South shit Korea hate thread

jumpted on the bandwagon of Mongol empire tried to invade Japan
result > get invaded by Hideyoshi and get slashed all ears as a victory memorial

jumped on the bandwagon of Japanese imperial army during the Japanese occupation in Manchuria, became to be MP with stick humiliating chinese civilians
now get called Gaoli bangzi by chinks

jumped on bandowagon of US millitary at vietnum war and raped and totured underaged girls and communist civilians

jumped on bandwagon of Chinese silk and belt road strategy trying to get a little share of it from China since positively early stage of launch
> ordered to place THAAD missiles by the US, get economical sanctioned by China

jumpted on bandwagon of Nork leader Kim Jong Un's ass and sooth the US with fake peace trick
> get ignored by everyone, Moon Jue In is now traveling on Nordic countries to talk about peace in Korean peninshula with Nordic politicians

jumpled on the bandwagon of Huwai 5G project and still the SK goverment claims it is companies decision whether they adopt it or not.
Name one country that is not miserable and shit country than South shit Korea? Detrute's Philippines is x1000 based and better country than this shithole
There soulless insects can not live without obeidience to master of region but there is nothing valuable as human beans from current and past behaviors.

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how do you get a job as an english teacher if you can't spell "jumped"?

I instantly knew the OP would be Japanese before clicking on the thread.

Why do nips let protonips live inside their head rent free?

Seriously no one gives more of a fuck about Korea than nip otakus shitposting on 2ch.

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Kim chi sucks anyway

>Philippines is x1000 based and better country than this shithole
why? Because your otaku ass goes there to fuck prostitues?

Because they're okay with aids infected nerds because they all already have it

>What would be better worse than sout korea?

Jewish diaspora are working overtime with Polish hate threads, Serbia hate threads, are Greeks white threads, anything to deflect away from the Jewish influence and get the goyim to fight the goyim, or get different goyim to fuck different goyim(miscegenation).

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I don’t give a damn if people shit on Korea, but why the fuck do you care?

Tfw too mad to even type porperly. Where and when did you get beaten up so badly?

Do not come to Japan you stinky raw garlic eater.

kys you netouyo filth busy sucking Pink Mutt cocks
Koreans are fellow Asian soulmates

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>Detrute's Philippines is x1000 based and better country than this shithole
Koreaboos are an infestation here nowadays. Fuck them.

go back to wherever you come from you self Divide and Conquer shilling netouyo filth

My short goal for life is to paticipate in race war and kill all gooks and zainichis.

Daily reminder that radical feminists still control Koreans and gookanon may have been killed already

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>Race war

We're the same race you dumb fuck
Race war may be inevitable but it's the United Asian Soulmates VS. the Pinkoid race

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I love it when nips and gooks fight

Do not respond to me ever again you fucking silthy zainichi rat.
You gooknoids are dumbest spiecies on this planest.

And never use divide and conquer, since it is you zainichis, commies and gook rats use the tactic in okinawa to devide Japan. You motherfuckers deserve to be slautered but no mercies next time to the end of one garbage rat.

It's your Divide and Conquer shill and those subhumans such as this OP who are brainwashed with it
Asians hating each other meme is produced and supported by you Pinkos to keep us separated so that the west could somehow remain relevant to the world politics as they know that if we ever united all each other the west couldn't compete with us in the slightest

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To Pinkos we're all gooks lmao
unironically siding with Pinkos rather than fellow Asian soulmates sharing history and culture lmao you're an absolute cuck

>result > get invaded by Hideyoshi and get slashed all ears as a victory memorial
what victory? the chinese rekt you guys
also, english teacher pls go

when english teachers fight*
literally everyone here with a korean or japanese flag is an amerimutt or cucknadian who can't get a real job

NO one thinks you subhumanoid gooks human and same race.

You brought white here twice to devide argument.

