The Ultimate Final Redpill

Female is the superior gender

Attached: MatriarchyNow!.jpg (1280x1058, 109K)

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ok kid

Hi pedo English teacher!

If women were so superior then why the fuck are they incessantly begging men to "accept their authority" instead of taking it?

Superior at what?

So superior they needed men to give them rights.

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yes ma'am

This woman needs my turkish cock in or around her mouth

You present a compelling argument.

My body is ready for about 30 minutes of matriarchy from Alessandra.

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>Time for men to ACCEPT female authority.
You see, this right here is why women will never run things.
You don't ask the people you want to subjugate to nicely roll over and bow down, you bring them to kneel. This is what has been done for the past however many thousands of years and if we hadn't become such a limp-wristed collection of pussies the very image you posted would never have even been thought up.

These guys get it.
Authority is assumed/taken, often with resistance, not asked for.

>Female is the superior gender
Can confirm.

Attached: MenOut.png (683x697, 267K)

Female is the superior gender for taking dick* fixed it for you Chink.

"my feminist threads were a failure like myself and now i'm gonna try to be more inflamatory" the thread

Because they love peace and don't want to use violence.

Lower IQ, lower strength and stamina. Not a single technological contribution to society.

Please tell us more how they are superior.

You gals a frikken adorable.

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Cmon, that just means she's not doing that often.

Look at the broad shoulders and the gangly boney arms and legs. That's a man.

Yeah, no. I'm not a woman hating incel, I couldn't care less. But, I've worked with women and men, had bosses who were women and men, and men were by far the best to work with. Women are truly horrendous. They gossip, they're passive aggressive, they all hate each other and always vent to their male coworkers, they're usually terrible at explaining accurately. The only thing they're superior at is empathy and compassion, which OMG is an inherit female trait.

my gf looks like a 16 year old version of OP's pic, I fuck her 5 times a day

shit is so cash

Check out the statistics on lesbian relationships, brainlet.
NOBODY beats each other up like women alone together, not even niggers.

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Why is there a male in pic.?

They're a shill pushing the tranny agenda.

Nice ylyl thread you got going here.

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>schools, colleges and universities education catered for women
>more women in such institutions
>men still outperform them all

It’s not rigged bitch, you’re just dumb

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making sandwiches

2 nukes are not enough

Just make population of faggots that wank on comics and put pussy on pedestal

Females are superior, but they’re afraid to be photographed without makeup and sexy clothes.


What are you gonna do about it?
When discourse is impossible all that remains is violence.
We all know violence is the profession of men.

one of the weirdest things i've grown accustomed to lately is the sheer amount of women working a 9-5 in a corporate hq.
these are jobs that traditionally paid men enough to keep their family going, but for most people now unless you're a higher up, this pays your rent and that's about it.
corporate jobs however are some of the more common high paying jobs in the country, and require some schooling qualifications.
point is the more women that get into corporate positions, the less dominant males are income-wise.
inevitably i think women will have to settle for sexy men that work at the grocery store and lift weights in their offtime.
the era of kept men is nearing, folks. just wait it out. we will acquire our sexy corporate gfs.

She can suck the soul out of me, while whispering sweet nuffins in my ear.

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i'd let her be my matriarch

Attached: Alexandra Daddario True D.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Kek. Women have lower IQ’s, are weaker, and more emotional than men. They pay no net taxes, work in no vital industries, and give no real contributions to the military. The fact that you even have rights is absurd.

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Black America , with all the single motherhood , is a matriarchy . The black American ghetto is the result of the matriarchy .

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Fuck off , space nigger .

tits tits tits tits tits tits tits gas the jews

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There is no way a woman that perfect exists.

Also low IQ. But yeah single motherhood is the other major cause. Women can’t even raise children right

by what means does some Goddless atheist reject this? for the most part they don't, and they cut their balls off and get a pussy made from fish

>they always vent to their male coworkers on the job
>they're usually terrible at explaining accurately
>this proves they have superior empathy

>they gossip
>they're passive aggressive
>they all hate each other
>this proves they have superior compassion

Do you even read what you write? They're strictly inferior to men.

fuck off you stupid slope. women are property and outside of being a mother, are totally useless.

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didn't english queens start more wars than kings and mostly over petty stupid shit?
On top of that have you met woman, they fight and argue over every fucking thing

>Female is the superior gender
Then why hasn't there ever been a society that rose to greatness under female rule, and every time females become the rulers the society they control suffers or even collapses?

Look at England, under the rule of the Queen it went from the largest empire to a shitty little island that's getting browner and browner by the year, with a capital city ruled by a muslim that's slated to be >50% muslim by 2050.

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you sound gay

What about Queen Victoria?

Is that a single and solitary example?

Catherine the Great, Margaret Thatcher

You're a mutt now faggot

Said no one

Okay, we got 3. Women power now.

A sexist post calling for someone else to be repressed. People wonder why I oppose feminists.