Which side will asians take in the Amerimutt racewar?

Which side will asians take in the Amerimutt racewar?

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They'll sit on the sidelines because they try really hard to avoid conflict.

We will enslave whites and blacks and bring back Jim Crow.

I wish i had a white nationalist boyfriend but im a mutt and a guy it hurts

I've noticed some of them online refer to themselves as PoC and "brown".

Whites of course.

The Asians are just as discriminated against as us.

Probably their own side.


Here's an example.

Attached: 6kcVXle.png (1076x166, 33K)

They'll probably run away from America like they did their home country. Immigrants don't know a damn thing about this country. I don't expect them to fight for it and would prefer them to leave anyway.

Yeah the browns are working really hard in trying to get Asians into the PoC alliance. They will probably succeed since everyone likes gibs.

Asian-Asian or UK Asian? The world may never know

You realise that you are to blame for everything what happens nowadays?
Holy shit Russia was such a mistake.

asians are doing great and are the nations highest earners, last thing on their mind is a race war. Only lower class who lack options and are frustrated about their placement in life are ready to waste themselves away on a street corner

Asians are scum and always side with fellow niggers

PoC and the establishment will just come after them next since they actually have their shit in order all be it in a much different way than us westerners. I watch blacks beat the hell out of them for nothing more than a glance.


They will take china's side and conquer america

Oh look a confederate
>too lazy to pick his own cotton
>"Oh Cletus I got an idea!"
>imports thousands and thousands of niggers
>breeds millions of them
>gets into a war over niggers and kills a shittonne of fellow whites
>still fucking loses
>now niggers spread all over the country

Southerners were pretty based soldiers but man at least north did not import nig nogs

Hopefully we could establish an ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest

The men or the women?

According to John Titor China takes the side of the "Opposing" party, while Russia backs the leading party.

Attached: 1557051880438.png (334x377, 132K)

>uneducated on causes of the war
yawn, baitpost elsewhere

Japs, Chinese, and Male Koreans will side with whites.
Korean females are pretty drenched in media bullshit with a less secure foundation unless they had a traditional upbringing.

Flips, Samoans, Hmong, Cambodians, and all the other rando nations will generally go black or latino.

Indians will go to whites as they respect success,
Paki's will go with Arabs.
I don't know where Mongolians would side.