You low gook rat is the one here trying to use divide and conquer
along with calling a nationalist netouyo, you worthless chimp

Radiation causes brain damage apparently

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hahaha being a WN in this era is pretty much fucked Pink Boi

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>evaluate someone's english by cucked soulless roach

who cares? literally especilly from you soulless bastards that only care to abondon your mother country with enthuasiam of studying engrish to polish those white people's nation, make a village uspeaking retardeded gooknoids language in their shitty community and live like a mice trying not to be race targeted by whito masters and contribute nothing but washing their clothes. You gooks need only greet words to your master whitos. Lmao

You'll get the rope along with your Pink masters after the inevitable race war

my fellow mutt, your japanese impression is not good. pls stop embarrassing yourself

Then try it you filthy commie rat.

Day of the rope? commie zainichi It is always for you weak bastards.

You gook disposable gooknoid diasporas are my 2nd target at racewar.

nah he's probably an actual nip called netouyos meaning retarded keyboard warriors who are so fucking obsessed with Korea and China that they bash these countries 24/7 on the internet
They are most likely worshiping the Muttland too
absolutely race traitors

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>South Korea hate thread
>Aokigahara flag

Why am I not surprised?

Oh fuck off you facist. Was 2 nukes not enough for you to know your place.

Go home English teacher.

get a life you virginal subhuman

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all of you gooks are disgusting

Why do Americans care about Mexicans?

It's the same logic retard. They're on each other's border arguing over retarded islands and trying to get gibs cause their grandparents got raped. I personally don't give a fuck but I don't get how you can't understand the situation.

I did overlook that. Phil is a fucking donkey fucking shithole compared to SK. That's where you know OP is delusional as shit.

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Back to Jow Forumshapas/ before I tell your dad on you.

Why are skin problems so prevalent in south korea?

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Imagine a country as big and rich as Japan, perpetually butthurt against an underdog countty like Korea.

Koreans are simply taller, more intelligent, more extroverted, more popular in the world than the Japanese by far.

Japanese culture is popular with incels, weebs and niggers, korean culture is popular with white teens who come here to get schlonged by Korean men.

Aisatsu Samurai warriors :D you guys seem like a bunch well balanced individuals! Can I join? I'm east-Asian myself and I hate these white devils they smell like their sisters crusty pussy. All this propaganda about our small dicks is made-up by the whitey to make us seem like little beta boys when in reality we are fierce samurai! My penor is 14cm now do not come here and tell me that is not masculine because your girl has never seen such pussy destroyer in her whole life.

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All slant eyes are insect tier. Stay on your shithole continent please

America was the land of mongoloid native americans. When the white race is extinct by 2100, we will reclaim it.

Oh don't play the victim here Korea. Finland never forgets what you did to us

Shouldnt have stolen our mammoths, genghis

Yes master we will follow your way

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How did they get away with all the massacres they performed

The girl on pic related is Korea, the guy is Japan.

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so based

Fuck off crypto-gook


Jesus christ! Look at that insectoid face.

do you seriously believe any Jp flag here is Japanese ?

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Well ok, that meme din't turn out quite well

jeez they are obsessed with us

Hey I hate Koreans too. Where ever Americans are in Asia they follow.

They're all over the fucking Philippines. I'm going there in about a week and a half and my friends there report Koreans jam packed, like cockroaches, everywhere.

I swear I wish one of those muzzies would attack one of their Hangouts.

...fucking Koreans

South Korea's okay

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>see thread
>"huh, 10 bucks its a Japanese
>Flag checks out
>mfw I own myself 10 Bucks

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Don't post a picture of a cute Korean girls and say "mmm South korea's ok" if that helps your case you fat bitch

How about picture of Korean foot girls dominating men?

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South Koreans are pathetic ZOG worshippers.
All their faggot men got circumcised because they wanted to be cool like the American kike puppets they emulate.
Hope the north nukes the cunts

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Nope. Doesn't help.


