Stoners claim marijuana is not addictive, and yet it encompasses every aspect of their life...

Stoners claim marijuana is not addictive, and yet it encompasses every aspect of their life. They constantly have to do it, morning, afternoon, night. They need it to sleep, they need it to eat and low and behold they even get angry when they don't have any. Now it may not behave chemically as nicotine does, but it is still objectively an addiction. Am I right?

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>Now it may not behave chemically as nicotine does, but it is still objectively an addiction.
put the joint down retard

I don't have one. Im making a point to the guy holding it

It's totally true. I injected my daily three marijuanas today and now I feel like shit.

Well bad news, it says here your shit's all retarded and you talk like a fag.

anyone who tells you its not addictive is delusional, it fucks up your brain chemistry in a way that makes you dependent on it, i dont care if you can also fill the void with other shit lie food, its still an addiction

In cannabis, there are two compounds: THC and CBD. Now this is where one can expose the hypocrisy of a genuine dirty stoner who claims to smoke medicinally. THC is what causes people to get high, it can even flare up schizophrenia symptoms and cause intense paranoia. CBD is the compound which is actually medicinal in that it is a muscle relaxant, pain reducer, mind soother and will not make an individual high. CBD is also non addictive. So the next time someone who claims to smoke for their health but complains against CBD weed, they're just hiding their recreational tendencies. It's a shame as well because CBD has been nearly extinct. Only modern day efforts have been made to regain this compound and it is what makes cannabis actually proper to smoke.

As a leaf I blaze erryday and cannot care.

Stay productive on your caffeine you prolecuck

Correct leaf, i havent injected any marijauna in 36 hours and i can feel the withrdraws coming on.

Shut up faggot, you dont even smoke weed or know what your talking about. Thc has medicinal properties as well. Yeah most people who get medical weed dont just use it as medicine but your just as retarded as they are. You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

I smoked daily for about 5 fucking years and never did I crave another hit. I eventually quit after noticing that I built quite the tolerance and I didn't want to break my wallet for some stupid shit like weed.

It's not addictive in the true sense unless you're a weak beta, then you deserve to ruin your life.

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stoner here, yes itt is addictive and fun.

I smoke once every 3 months on average, don't know of anyone seriously addicted, though. Some guys I know smoke like once a week and nobody really thinks much of it.

I seen ya wit' Keifah!

time for weed+tobacco

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Yes, you are a better human being!

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It is indeed addictive and causes withdrawal effects too.

Weed breeds complacency, that's literally it. What it does to the mind is convince the person that issues aren't as critical as truly are, like a rose-colored glaze over life in-general. Legalizing this crap was all designed to placate the masses to accept changes they otherwise wouldn't. Couple that with the Forced Diversity narrative and you have votes being legally replaced or simply supplementing more votes for leftist's ideals. All of it is a coordinated attack on the right and anyone caught calling this out is demonized as "alt-right", a fictional leftist creation in which their own people sometimes LARP as right-wingers to "conveniently" be caught.

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I like to smoke a joint and play my guitar in the evening.

I have a job, I dont smoke daytime, I dont drink alcohol..

yes, it can be very addictive, both psychologically and physically.
the physical withdrawals just don't pose medical risks like withdrawals from other drugs can.

redpills from pol are more addictive than weed

Well, ife smoked weed daily for years, toom two years off in rehab and when i came out it felt like something was missing and i wasnt happy, chased women, worked mad hours, ate shitty food, went on holidays. None of it filled the void like weed. Yes i am addicted to it and the thought of having to go a day without it makes me very anxious, i could if i put my mind to it and was left to sulk all day but id rather be addicted to weed and feel some sort of happiness in this world of unhappiness.

Last thing I heard was that your info here is debunked nonsense. But whatever.

You are suffering from confirmation bias.
The only stoners you are aware of are the ones who engage in the culture.
For every visible stoner there are at least 5 casual stoners who you would,never guess smoke weed.
I smoked weed and graduated top of my class in engineering

I can't smoke weed. It makes me fucking paranoid as hell and it feels like it plugs me out of the Matrix

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This, I have to quit whenever I need to switch jobs between contracts due to faggot employers and their hard on for drug tests. It's not really a big deal to quit. I usually just smoke on weekends anyway, the shit the legal shops sell is like the hard liquor of weed anyway. Smoking shit like that and going to work would be retarded.

The only people that show the signs you mention are faggots who haven't grown up yet. I've been smoking for years .I stop from time to time fine. Yes it's a little addicting but I drank myself into alcoholism in my 20's. Weed has nothing on DT's

I feel the same way about a comfy chair

True to a small extent, smoked everyday for 15+ yrs, thought it would be tough to quit but wasn't that hard(getting off of other drugs no fun at all though) but when I smoked I literally smoked all day long.

>enjoying things is bad

no shit superfag?
the difference is its much less addicitive than tobacco/alcohol, it's much less dangerous and actually only problem retards have with it is that it leads to heavier drugs(as heavy as alcohol) and when you smoke it you hurt yourself(not as much as with tobacco smoking though and you can easily eat it without worrying about cancer like with tobacco)
but its illegal because if people had MJ legal to grow themselves, they would never buy >75% of bigpharma products including anti-depresants

Any normal, healthy young person has zero reason to smoke marijuana, drink alcohol, use tobacco/caffeine.

>I NEED weed to function man!

The worst kind of smokers tbf