2019-1989 THREAD

Because all threads are complete jidif garbage
Predictions with 1989 events are **EXTRA BONUS**

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hello Ashkenazi here

Hello jidif I was just cleaning my desk.

It works!!!!

came here to call you an alpine jew so you can't be in your own thread

Imagine a thread without jidif mods and pedo hebrew larpers....
Im just fucking with jewmods
They of course know this is SATIRE
So anyway:
There is every 30year world reset.
Its very predictible actualy...but to debate it, fucking imposible!

I'm checking your PC right now and looks like you forgot to delete all of the files, you know what happens now right?

Im on my stolen laptop in cafe bar.
Take your shoot Shitler!
Come on David!
Use the janny power!
You dont have to hide anymore!

jesus fucking christ, tone it down there with the numbers...
member when we used to see the significance of things like this?

Well...your number isnt like tone it down like...
I think june is the month of the happenings

"it" has already happened... people just have to wake up to it


son of god woke up

Ebin. Lets start the party. Im ready

so is he apparently

“‘In the last days,’ God says,
‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your young men will see visions,
and your old men will dream dreams.
18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit
even on my servants—men and women alike—
and they will prophesy.
19 And I will cause wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below—
blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
20 The sun will become dark,
and the moon will turn blood red
before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives.
21 But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved.


Its world reset coming up like every 30years.


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Oi Slovenia, You better wait with doing that. I'm heading there in August. Safe me a spot in your safehouse and 2 makarovs if shits going down ok? You'll recognize me by me blue eyes and blond hair

amen frens


yeah im just here to see what the 666 get is so i can laugh in uncle stans face

Now go back to the origional scrpit that was mistranslated from.
The next cataclysm will usher the god's back, they will save their chosen people as was done before. The wickedness will be wiped out and the aryan stock will be left with dominion of all things oncemore. We are protected by our god Emill, the god of Aries.

Kek. That's why I'm hanging around

Its gona start here as always...
We got the whole albania gangs running around...the kosovo fake again
Muslims bosnians driving around like in kalifat.its gona explode this month and spread...

Original script is not to be trusted either.
Everything touched by time and especially ZOG is not to be trusted.

Interesting digits...what did the 1990 reset consist of

well in that case... digis and satans influence is forever removed from the earth

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Bro we've got albanians and Romanian gangs here as well. The muslims actually rallying in blocks pro ISIS. We are all Equally fucked.
Better prepare my Slovenian brother

Digits. (Fixed it for you)


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Nothing ever happens alright ?

China unrest:more power to china
Iran/iraq/gulf war:saudis paying money
Germany east border fell(2020 all borders fell))..
Collapse of soviet union and all sattelites
(2020 collapse of EU and...)
War in bosnia (2020 war in bosnia)

Yeah ! I probably shoulda checked for you too

How can I enter in such gangs I want a qt dutch gf.

>Pro-democracy rallies in Tiananmen Square.
Hong Kong protests....

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Arent you supposed to be begging for money somewhere in EU?


Amsterdam. Just go. Its a liberal shithole. Please fuck em up more.

No I just want a qt dutch girl to cuddle with.

damn what was it?

Trump is the antichrist and here to bring about the end of days

Just go Pro Gay shit parades and youll find a roastie. Its so easy. Dont expect them to be good wife material

bastard, you got me

Oddly enough I have been there since I promised myself to visit each capital of EU nations before there will be mass civil wars.The city is full with foreigners and whores.

god is back on earth

Yup..similarity is just disturbing.
Rember russians in afganistan..
1989..they left afganistan
Remember russians in syria..

I cast ye out, satan

Thats exactly what im saying. You wanted to join these gangs. Why do you think romanians go there in the first place? Because of the absolute shit state of the city. It probably reminds them of home.

I was just getting resdy

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You can have morrocan,algerian,african
There are only jewdutch left...

