Tim Pool is a bald faggot who literally blamed Antifa for the reason why he wears that ridiculous beanie

Tim Pool is a bald faggot who literally blamed Antifa for the reason why he wears that ridiculous beanie.


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>she's running again...

Attached: image.jpg (250x223, 7K)

Lol he was being a little bitch in that vid

fuck of tom. ayy lol

I was radicalized by Tim Pool. Now what do I do?

I can't imagine anything more pathetic than young americans play acting at political discourse.

it is pathetic , its sounds and looks well...like this.


I like him but Jesus he never says much in his videos despite all the fucking talking he does.
>Agrees or disagrees with whatever article he has pulled up
>I am mixed race
>This validates everything

Imagine calling yourself a journalist when all you do is read articles written by other people on camera.

Why do you feel the need to point out his baldness every time?

Why the fuck is he wearing a beanie indoors in the summertime?

That's what 99% of journalism is. An article based on an article based on an opinion piece is fact now.

why do you give a shit how much hair he has you dumb shill

>I wear this hat so people don't recognize me
He wears it ALL THE TIME, though. I bet he wears it in restaurants
Just shave it bro

He wears it during sex

>tfw completely bald at age 33

I think this is the moment Tim legitimately started hating the left.

>white genetics

Milennial Matt is an Alt Righter

Wtf he pulls it off really well, just fuckin rock it dude. I guess we all have our own demons.

Wtf do you think journalism is? I bet you believe you need a piece of paper and a 100k loan debt to call yourself a journalist.

>shave it
Why? To look like a an ex-con, skinhead of someone who had lice?

Great thread OP. I’m really happy you stopped sucking dicks for 30 seconds so you could give to the world such a magnificent thread. I can’t wait for your next masterpiece.

Post 1 (one) original investigative journalism he's done in recent years. The last was his Euro trips from 2017

and once you've realized all that, the blatant clickbait becomes seriously enraging.

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>Bald faggot
Bald shaming is the only form of hate speech that I unironically support people being jailed for. It's not ok to call someone a nigger a faggot or a kike but somehow it's ok to call out a young man who happens to be balding? This is not ok. I would rather see Europe fall than see my "white ally" making fun of me for being bald. I'm fucking done with this ethnostate bullshit.

Buy a rug. He could probably afford a nice one.

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Ay yo little timmy!

Attached: LITTLETIMMY.jpg (300x300, 25K)

Never try to fight things like these by cope-wearing a stupid beanie in an effort to keep you in perpetual cool skater boi down with the hackers-dome.

Shut the fuck up, baldy

wearing something on your head constantly when your hair thins just makes you lose your hair even faster, and creates that absolutely shiny bald-head effect

Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura
Tim Pura

you'd wear a beanie 24/7 like a faggot if you looked like this too

Attached: TimPool.png (580x386, 177K)

beanie intensifies

Most journalist do not do original investigative journalism, so I am now sure what your point is.

there are two beaniepilled guys where i work
should i remove beanie?

that may be true, but we should call it out regardless of whether they're mainstream or not...and Tim Pool is just too lazy and sloppy about it all....he doesn't even appear to try anymore.

Because it's a free country?

Attached: TimPura.jpg (640x419, 232K)

How much of an ignorant fucking nigger are you? I guess you must be a really stupid motherfucker huh? He used to be the guy flying out to places like Egypt to get scoops and report. He was the man on the ground. Just recently he got chased out of I believe Venezuela by guys literally trying to kill him because they thought he was a CIA agent. Kill yourself you fucking waste.

post webm

post link or gtfo
never heard him claim he was in Venezuela

he unironically looks good bald

I kinda think Tim is a cutie. It's so adorable when he's overwhelmed with the situations he's in.

Whatever happened to based Mustache Matt?

To not look pathetic

youtu.be/Mn8gmZdGo6s here, faggot.

Tim you need to start using some news sources from China and Russia.

You coverage is dictated by American leftist corporations.
That is the weakness in your model.
They get to set the topic you get into, regardless of what views you might have on said topic.

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its currently 31 degrees celsius and people are wearing shorts and flip flops. if anyone saw a faggot wearing a wool beanie they would assume he is mentally ill or retarded

Faggot prolly killed himself

>if only you knew how bad things are

the weather doesn't warrant the wearing of beanies.

He went full hack pretty early.
Anyone can find pic of him chrome dome, but it's not as if he has a generic face to begin with.

how old is this nigga? he should just own it the only thing more pathetic the a bald head is a bald man who's a shame of it

ITT jelly fat manlets dreaming they had a pretty vagina.

this like saying that Micky Mouse wear his ears to people wont recognize him

>if only you knew how bald things really are

That's harsh man. No need to bully.

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Check 'em

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Bald hapa

Worst of both worlds lol

>instantly look 10-15 years older
its not fair

tim pool is one of the last best journalists in this country. i hope traveling around in that tricked out van is everything he dreamed it would be.

He looks like a fucking Marine there.

Get a load of all these male model looking Chads bashing on some e-celeb for covering up his baldness.
You know some of these faggots would be way too ashamed of their looks to ever put themselves out there like that.
Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm heading out before these cocksuckers blast me into oblivion for disagreeing.

anyone else getting a strong library loner aura from these people?

they are like the group of nerdy weird cunts that hanged out at the library on their lunch break at school

>I'm totally left-leaning, guys
fuck off Tim

look out everyone! its those "cool" kids from the library

He has his head on his shoulders and does great commentary. Dude works hard too, really enjoy his stuff and hope he continues to see success.

So when will the slippery slope hits Tim hard enough that he appears in Ben Shapiro, then becomes a fox news contributor?

i didnt recognise him when i saw a picture of him without it
hes obviously flustered and embarrassed. like im going bald too, its shitty but just deal with it dont sperg out

Isn't this the faggot who got mad about that porn game?

Annoying candy sucking manlet who reads bullshit from the internet and pretends he holds some special kind of knowledge while calling himself a journalist.