This kid was annoying as fuck but it's still pretty fucked up that the media collectively banded together to ruin his...

This kid was annoying as fuck but it's still pretty fucked up that the media collectively banded together to ruin his chances of ever attending a respectable university. They failed to ruin Sandmann's life so Kashuv was clearly the next best thing.

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his messages were pretty funny

Who gives a fuck, the kid was a jew from Israel. Ben Shapiro through the covington kids under the bus yet defended this cocksucker. What does that tell you?

*threw not through


lol Ben Shapiro and literally every other right/centrist news outlet apologized for the Sandmann thing as soon as they saw that the full video disproved everything that was being reported.

This kid is a Jewish conservitard plant, I’m actually surprised they pulled this on him, they must have been forced.

another one of the parkland kids that used the shooting as a launching pad

like I fucking care.
Just another summerfag who was stupid enough to carry his troll speak into the real world
and beyond that, shilled for gun control like a fucking communist to fit in with the libshit crowd and go to "Harvard"

again who and what?

He's a kike plant. Who gives a shit?

He's Jewish. He'll be alright

Dude was dumb enough to think that linking his real name with saying racial slurs wasn't going to negatively affect him in life?

I mean when I was chatting on MSN messenger 12 years ago before all this SJW BS I knew that you keep your racism anonymous.

>and beyond that, shilled for gun control

he literally did the opposite

Yeah we know.

Parkland student Kyle Kashuv . from Parkland shooting season 2

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that wasn't even it, the messages were from a shared Google Doc being used for a school project and the rest came from private texts that some classmate leaked to the press.

Freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences

>private texts that some classmate leaked to the press.
with friends like that who needs enemies

you don't actually talk like that with your "friends" do you user?
You're not the fucking stupid are you?

Guess he shouldnt have sent them if he wanted to go to Harvard. Thats on him.

thats why a always say "never trust a jew"

The amount of e-celebs and 15 minute famers that get into Harvard, is there room there for anyone else? It's like a meme school at this point

But once Shapiro saw the full video, he apologized.
Did the rest of the media?

what were they??
someone post this stuff

Attached: freedom-of-the-press.jpg (894x894, 365K)

>respectable university
Yeah, Harvard and the rest of the Jewvy League were already unrespectable.


Attached: harvard-blm.png (1294x836, 1.96M)

someone posted some in an earlier thread. imagine someone sending you a text while their so drunk they cant even see straight & most of the message just says
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Attached: harvard-mixtape.png (864x976, 1.08M)

clearly not ivy league material, I mean who gets caught saying that shit? really?

why doesn’t this idiot just photoshop his face on some star athlete and bribe the dean?

Jews seriously destroyed this country. They deserve whatever comes to them as a result.

Publishing a kneejerk headline and quietly issuing a page 10 retraction is not an apology. Benji is as bad as his mainstream cousins.

Ivy League is now Niggy League.
Learn a trade, become your own boss.

no idea.
if your talking about adam lanza that would make sense.

this is also a made up qoute. i cant seem to find it anywhere.

>Parkland survivor

Insane its like a Zoo of faggot chomo gangsters... so brave.

This kid is part of kike clique who are okay with (you) getting banned because twitter is a private company. Now he gets fucked over himself by private institution. Based!. Deal with it its free market Schlomo.

>aspiring rap artist or a street pharmacist

>all you had to do was pick your own cotton.


Look at his soulless non- white eyes. He’s a plant

He looks like he is 13. What a fucking faggot. God damn why are Americans so self absorbed?

>Wah wah wah someone shot up my school and I hid under a desk like gigantic pussy let me take advantage of a tragedy to get a career and big bank account!

Glad he got burned by Harvard admissions. Retard is just a racist, edgy, dipshit masquerading as a young, brave, "survivor" but he's too stupid to realize nobody gives a shit about him and nothing he says or does is going to get Harvard adcoms to change their minds

No such thing as racism memeflag

Saying "Um" about 40 times doesn't qualify you to be admitted to a once respected university. Just shows your mediocre level.

> kike tells nigger jokes

Seeing niggers and kikes get fucked is great.

Attached: annudah shoah.png (787x386, 551K)

Take your seroquel and go to bed

>jew gets jewed by a system he was trying to jew and doesnt get into a jew school run by jews
Oh vey its anudda shoah!

Wtf Lou diamond philips

Can we talk about the outage from the black community over someone using the magic word that strips them of all humanity and causes them to fly into an animalistic rage.

Harvard took David Hogg. He had a shit GPA and no other school wanted him.

Nothing happened even in the cut video.
It's telling how fast cuckservatives threw them under the bus

You don't need an official degree nowadays. Experience is the most important part.

Shapiro still can't stomach that Trump is winning.