Yea I see the similarities also. Already saying this from Oktober last year. People dont want to listen. Just connect the dots on all of this.

Cities here are at the same level of degeneracy as most in the West I agree, racemixing and whores are everywhere but its less shitty, I have never seen so much graffiti on building my whole life than in Paris.

Satan begone

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Those digits, kek wills it

Yes I've been to Paris recently. My soul died a little... Also London. Jezus fucking christ. All the houses are on Sale. Nigger infested shithole. Im planning to go to Berlin to see if its the same. Probably is.

Im kinda doing that thing from the big short. If you havnt seen that movie. You should do it

IT really is. My goodness. CHECKED

Been to Berlin you will see turks and arabs everywhere you will see yourself walking trough the center where the Brandenburg gate is and you will see only chinks that yell and spit everywhere and doner kebab at every corner.But on the bright side you get cool looking key chains so thats that.

Yup. This is exactly how I picture it in my mind. Paris at the Eiffeltower, its horrible. The niggers trying to sell you shit....
Thats why Im passing through Berlin only to go to Austria and Slovenia.

Also in dubio because of wanting to protect my homelands but also start family in Hungary due to Orban

Hebrew LARPERS usualy take the narrative and then say...trannys are cool!

Ze Jewz

Heil Hebrew!

so what the fuck is this thread about?

1989 is 2019
Every 30years is world reset
Its not a larp its real,you can check.

>30years is world reset
of what nature? metaphysically speaking, you mean?
provide some links user

Every 30 years the world must UNITE!
Against some evil people!
Finances are being adjusted according to that!
School narratives are 'corrected'
Army bases are being build.
....and (fake)leaders are born...

There are no links.
If you cant see this pattern with all todays archived stuff.....just
The point is:
Hebrew people got a problem now...


War in bosnia, not again...thought i assume its better to end it in war, then by an heroing.

Imagine EU collapse and stop funding BiH....they are all buying guns from hungary jews already.




Excelent observation!
Have a (you)

If eu colapses, the jewish hegemony on europe will be weaken, it would be time to revive old ideas and ideologies, we must be vary that from that chaos jews don take more control. it will be glorious

There was no reset in the 90s. If anything the reset was after 9/11

EU collapsed.Its gone.
Every state of EU is in mad max conditions.Thats way we got soviet/china media censhorsip.
BRD germany is already muslim libanon
DDR germany is already jewish
Berlin today is Gaza 2.0
France is just africa
UK is at dunqirk

the carnage will be one to remember, all nations will wage war, no inhibition, no fear from someone else to attack you. old rivalries will come up. i look forward to it, from chaos new order will emerge. the current one feels so unnatural.

2020-21 WW3

9/11 was only possible after RESET in the 1990.

We still dont know who THE BAD GUYS are going to be...

...or we do?

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Major Events of 1989
Free election held for Soviet Congress
Solidarity wins elections in Poland
Berlin Wall comes down
Havel becomes president of Czechoslovakia
Nicole Ceausecu deposed in Romania
Japanese emperor Hirohito dies
Pro-democracy rallies in Tiananmen Square
Angolan Civil War halted by cease fire
Earthquake hits San Francisco
Exxon Valdez tanker runs aground
US troops invade Panama
Chileans vote to end military rule
First liver transplant

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check this shit anons
lurking is fine
if any of you is pissing your pantis clicking that link, here's the archive page
relevant info is near the end of the thread

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wait, so you're telling us every 30 years the world resets itself?
what about 1890-1920?

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Learn to count you brasilEveryThreadBumpShill

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are you gonna explain your fucking crazy theory or not?

thanks for writing my country's name with an s btw, it's how we write it too

Checked. And I hope so



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gonna read it, thanks user


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i still don't get it user, you'll have to spoonfeed us

Just deport them retard...

The Revolutions Of 1989

The Collapse Has Begun! Scary Video About The Economic Collapse 2019 Stock MARKET CRASH!

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