White Supremecist Opens Fire At Toronto Raptors Celebration

10's of thousands of people in the streets and this man opens fire into a crowd of thousands including children.


Video of the arrest of this horrible horrible human filth's arrest

Attached: Grinning Satan DiCaprio.gif (356x272, 660K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 0mKXcg1.gif (640x360, 1.14M)

Did you expect him to make an announcement first? "Can we please have all the children leave the area before I open fire".

Attached: oleg-vdovenko-aliens-3.jpg (817x1070, 220K)

>white supremecist

Attached: 1545285835523.png (369x325, 56K)

Got you here, didn't it?

Link or it didn't happen.

Attached: whateverigiveup.jpg (918x1123, 233K)

The fuq is this?

That would be I assume, liberal faggots being killed tossed in a pile for later conflagration. maybe I just dreaming in the waking hours...

Why do you type like you're retarded?

perp is a quadroon and he told Jow Forums what would happen earlier

didn't he fail to kill one person?

The link is in the fucking OP you retarded nigger

Are you fucking blind?

Perp is a 100% nigger. Dark as fuck too. Get it right leaf

Three white cops stoping a nigger from killing hundreds of niggers.

Is this a metaphor of the world or something?

prove it

naw he had a pretty mutt complexion, sad soul shat forth through miscegenation somehow I'm all but certain if the attached image was indeed him
didn't do anything to preserve the warning or propagate it because I was amused at the thought of it being serious and didn't want to interrupt, but it was indeed communicated here.

also toronto deserves everything it gets

what a faggot you are



yeah I ain't clicking that shit nigger.

Attached: H8u7y8r7t4u4e9s.jpg (445x391, 43K)

Yes, an 85 IQ niglet you are...

Attached: Nigger Shooter At Toronto Raptors Parade Caught By Police.png (180x277, 102K)

It's liveleak you fucking newfag

Ohhhhhhhhhhh I would NEVER go to that insecure shithole of a honeypot. There are many many more places...that are actually secure and not honeypots

>zoomer faggot doesn't know what live leak is
go play fortnite

White Supremacist?

I know what it is, I just happen to be low on data(can't spare it). Why don't you be a good doobie and post some screen shots?

Attached: yo.jpg (480x311, 36K)

You are now (here)


Attached: 2019-06-18 11_34_22-Liveleak.com - Shooter At Toronto Raptors Parade Caught By Police! - Opera.png (167x198, 49K)