central committee that caused the accident by ignoring all safety measures for building reactors was Jewish and almost all people who sacrificed their lives trying to fix the mess were not Jewish.
As usual: with Jews you lose.

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>“It’s like a number on your arm.
these dirty fucking kikes can't fucking resist can they?

it all started when some ukrainian immigrants bitched about chernobyl on facebook for attention.
now some russian bitch saw an opportunity to write about it on a literately who leftist feminist digital blog.
and you act liked bibi had a speech about it at the un and demanded reparations.these women aren't even considered as jewish,it's all about they're being female immigrants.

chris chan did it first

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In that case thanks for the clarification. Not jewish then yet still apathetic and manipulative.

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...slowl-quickly I began to hate them.


kikes are so boring

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I think I just found that missing graphite

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>apathetic and manipulative
but of course it is,every mention of chernobyl in the west was in order to debase the ussr,to portray them as the criminals and to divert the public opinion on the government,and never purely as an outcry for all the victims.and still to this day.

I dont see why people cry so much about Chernobyl.
31 people died as a direct cause of the accident and WHO estimates 4000 people could eventually die of radiation exposure from the accident.
Compare that to Banqiao Dam that broke in china 1975 and killed upwards to 230 000 people and no one batted an eye, its not even common knowledge.

Another positive fallout from Chernobyl were the Stalker games, made the whole thing worthwhile. Banqaio dam on the other hand didn't give me any video games and that is the biggest crime.

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I was referring to the former Soviet Israeli, not the Western government you fucking retard.

absolutely cored and iodine absorptive!

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>”It brings up pains of losing 6million good Jews that day in Chernobyl. Russia needs to pay us reparations for this atrocity.”

what do you expect from a person who was a baby at the time to say,she didn't even know she was affected 30 years after the fact.
how come that some women who writes about her chernobyl cancer on facebook turned into jews don't care about anything unless it happened to people who later become israeli citizens?

What a (((coincidence)))

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>I don't know my own history
They didn't follow protocol on a test of emergency shutoff and ignored instrumentation

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Imma go with Jews


I wasn't allowed to play outside the whole summer, we also didn't eat certain things... Do I get reparations?

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>Jewish communists cause a disaster
>"Muh 6 gorillion!"

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These kikes are delusional take them to the gas chamber

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They followed the manual.
They were in an unstable region, yes, but the manual told them if you enter this region, you should after 1h max. It did not say you cannot operate in this region, it said operate in this region for 1h max, then SCRAM. They did.
They initialed SCRAM at 1:23:40, reactor blew up at 1:23:45.
They were blamed because otherwise you'd have to jail everyone who designed and approved this piece of shit.

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It'd be spookier if Artemisia Vulgaris wasn't just common mugwort