Are you gay? How the fuck can you even resits pic related. Its not possible.

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Ok, this is based.

Can't we all just get along and worship feet?

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fuck you, southern kuril islands cunt
you don't even have nuclear weapons, better not piss off your korean neighbors
don't want ur little island to be irradiated when you become part of the russian empire

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>get ruled by unironic anti man feminists
>March in the streets and bitch about it
>one puppet steps down
>problem solved!
South Korea
An entire nation of submissive bitch boys. I have a friend at school from SK and I asked if people own guns and he practically shit himself. Just pathetic. We should get Abe to wipe you idiots off the planet and let the norks take Seoul, it would at least be entertaining.

Gook feet are eh

On a serious note now. Those ''bitch boys'' at least have compulsory military service while muttland haven't had one since fucking Vietnam war, half a decade ago.

Half a century ago*

And yet they still come out beta faggots with zero testosterone and an unhealthy fear of firearms
Fat lot of good that did. They learn submission to the state without any of the practical skills.

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You are a dying nation getting ethnically replaced and economically colonized by China.Your country will balkanize after Putin dies.

Kek. this

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>Gambling with yourself
>Not playing Russian roulette

Who cares about the flag?

sorks are just terminally retarded sinoboos. they want papa china's cock in their mouth so badly, they're the national version of a stalker. china probably sees them as like a third taiwan.
>japans justification for imjin was "koreans can't develop civilization on their own"
>has yet to be refuted
>still using the buildings infrx and equipment japan built for them
japan did nothing wrong.

As a chinaman i really don't get why the fuck you japs and gooks hating each other so much, even more than hating china.

Jesus chirist yeah if gooks are mad cuz WW2 i can still understand, but all those ネトウヨ i have seen are acting like gooks reaped their whole family.

I mean aren't you faggots got a common enemy, we the mighty commie china?
Is this some kike witchcraft since you both controlled by murica jews?

Sure, it's full of soys with a bit of a hivemind but they were the ones that brought civilization to barbaric Japan from Bakjae when there wasn't much else going on in your island. That's something your own country won't teach you in school because even your most renowned historians are secretly butthurt about the fact and refuse to excavate certain key sites that would prove that point. Emperor Akihito even admitted that he descended from Baekjae bloodlines in his speech before abdicating. Silly nip doesn't realizes his own emperor comes from Korean bloodlines.

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Post Chinese girl's feet.

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Found the Serbo-Greeko-Polish cunt mutt.

We are controlled by jews but chinks are the same as jews
Checkm8 chang kai kek

Chinese are our fellow Asian soulmates, along with Koreans but the thing is that you're a Pink chimp pretending to be Chinese
you couldn't even solve the google Captcha to post here in the mainland

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>trump is such a boss he stands face to face with a giant drago
>when torched with flame he cockily comments in his face
Imagine thinking this comic makes trump look bad

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My god so much S e e t h i n g in that pic.

koreans to japan are like the jews to the western world. they still holding their hands for ww2 reparations, they are the 5th coulumn within japan, they are controlling lot of media (NHK, TBS, asahi,fuji tv, yomiuri, mainichi), they even change their names just like juden!!

a lot of them have double passports, which is forbidden in japan.

i see you like to play with fire as well

Thank you for your opinion Herr Goldberg
>Chinese are our fellow Asian soulmates, along with Koreans
y-you too
>proxy isn't a thing

Why do so many Asians have brown skin ? I dont like it

and why is the lighter skin yellow instead of white?

Can Asians see properly if they have severe chink eye?

Look at this picture of cute girlll omgggg!! Azins are the best omgggg


north korea needs to take over

Why can’t you two just get along?

>see SK hate thread
>posted by Japan
Not suprised at all. Classic nippon

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show your flag, dumb fuck

>Pink chimp
wtf is pink chimp

>pink chimp
What did he mean by this?

I think he means white people