White woman pretends to be a doctor and kills like 100 babies in Uganda

White woman pretends to be a doctor and kills like 100 babies in Uganda.

She learnt procedures from YouTube.
Amen to that.

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Agreeing with leftists for all the wrong reasons

Jesus Christ. How fucking desperate would you have to be for self validation and social browny points to PRETEND to be a doctor for someones fucking kid. It makes my brain hurt knowing this stupid cunt has done more to hurt black people than any faggot calling people here nigger ever will.

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Reminds me of that confirmed schizo poster on somethingawful that watched medical youtubes, got some random gear and shipped off tosome war zone after the arab spring.
I think he was last seen with a sniper rifle going into some besieged city or something like that.
Before this he played out his M*A*S*H fantasy based on youtube videos and probably killed a few rebels in the process.

I have a wonderful idea. How about all white people leave africa. No aid, no supplies. If the rest of the world thinks Africa is better off with blacks in it, let them tend the zoo.

Imagine white people to keep you alive


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Important point good sir has made.

Googled a bit. His username was caro, real name Kevin Dawes. He's the guy in pic related.
It seems he got caught and spent a while rotting in a syrian dungeon but it seems hes released now.

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How fucking desperate would you have to be that there's a doctor who is known to have killed a hundred or so babies already, but you still go because she's a "white doctor"

>Given his precarious mental state, Dawes should never have been near a warzone. If it wasn't for the internet's spirit of can-do amateurism and the web of connections it opened up, he probably would have stayed at home. Over several years he'd convinced himself that his grandmother had been in the CIA and that a secretive network in the same organisation had tortured him, quietly sterilised him and done all sorts of other unspeakable things to get him to do their bidding. Aided by tiny computer chips and cameras, and by mysterious suggestions delivered during his sleep, they'd tried to brainwash him and otherwise mess with his head. They had planted tramps around his house to keep an eye on him; now they wanted him for a top-secret CIA stud farm. To do something about it, he'd taken a cab to the Russian Federation embassy in Washington, but they'd "told me to f*** off at the gate".


Yeah I'm sure Ugana has a ton of board-certified physicians on hand. kek

In fairness the child mortality rate in Uganda is 56 per 1,000 live births. 100 dead babies going through your hospital over the course of 10 years is literally fucking nothing.

Also alleged that the church missionaries are associated with land grabbing, and illegal businesses.

Women are really that shallow.

Only 1,215,999,900 to go...

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he looks like someone who would be from something awful

I seriously want you faggots to picture this hellhole of a country for a minute though: 5.6% of all babies born will die before they reach childhood. The infant mortality rate in the United States is 0.58%. In Norway it's 0.22%. Anyone who pretends that 100 dead babies is some huge number in Uganda is retarded.

That blood in the IV line looks too red. Are they giving the kid blood or someone fucked up hard and poke an artery?

IV is to put stuff in, this looks like the body is pushing the blood back into the line. Kid is bleeding out into the fucking line.


>White woman pretends to be a doctor and kills like 100 babies in Uganda
fucking based, killed more niggers than all of Jow Forums combined

>quietly sterilised him
>they wanted him for a top-secret CIA stud farm

they do it for free

What about the Afrikaners?

serving HIS children, lol who is the HIS? God's or some black dude's?

oh well if it was over 10 years she's probably actually saving lives lol

it's safe to assume she's a delusional christcuck on a mission, unless stated otherwise

African babies don't deserve to live

Yeah, I was just wondering that. What's her success rate? What's the ratio per ailment? She might've been doing well.
I mean fuck, doctors in developed nations kill people by accident all the fuckin time

is she /ourgal/?

only a white woman

>this stupid cunt has done more to hurt black people than any faggot calling people here nigger ever will.
But words hurt more than actions

>She might've been doing well.
She probably was doing well. These SJWs make it out like these poor ignorant niggers are just falling for it because she's white, as if word doesn't spread around. If the only white fucking doctor around did a bad job everybody would know. It's a pretty unique identifying characteristic for what's essentially a basement ripper. Frankly I wonder if these idiots realize that these type of people exist in first world countries too. They just don't advertise because their license to practice either doesn't exist or got revoked which is why they're pulling bullets out of street thugs instead of signing prescriptions for a living.

litany of foreign educated, supposedly qualified doctors killing patients via negligence in Europe. due to fucked up nature of EU rules, they can be struck off in one member state and travel to another and begin practicing again like nothing happened.

