She only wanted to help her family and play with her emotional support lizard and instead you condemned her to a life of bbc worshipping.
Why didn't you save her pol?
psssst, hapas are abominations to nature and elliot was a beta kike bitch
fuck off, jidf
Jow Forums did what it could. There's no saving girls.
3 day ban coming your way.
See you again on Friday when you post the same boring thread again...
But she looks so happy nibbling on that huge black cock
Shame on you pol,instead of donating to her patreon account you left her with no choice but to rim niggers for a living
She couldn't be saved she's a wild animal
Her patrons were paying to see her rim niggers.
How are whitebois supposed to compete with this?
Show your tits
Is that about as low in life as one can get?
She’s cute
I’ve reported him for trolling outside of /b/
Let’s get him that 3 day ban
KEK! pol fails once again
Kill Jews
Thats not where hershey kisses come from
mines bigger
She condemned herself.
oh no no no no no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo post pussy with timestamp
You might have broken a rule too, user.
She was a trannie mkultra victim in a demoralisation psyop. Her childlike demeanour was probably a child alter
Why? porn on Jow Forums is a rule break
> whiteknighting a braindead whore
There are things to actually feel sorry about in this world, like sex trafficked kids.
>She was a trannie
Say what now?
She looks like she fucks black guys
So is announcing a report, dummy
God I wish that was me
I wish I loved something as much as white girls love black cock
Go away you annoying christcuck and let people do what the do. You have no power over the free people
My bad
>the dago supports degeneracy
what a suprise.
Who is she? What is the story behind this?
t. christcuck that hasn't seen the bringer of light
You are not human
Maybe women enjoy it?
keep on being a kike supporter, love God and my race, you love your little degenerate jew pushed medias.
Hannah Hays and she was forced to do porn to help her family because pol didn't donate to her patreon
Lord Satan will destroy Abrahimic lies and bring forth the old gods
No problem.
I’m not gonna report ya.
>10/10 conviction
>3/10 execution
Carry on
whatever you say wop.
Hannah Hays is the story of the death of America, a microcosm of what happened to this nation. 60 years ago the doctors would've told Hannah's parents she'd be a bit simple for the rest of her life, but she'd be self sufficient for the most part. Her father would have a good job in Georgia making enough to support her and his wife, then her family would help her find a good husband to take care of her and eventually she'd be married to a young man with a stable well paying job to support her. Eventually they'd have kids and even though she couldn't teach them calculus she'd love and care for them in a safe environment and live happily ever after.
But we live in this clown world now and this poor girl must sell her body to the j*ws to help her parents pay their bills and she'd forced to demean herself, fucking blacks and thugs. Her need for a lizard is her maternal instinct begging for a child and purpose in life. She is a human being and deserves dignity, but her culture has deprived her of that and guided her towards degeneracy and emptiness.
Hannah Hays is America in a nutshell, bought and fucked and then thrown away, denied the future she could have had. Hannah is a symbol of the millions of exploited girls the globalist scum consume and then dispose of. We allowed her culture to be ripped out from under her, and it's time for us to take responsibility for that. There is still a chance, for all the future Hannah's out there.
33 minutes this has been up
Where’d all the anti-Christian threads go all the sudden?
cuz me likey likey her new looks
No you could be Canadian larping as catalonian and posting this thread
I guess
Man she doesnt even have to die and the toll is paid. You can see by the look in her eyes. Jewed
>those lips
eternal roastie
Porn industry literally preying on girls with severe brain damage now.
>Hannah Hays
she is 20 years olds wtf.
We truly live in clown world.
>Caring about what women enjoy
What a fucking fag
also her tattoos and piercing give it away.
She is too far gone.
Go pray to rabbi Yeshua
Shes dead. PornJews killed her soul
That dudes nut is trying to climb back into him...
What’d it mean by this?
Would you fuck her? I wouldnt and I am a wizard
I didn't know her labia were so meaty, now I like her a lot more.
>typical jewish porn trick, cast a 5' 100lb white girl with a 6'2" 260lb groid to make his cock appear bigger than it really is.
Look at his big his goddamn hand is compared to her when he strokes her head
We see through the tricks Goldstein.
can't wait to see her in a Holocaust XXX parody
Ok rabbi fenklestien
I like this pasta, it's good.
I worship lord Satan, not abrahimic filth!
no she looks retarded, and i dont find her attractive at all, now she looks like a retarded coal burner which of course she is
Hail Satan!
low t
You’re funny..
Yes you would. Don't pretend you wouldn't fuck anything at the first opportunity
KIKE ON A STICK!!!!!!!!!
based, I know what I'm watching tonight
You poor dumb bastard
no u
Why was it our responsibility to help this coal burning, mentally deficient roastie in the first place? actually kinda hot
>lord Satan
Ok dipshit
This poor dumb girl. She'd make a good house wife if she hadn't be destroyed already.