And then one day, for no reason at all

Let’s showcase the degeneracy of our modern age.

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The problem with that is most normies don't even know about the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic. They think it was the hyperinflation and butthurt over Versailles that got Hitler elected. And the impoverishment was probably the biggest factor anyway.

>if only people knew the real truth of why people wanted hitler in power

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Twitter user USUprising had a great thread on it. Bookmark this.


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It's funny because people who think that comment about Hitler is insightful don't understand the political landscape of pre-Nazi Germany at all. It figures Jow Forumstards would flock to it though considering the average poster on this board is a brainlet.

is that some kids butthole?


Where is the uncensored pic? so i can make sure smut like this gets deleted!

dragqueen storytime yayyy

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>Account suspended
imajin my shok

yea this thread taught me a lot about weimar germany. he says there are a lot of parallels and there fucking are

You will never find the original, or the story behind this picture. You're not meant to.

Shut the fuck up Snow jew

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Send it to the fbi.

Hitler was a faggot

Liberals are nazis

IF you think nazis are cool then you are a brainwashed liberal nazi

stop being brainwashed liberal nazis...

never had a wife
no children
no meat
loved muslims
hated jews
lost at everything
killed himself

Stop being brianwashed liberal nazis

you did not find out the secrets of the world on youtube. liberals own youtube and brainwashed you.

stop being idiots

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How tf did he do that like it was nothing

You don't do that sort of shit sober. Either he took a bunch of drugs or his brain is fucked and didn't register that shit.

it has nothing to do with pol

has everything to do with zoomers being youtube educated and low iq

t. Wild Bill for America

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good leaf.

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Hitler was a Jew. Used for creating Israel. “NA”tional “ZI”onist party. Non jews thrown in camps and called jews. Some jews die, nothing too bad, if it means getting Israel. Some of Hitlers family became Jews (or were already Jews) and same story for his henchmen. Hmmm

But, with that said, fuck Israel.

this isnt real.

Then let’s make them know
We KNOW and they DONT
So why not change that

So brave

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It is

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Great read user

I scrolled too far after opening that Hans.

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why does no one seem concerned about the nigger fingering a white childs asshole in op?

Why are there gay orcs though?


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Good. If they don’t know the degeneracy surrounding the time when Hitler was elected they’ll come to the conclusion of electing a modern Hitler organically

G'day cunt, you seem knowledgeable on the subject so i'll ask you. Exactly what kind of degeneracy was prevalent in the Wiemar republic and can you recommend any good reading material? Thanks in advance, Bruce

It's not like it's the worst thing we've seen fags do.

Haven’t seen the trollface for a long time

My sides

They didnt even call themselves nazis so that theory is retarded

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why did he want pwr?

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Here we go anons

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Skidaddle, skidoodle, your right leg is now a noodle!

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expected meme flag but i guess you are Brooklyn based

even got buscemi freakin', and that's a hard thing to do

Is that a childs asshole?

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I heard he killed himself not too long ago. Could be false though

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It's manufactured to distract you from the upcoming war with Iran. Don't believe me? Try to track down the source...

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The Weimar Republic faced violent uprisings from various groups, not to mention devastating economic problems. Germany between 1918 and 1919 was in chaos. People were starving, the Kaiser had fled and people hated the government for signing the armistice in November 1918 - they called them the November criminals.

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The Fall of the Weimar Republic. Blaming Germany's troubles on Jews, traitors, communists, and the failures of Weimar democracy, Hitler ran against Hindenburg in the April 1932 presidential election. ... Finally, on January 30, 1933, President Hindenburg reluctantly agreed to choose Hitler as the new chancellor.

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great read


Friedrich Ebert, (born February 4, 1871, Heidelberg, Germany—died February 28, 1925, Berlin), leader of the Social Democratic movement in Germany and a moderate socialist, who was a leader in bringing about the constitution of the Weimar Republic, which attempted to unite Germany after its defeat in World War I.

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The Weimar Republic, Germany's 12-year experiment with democracy, came to an end after the Nazis came to power in January 1933 and established a dictatorship.

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>never had a wife
Eva Braun couldn't have kids. And he fled to south america.
Okay retard.

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fine start posting.

>liberal nazis
Either nazis are tolatarian or liberals, they cant be both or neither at the same time.

Most normies are going to be left in the dust and end up in bodybags because they were too retarded. Frankly don't care, they've had enough time and enough evidence to change course.

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Holy shit anons. It truly is a site where fags post videos of cutting their junk.

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That kids bung must be so blown out

does that say clam, or glam on that book? "mary had a little clam" would be something these psychos would read to kids.

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She probably ran out of breath after taking the picture. Guess it was a short slay.

AshkeNAZI jews

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