The sad truth is that a westerner without medical training but a rudimentary knowledge of first aid and who is careful about things like sanitary conditions is likely an improvement over nobody at all being there. A lot of ills can be treated by rest in a clean bed, with clean food and water.

>covering your wall in malnourished kids
white people are retarded

Absolutely based
I always assumed doctors go to Africa to practice on niggers so they have a practical understanding of medicines when they return home to treat real people

Liberals in a microcosm

Doesn't this make her the queen of Jow Forums?

Okay, so 100 children died over a period of time.
But how many children did she save (that survived) in that same time?
She's still an idiot for practicing medicine without a loicence, and niggers should not be saved, but that article is biased.

FFS white women can't keep getting away with it

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Based n-word
>seriously tho this was horrible and why women shouldn't vote

to be fair she was probably still the best doctor in the area

You know it's getting colonised by China, right? But they aren't white so you won't hear it in the media...

this is virtue signaling major league
can you imagine all those instagram posts she posted and all the like she got for being a quack?

Over 30 million babies are born each year in Africa. That equates to 90k each day.
100 is a drop in the bucket. They were replaced in about 7 seconds.

This nigger organization from Uganda wants white doctors out of Africa, time to shill them and maybe white doctors will leave and people will pull their money out of their charities. Let them die of AIDS.

Once the niggers get a taste of Chinese colonization, they'll think fondly of the white man.

Based. Also lolling @ the media ignoring how many babies qualified doctors kill

if have a question Jow Forums
Would you prefer being treated by a white hobby doctor or by an Ugandan Doctor?

>Persian woman doctor told me I sounded like I was having a stroke
>Uncle drives me to the hospital
>White male doctor sees me after two hours says she completely mixed up the symptoms and that there was nothing urgently wrong with me
Many such cases.

I was legitimately shocked at the way African governments responded to concern about their dealings with China. Their politicians justified it by saying "The Chinese never colonized us!" as a reason to trust them. Unfuckingbelievable.

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The US army does this for medics in Detroit and Chicago. Enough gunshot trauma there to simulate a minor war.


>be nazi
>pretend to help niggers
>kill them of by pretending to care about them
Bonus points if you say you are jewish for the keks

The hierarchy among the cool kids has had white women at the bottom for a long while now, maybe slightly above upper caste Indian women, but definitely below Africans who literally didn't do nuffing.

Colonization historically has involved the minor edge that foreign detachments can provide to forge a mutually beneficial alliance with a faction within that society. Mugabe's family got most of its wealth from the British, as I recall.

Wait til you hear about the in-store prices

>before Jow Forums
>i want to volunteer in Africa
>after Jow Forums
>to genocide niglets

Post them.
You do want an end to this horror, don't you?

Stop having so many kids then. You don't fucking breed when you cant afford food nigger.

Hans pls no bully

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her medical attempts already exceeded African medical knowledge
so what if she kills a hundred, the experience will make her save a 1000
but shalom whyte grill kills le 100 negros muh reparations!!!
it's literally retarded
she's helping them and yet they do not see
this is why africa should have stayed colonised

I'm just in it for the honk honks.

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if anything she's hurt the white race more by going than by killing those 100 negroes

>Bonus points if you say you are jewish for the keks
my company is kill and I unironically plan to larp as secular jew in my next job interview

that's literally all dictatorships after decolonization
They'll get their part when they figure out their debt is entirely owned by chinks, who want to get paid.

Aren't we all.

if true this woman accomplished more for the race than all Jow Forums put together.

At least she was Christian. :^)

These are the women you chase nigger. Enjoy.

What the fuck
is this girls problem
>be white girl
>go to failed state
>see malnourished boy
>feed malnourished boy until fat
>send kid on his way
>retarded grandma can't feed kid, let's it starve until it fucking dies
>random white girl starts holding you responsible for feeding a family of monkeys who couldn't be bothered to do it themselves
>follow up in cases like these
>in the middle of rural uganda where everyone is suffering from poverty and something
seriously this has to be the worst most privileged article I've ever read

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I hate white women can we exterminate them and get robots instead?

