How does /pol feel


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link faggot kike

jews raped her and blamed it on muslims

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Oy vey goy, im sorry

What policies were they trying to change through the use of this force?

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If he's a true muslim he would have married her.

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Part and parcel

Apathy. IDC about kikes or pakis, Sounds cruel, I don't even like thinking this way. But I'm so sick of both.

jews deserve any suffering that will come their way

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I don’t know if I even believe any of this anymore. In the old days they’d be outraged family and friends, but now even the families never act that bothered when you see them interviewed. It’s like the sandy hook dad who shared a joke before heading to the mic

I highly doubt that a 7 year old has done anything evil, so I feel bad.

It should happen more, Israel needs to diversify

Oy vey, not all muslims.

I'm struggling to see the terrorism link. It looks like a sexual emergency that Europeans fall victim too every SINGLE FUCKING DAY THANKS TO KIKES
But nooo, if it's a jew it's terrorism or anti-semitism.

Take note Jews this is what will happen if you continue to subvert white nations by importing your shit skin pets

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part and parcel

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Jews love i see

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And what her father did to her doesn't count eh Moshe Judensteinberger?

>Police said the filthy Muslim had groomed the little girl
>the filthy muslim
That right there and is some quality, unbiased journalism.
>CTRL+F "terror" 16 results

nuke mecca.

Muslims aren't bas..

Those verses are hypothetical situations where it's multiple kikes talking about whether something is bad or not just like in Sanhedrin 59b where one kike says goyim should be killed for reading the torah and the other kike says goyim should be considered high priests for reading the torah

>muslim raping children

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It's the middle east, everybody out there is raping everything. This isn't news.

Will the girl be arrested, or merely fined?

"In Case Of Sexual Emergency Break Hymen"

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this will be interesting.

A small price to pay for greater Israel. Praise satan! erm sorry I mean Israel!

Juden did it.

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all young jew girls in Israel deserve to taste big muslim cock and Iran is going to supply them this, I hope

This harmful to diversity
Where's her smile?

To be fair, people died in their 20s and 30s back then and starting a family soon after puberty was the norm for most of human history.

Her people manipulate and fuck over the governments where they live in order to let in the mudslimes and other 3rd world trash. A little jew girl gets raped by a muzzie because of their leftist, open border policies. I really do not care.

>break hymen

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Is there a problem?

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it's just a cultural difference. Israel has yet to learn to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were 2000 years ago. Jews are going to be the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make.

The Spectre of multiculturalism

NONE shall be spared!


whites in general have been driven to a state where they completely hate every nigger kike shitskin or a chink.

next step is depopulation.
you don't have to prove me wrong 'coz that's what is coming whether anyone wants it or not.
and no.. it's not going to be depopulation of whites. it's gonna be a fucking world wide massacre of all you non-white faggots who were too dumb to believe in yourself at the cost of white people's comfort

read my comment very carefully. this info is not something to be fucked with or retold in any other way. i motherfucking predicted this in '96 and faggots were just laughing it off. back then i was telling people(i was living on the east coast of the usa at the time in maryland) look at these all nigger housing villages popping up everywhere around bethesda and rockville. and i said, look people, someone is moving these niggers here for a fucking reason and it's not for their own good. after 10-15 years they are gonna cause problems.

today is 2019 and nigger crime rates sky fucking rocketed. all schools are infested with them. laws are passed to silence the truth. it all started back in early 90s when someone started to move niggers from their shithole projects to white areas and niggers just couldn't handle watching white people having their suburban lives all happy peachy clean, making 30+ usd per hour while these monkeys could barely hit 30 per hour.

then there were these spic niggers from honduras and other central american shitholes being imported all over maryland. i used to buy weed and coke from those monkey. crazy shit. they already used to have gang wars among each other everyday and they were stealing car stereos all over the place all up to virginia. they were all good for nothing faggots hanging around all day, most of them illegal, most of them working as mules bring in coke, getting caught, then getting light sentences or even let go, then repeat this shit. coke was fucking huge in the 90s

Always remember, we are only one coordinated strike from eradicating the problem. Cut the head off this snake and 100+years of (((THEYRE))) effort will come to absolutely NOTHING. A mass awakening can be expected very soon after, the head will never regrow!

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The guy that painted the illustration is himself a pedophile. And you downloading it makes you look like one. The photo is very explicit. Also there were many Nazi pedophiles during Nazi Germany, does that make it true that fags like you are pedos?

Their fault.

coke was huge, the police didn't give a fuck, all uni campuses were coked the fuck out 24\7 plus E and acid was everywhere like M&M's. white people didn't feel it back then, how this dark cloud was moving over them, over their areas, everyone was parting and having good time. but niggers or spics never had good times, we were white boys drinkin' 40's back then, rich as fuck, everyone of us, riding in our benzes or mustangs or whatever the fuck else our parents bought us. and all these niggers could barely afford a car. and they were moving in more and more, like fucking locust plague.

then someone started to cause all that shilling like OJ case and gangster niggers shooting each other and in general niggers were getting angry and blaming white people.

by the end of the 90s everything was turning into something fucked up. a boiling fucking pot. it was before all these crazy migration waves and niggers and spics already felt crammed and jealous as fuck. then this 911 shit happened. everyone was like in a daze, couldn't believe this shit, i woke up that morning thinking, that's it.. this is the start of it all, they are gonna pit niggers against white people full force now and that's exactly what happened. it wasn't about oil or rugheads, it was all about pitting niggers against whites and also putting kikes behind it all as well. all racial shit escalated from that point on to new levels

we are 19 years into this shit and look at whats going on. there is basically a silent race war going on.
niggers playing their "hit a white man" game, cops are killing niggers, nigger are chimping out, spics are running fucked up gangs with insane cartels dismembering bodies by packs a day only a few hundred miles away and these same niggers travel to north of the usa with bags full of coke. chinks form their anal communes which invade on everyone's business with their scammed shit, indians with their faggot trade, all these niggers from africa.

