I guys, just thought I'd share my story with dealing with being so redpilled

I guys, just thought I'd share my story with dealing with being so redpilled.

I've been coming on Jow Forums since about 2014 and probably spend upwards of 5 hours a day posting here. I'm a proud believer of National Socialism, a regular contributor to /sg/, and I've laughed and cried with all you guys.

However dealing with the JQ in particular has basically ruined my life. I see jews everywhere I go now, and I always notice them behind everything that is wrong in my life. I dream about jews fucking shit up and probably spend about 75% of my day thinking about them. Today I saw a utility car that had an ad "got dents" and thought it say "goy dents". I followed the car in anger for about 15 minutes before I realized what it actually said. This kind of shit just happens all the time to me. I basically got kicked out of my college for calling my professor a kike when he tried to talk about the holohoax and have become a social pariah as a result. I have absolutely no friends besides you guys, and women all jokingly call me "fat hitler" around my old social circles.

What's worse my mom works for a kike, and I demanded she quit her job than have us live off of jew money. She kicked me out of the house and now I'm forced to live with my grandma. I have no job as I refuse to be a zogcog so am 100% dependent on her now. I have no health insurance and refuse to go to walk-ins because the doctors are always kikes. My grandma wants me to go to a therapist to work past my jew "obsession" but I won't because that shit is a kike racket. On April 20th we got into a huge fight because I wanted a party to celebrate Hitler's birthday and she thought it was a waste of money. She made me take down my pictures of Hitler, Bashar al-Assad, and Saddam. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to live with her. My mom says she should let me be homeless...

Sometimes I wish I never got so redpilled..How do you guys with the redpill not ruining your life like this?

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>I have no job as I refuse to be a zogcog
Go work on a farm in a small town

>I dream about jews fucking shit up
This nigga still has dreams!

stop being autistic and blackpilled OP, it really isn't that bad. and why throw a birthday party using someone elses money? just honor his memory, that should do it.
also stop whining about your social life. everyone knows what he's getting himself into when he becomes a national socialist.

Chill larp! One post by this ID

It's good to see the progress you've made.

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Ruining your life is exactly what the jews want. Stop being so autistic user

By not being autistic


>Birthday Party for Hitler

Top kek!

Is this new pasta? Cause it tastes fantastic

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>fat hitler
>not Eatler
Your classmates are retards

Its true, they are out to get you. Filthy bastards are everywhere. Keep an eye out

No Khadaffi on the wall? GODDAMMIT user

Ok ill respond to the bait.
Just have a Job.
Actually know about economics, politics etc. Work out.
Drop small redpills to tell other people.
Don't lie to them. Theyve been lied to enough.
As soon as they realise you're not a liar and notice that you want the best for them(like real NatSoc) you have the best friends in the world.

Redpill is hard on all of us user. My HTLER vanity plate caused a huge shitstorm in my family (plus people always fuck with my car)

This has to be bait. This type of person surely doesn't exist.

This is litteraly Cartman

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shut up nazcel

You believe in a conspiracy, you almost certainly have deep and troubling mental health issues. Go and get some help before it consumes you.

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you're so funny