>seriously this has to be the worst most privileged article I've ever read
It's distressing isn't it? How liberal women are the first to start screaming "privilege" while remaining utterly blind to their own. It indicates a complete detachment from reality and a total lack of self-awareness.

>To do something about it, he'd taken a cab to the Russian Federation embassy in Washington, but they'd "told me to f*** off at the gate".

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>How liberal women are the first to start screaming "privilege" while remaining utterly blind to their own. It indicates a complete detachment from reality and a total lack of self-awareness.
Sometimes I don't know how to handle it..because it's just too much
how can you be so blind? Is it a choice? Or do they so severely suffer from Princess syndrome they think we should all eat cake, forgetting that probably half a dozen men have been working their asses off to create that cake for this one princess.

based and redpilled

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>china has taken more out of africa in the past 10 years than the west did throughout the entirety of "colonisation"

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I think the implication is that he died due to illness that should have been addressed, but the assumption was that he just didn't have enough food and they didn't bother to double check. Also keep in mind that the places these hospitals operate in are dealing with literal retards. There's a video that went around of Afghan Pashtuns who are all celebrating death to America but don't recognize a picture of the WTC attacks. That's how detached these people are from the modern world.

>Bonus points if you say you are jewish for the keks
this, we should all larp as kikes

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No, you're misunderstanding. The pattern is for the colonizers to make an entry as allies and then to become disproportionately influential because the elite is dependent upon them to maintain control while they themselves are isolated from the fallout if the colony collapses. This is the model with British India and the Spanish Americas, and I'm given to understand that Africa was similar (although the development there was so primitive that the usual pattern was to either trade with slavers or to set up settler colonies that just replaced the native population).

After decolonization, lots of these families remained in positions of influence, which is why you still hear about the caste system in India every now and again.

1 nigger can make 10 niggers.
10 x 100 = 1000 niggers
Pic unrelated

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might be, but it's written as if the organisation should have followed up some time after to check on the kid
which obviously would be hell to do considering how unconnected rural Africa is
The problem is more that this girl ultimately expects first world standards in a third world country and due to her privileged and sheltered upbringing, even while in rural africa, she can't even understand how that might be a problem..

>grinding XP on niglets
this is brilliant

Fairly sure the castes were alive and well before the British, altho probably in some different form.
Seems to me that what you're describing, is native elites working with colonizers. You're right I misunderstood. These elite families tend to become dictators due to influence and wealth but they were not pushed towards it by the colonizers. The place was simply free after the colonizers left.

The dream

Good, this will make Ugandans less likely to trust Ebola treatment

Beats clearing out the tavern basement of rats

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>Larp as a crazy Jew
>Larp as a crazy progressive
>Act like them and make them look crazy and unappealing
I'm sorry, I thought people were already doing that sort of thing?
I mean that Aussie who was behind that Facebook BLM group should have inspired more already.
I don't expect everyone to do that sort of thing but I'm sure there are plenty already working hard on this

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I've had real doctors tell me they learned how to do procedures from watching youtube videos. I don't see any problem with that. Its the best way to learn how to do a lot of things.

That's fucked. Kids are off limits (yes Jow Forums even black ones)

>She learnt procedures from YouTube.
Still better than a witch doctor

Sure yeah there is contention as to the nature of the castes prior to British arrival from what I've read, but what I mean is that these systems didn't go away and transform into liberal democracies - the parties the British empowered usually just took power in the sort of dictatorial post-colonialism that you were describing earlier.

>how can you be so blind? Is it a choice? Or do they so severely suffer from Princess syndrome
They're operating on a program. They are conditioned to act in such a manner. They display no self awareness because they don't have any. They are basically a flesh robot.

It's not a desperate move when you know every other doctor isn't white.

theyre nogs who fucking cares

>without so much as any consideration for the root cause of his malnutrition
lmao what part of nigger in Africa they don't get?

They'll get it when a new civil war breaks out and conflict engulfs western and central Africa like it did 30 years ago.

>Amen to that.
1000 niggers would make million niggers within three generations

They are like bacteria, but worse. You get rid of them just with some common pills.

based and redpilled

based and redpilled

Is she a leftist? Picture/fb/twitter/Instagram of said woman?

Dont blame whites

Blame women