Another half million sent towards you nigel

The rabbi uses their "Nazi" attack.
It isn't effective.

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Feels like WW3

all these niggers in fucking wholesale quantities are suffocating, they can't figure out what to do with all of them mixed up, with whites driving good cars and still living well, but now whites are aware.. some boomers try to act nice, the newly created sjw faggot are trying to act nice, but that's only at a distance, you put these sjw white faggots in a crowd of niggers and they'll get their ass raped and cry for help.

you can clearly see now, that all this shit is being done for one reason, to promote race war, which has been slowly boiling up and going on since early 90s, but now it's really going on. it's not even being hidden from anyone. just like in many european countries there are no go zones, the same in the us.

i remember in the 90s i could drive into the baddest hood in the south east dc and buy some coke or weed any time of day or night. everything was so fucking safe. i drove my benz straight into the hood. no guns on me. nothing. just go there like i was from the hood and noone did shit. it was all quite back then.
if you go to some nigger hood now, you better be ready to die nigga lol.

it all escalated to a point where the only thing that keeps all these "diverse" crowds from going at each other is the shaky law and hordes of police which if seriously assessed wouldn't be able to do shit if the war breaks out. they are only good for spraying sjw faggot or lightly guarding some rally. they can't even keep regular people beating on each other during all these polarized rallies

and look at all these shills from all sides.. from the left, niggers and faggot and chinks and from the right as well with them proud boys and alt-right. it all just sprang out from nowhere as if it matters. none of it matters for the reasons they say

all of it was done for one reason, to drive white people mad and sick of all this shit. we live in our homes, all these monkey infest our space, they demand shit that we don't owe them


Jow Forums supports semites raping semites

Israel just needs to stop being bigoted and accept multiculturalism.

and all these right-wing faggots acting only as race traitors kissing kike's asses and literally mocking the white race by calling us literally "white nation" as if we're some kind of a nation and not just european whites with specific ethnic background.

so from all sides white people are being agitated and shown that we are getting scammed. little by little we are getting fucking tired of all this shit. gun sales rose like 300%. bullets sales, ammo.. also.. skyrocketed. the government fakes their gun control to make people buy more guns and at the same time they allow all kinds of niggers to chimp out, while also these politicians are clowning around like total faggot bullshitting us about everything

trump is a fucking faggot. he started to talk about building the fucking wall when there are already millions of niggers in the usa and canada. it's too late for the wall you kike faggot. everyone should be calling for internment camps. ICE shouldn't deport anyone, it's not gonna fucking help. who are they gonna deport?? 1000 spics out of 500000000 what the fuck is this shit?? are you listening??

only internment concentration camps can somewhat save the situation at least in the civilized world. nothing else will help. all niggers, spics and chinks must be moved there asap or it's gonna be a full out race war very very soon.. 5 years at the most. it is already set up perfectly. they stage some nigger chimp outs on some quite white suburban area with hundreds of dead all over the country. white people will get their guns, army will get their guns, niggers will get their guns, everyone will get their guns..

then this shit with electricity black out is gonna happen and then shit will hit the fan. mobs driving around in the dark. niggers starting to rob everyone from chinks to white. people defending their homes

and then it will blow out of control complete. can you imagine tens of millions of white people taking back what is theirs??

i’m listening

Man, that pic really got to you didn't it kike?

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Except when you dig enough you find out that they agreed that any goyim reading the Torah must be killed. Also it wasn't a hypothetical question, it was real rabbis. You never expected someone to actually look into it you filthy kike.

army and police are going to guard the elites and make gated little towns safe spaces but the rest of the country in the us canada and europe is going to become a war zone, without lights, without any fucking help, without food supply.. if whites will be able to hold out longer, the niggers are gonna run out of shit almost immediately

and from that point on, it's just gonna roll throughout the world. everywhere. army is not going to have their hands tied, all middle east and central asia is going to be blown to pieces with real fucking weapons, not those tactical hits.. southamerica the same.. brazil.. etc africa is probably going to be sprayed with viruses, simple shit like small pox and they are just gonna die in a couple of months. planes are not gonna fly. fuel supply is gonna be military only. china is gonna be cut from trading, meaning no food supply.. same with india... they are all gonna start staving in three month tops, there will blow our a civil war their people canibalizing each other, then they are gonna go to war with each other, pakis indians chinks japs koreans all of them faggots.

it's gonna be a fucking blood bath lads.

prepare yourselves.

The fact that it even exists to begin with is disturbing, and they have the gall to criticize others.

Open borders for Israel.

Usually I think rape is ok but this is clearly anti semitic and terrorism

>LESS than nine years old
I like the way these filthy kikes think

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Even though I despise Jews, I still feel sorry for the girl and her jewish parents.

But, then again... Jews are pushing for Muslims immigration into Europe where things like this happen on a daily basis. So I guess they received a little bit of their own medicine.

jews are not human so the shitskin dindu nuffin

existing as a jew is evil enough

She should have kept an armlength distance if she didn't want to get raped

They should train their pet invaders a little better.

Such propaganda should be shown to Jews.

NO ONE is immune to propaganda. Not even (((Them)))

Inb4 Paki and Muslim shills here, "BuT MuSlims are Bros, amirite?"

By the grace of Allah