Atheistic Skepticism

The belief that thousands of years ago people in power constructed a lie about the fundamental basics of reality and history in order to control the population. These lies were never officially challenged and were so strongly believed that idiots today still believe in them despite all contrary evidence. This was achieved by people in power brutalising and ridiculing anyone who spoke out against the narrative.

Oh, and theres no such thing as conspiracy theories because its too implausible that an entire society can be complicit in believing and reinforcing a lie. Someone would have reported on it eventually and we’d all know the truth.

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Man, you are reminding me of literally every 3rd world country spouting the "we had riches beyond what you have today until whitey came over and stole it" meme when their history has absolutely zero records of it.


so your saying organised religeon is entirely authentic and organic?

The resurrection myth was popularized in the same way "Hands up, Don't shoot" was popularized.

>I heard a grass sound, and then the tomb was empty!!

like the world is round?

stfu brainwashed liberal nazi

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>people in power constructed a lie about the fundamental basics of reality
you could point out those lies instead of arguing like some leftist faggot and merely asserting retarded shit

>Oh, and theres no such thing as conspiracy theories because its too implausible that an entire society can be complicit in believing and reinforcing a lie. Someone would have reported on it eventually and we’d all know the truth.
Idiotic. The fact that religion (something supposedly constructed and fabricated by people in power, aka PEOPLE WHO COULD'VE REPORTED ON IT) has lasted as long as I did despite having no proof to support it should tell you that this is nonsense.

>>a burning bush spoke to me and told me I am a jew and not an egyptian prince and I can do magic and shit, trust me.

you have outed yourself for being on the spectrum and not understanding hyperbole or sarcasm.

you have although, successfuly understood the intended message mr autist, and no one else did. congrats

so you're arguing "if you read the bible literally it makes no sense", that's a real original one champ, good job, good thread

Literally millions of people beleived it, or acted as though they did. This in fact despite the assumption that their world still followed all the normal rules of reality that we currently experience.

How do you (an atheist) explain the emmergence of mass organised religeon without it sounding like a conpiracy?

Either it's a bad faith argument (lol) or you're just autistic, either way it should be easily inferred from my previous posts that I have no intention of responding to your dumb posts with anything but mocking

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you're too smart for me, I concede.

Abandon thread, I'm been kerplunked

I wasn't thinking about organized religion but my opinion on that is no. An example of what I was thinking was money. My family is from the Philippines and there are people here who literally believe that the Philippines bailed out the US twice during the Great Depression in the 30s and during Obama's term after 2008. They also think we made Dubai possible with money and labor and their proof of that is Dubai celebrating Philippine Independence day, which I found very odd. Anyway, I don't believe all this shit because of you know (((who))).

I see what you mean.

The general population is too smart to be deceived on a grand scale

OP Geeyyyyyy

hahahaha you stupid fucking creature

Somewhere out there,

someone exists who trolls teh forums by going into threads and calling people gay.

If they don't do this several times a day, they go into a catatonic state

Thise beans make me uncomfortable

What they spent on the beans powered cooling system, they ought to instead have got a 2080

it's true, I was almost zoning. Then this wild clusterfuck appeared.

>Not taking the Deism pill

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Yeah, some things just beg the question. Do they really expect us to believe this shit? Another example is that they want to turn Manila into the next Dubai. In fact, any 3rd world non-western country is trying to make their own global city saying it will bring in a lot of good when the reality is that foreigners are going to run that shit not the natives. No culture, no heritage, no nothing but fake, artificial rich souless people only bull crap.

if phillipines rose out of low economic status it would destroy the tourism industry which is entirely fueled by old grampas who spend more on the plane ticket than they do on the entire trip + hooker every single night.

It's called the race to the bottom, unless you state is a finance capital that uses usury to generate wealth your economy needs to drop in order to be successful.

Based on those crazy stories I'm hearing, the Philippines is a finance capital holding every country's gold. They are just going to use us, Indians, Bangladeshis, etc. to run everything slave labor style just like in Dubai. I don't see this country coming out of low economic status ever. What I see is no middle class, just poor and rich despite some flips saying "wealth will return to us Filipinos one day" via Marcos gold trust fund, God, whatever. At least I'm not the only flip that sees the reality. It's just that the blind outnumber us and ruin everything.