FUCK YOU NIGGERS the farm I am working for got 3 cow stolen just like that
cams show that they just drill it into their big ass car
fuck that shit man I own a gun I start save that place in nights one day I will catch them and will shoot their fucking legs
Sadly its only a pistol and 50 bullets but a friend gave me 40 bullets after I paid well for it
Stupid government not only they do nothing to save us from bad immigrants they do nothing to protect farmers
I know I am fucking upset but I seen this 3 cows grow I know its retarded but you know its upseting
anyways I guess for my govoment is giving away more land to the sand niggers and destroy the Askanazi race because why not
Literally true shitskins might try to get visa to work in Australia because I am fucking done with this shithole country... I always lived in a hot country my dad is an Australian... about me Nha mate I dont really speak the english language but you know ehh I cant get in I speak some English ... Australians isn't stupid seem's like you wont get many sjw's there, based people, white people... I myself I am blonde and have blue eyes my mom is a polish jew so yeah I consider myself white even if I am Jewish who is a cutfag who live in Israel... someone need to farm I guess
No symphaty from me, schlomo. Shouldve left us alone
James Brooks
Your gov has no juridical authority over land your country doesn't own. you need a map Chaim?
Hudson Richardson
Hold on let me grab the tiniest violin for your kike tears. Farm attacks are the least of your worries, just wait until your misdeeds come attention stateside.
Luke Cox
Seen that sign lol ...
Fuck trump he does nothing about the shitskins in his land and he is the 'most powerful man in the world'
Yo mate your nice PM said once there is polish crimes like Jewish crimes
You shall respect that sometimes you will fire a village because you maybe can.. or need because they hold 900 ton of explosive shit
Jackson Myers
'hazak 'hazak a'hi
Easton Lewis
Are you having a stroke? Jews are supposed to be good at language but you argue like a retarded chimp. Are you a palestinian?
Sebastian Long
>Kek when you takeover a land its your fucking land >at the same time demands 300bn USD for reparations over hierless land taken over by our govt amazing double standards, pretty sidelocks boi
Brayden Hill
he is a schizo ashkenazi rat
Lucas Taylor
no sympathy for you. Fuck your kike ideology, fuck your kike god and fuck everything about your kikery, kike.
Man, even the Jews are getting kiked these days. Sick sad world.
Zachary Bell
based and redpilled
Ryder Parker
Faggots first in masha hala lal la
Jaxon Hughes
Your Id says "Jue" lol.
John Smith
jew fags and mutts will come first though
Noah Sullivan
the difference is any Pole that killed jewish civilians during war was killed by our underground army, and any jew who murdered/tortured Polish civilians without trial got protected by Israel from any persecution after war/communism
Yeah that's true... but you wouldn't save your brother even if he killed 50 people ? the thing in the old days of Israel is that you keep for your people like Americans in one way or another way ... you carry for each other and if someone ever done anything to you... you basically kidnapping him on a ship and illegally charge him in Israel and give a fuck about it
I got schizophrenia nha not that when I am mad the way I speak is messy and it seem like many words jumping on your face and talking to you to use them
Jacob Mitchell
Show us your flag you silly shitskin
Blame the jew, why not
Parker Price
Hahahaha gas chamber for you
Colton Jenkins
Defend your farm, Moshe.
No reason not to have a rifle and ready to protect your land.
Alexander Hall
rats like you deserve no mercy or any human emotion except for disgust or joy after exterminating you
Yeah I fucking hate that shit, I would kill this fucker with my own hands if I could. I fucking hate jewish rats against the holly white race
I begin called here for hailing the white race and shit talking about arabs and jewish arabs as one
Jaxson Ward
>but you wouldn't save your brother even if he killed 50 people ? fucking retard >any Pole that killed jewish civilians during war was killed by our underground army you either have honour or you dont. you have proven beyond any doubt that you only care about your criminal jewish cartel and dont treat others like humans so you shouldn't be treated like a human. you deserve no rights. you should be industrialy butchered into lampshades
You ain't but wasteland of shit you stupid cunt, you got to understand that. what the fuck the fbi has to do with me you shitty niggerfucker
Ryan Jackson
>I got schizophrenia Typical ashkenazi.
In Sweden the farmers have a saying. >Shut up and dig >Tig och gräv It is usually applied when they are killing of wolves etc and need to dispose of the bodies. Increasingly the term is getting popular in regards to defence against new criminality.
We basically only have police presence in the major cities, farmers can get a visit two weeks after a shooting unless someone is reported dead on the scene. >Hi, you had a shooting here last week. Did anyone get hurt or did anything get stolen?
That is police in Sweden outside of the major cities. If the farmer says one of the perps was injured and that he shoot at them, then he will get arrested due to admitting to shooting at someone.
Finally someone is able to steal something from the jews
Nathaniel Reyes
Mine's jews died for this lands and btw many of the lands bought from the shitskin's who been there ....
Listen up if you take it, its yours.... We (the old army) got into 6 wars in its entire lifespan its Israel and its our land... its not like I went to Europe and said THIS IS MY LAND AND MY PEOPLE NOW LET ME RAPE POOR WHITE GIRLS BECAUSE I AM A NIGGER FROM THE MIDDLE EAST
Luis Powell
>Listen up if you take it, its yours.... Now they're his cows, what are you crying about?
They get shot and dumped in a hole. The trackers are disposed of.
Xavier Perez
Death to you and your family kike
Asher Ward
The country you reside in has neither a right or reason to exist, and likely sits below any other in the way of its deserving of life
Jack Gray
>Oh_no_that_sucks.jpg My uncle worked for the Mossad he knew like 5 languages I heard cool stories from him not sure if all of his stories are true lol but he knew to tell stories
Vanunu does he first went to his van and then fucked by a mossad agent then leaked that israel got nukes and then trapped by the mossad
Well yeah, what I am mad of is the fact that my government filled with Shitskin's and it wasn't the case many years ago... in the 50-60s when Ashkenazis controlled here ! not some dirty shitskins from maroco that consider themself "spanish" look at this shitskins
>Canada >lecturing people about how they live on stolen land and how they mistreat natives
Not that Australia is any better, but, fuck man. Don't throw stones in a glass house
Kayden Miller
You should ask your uncle why they protected communist Jews in South Africa that tried to massacre white people. These were jews that were given refuge from pogroms and world wars too.
Fuck off with your bait Israel builded its own plane a country that started like how many years till the plane ? dont say years above years retard.
Its true what do you want to know about it Mossad had agents all over the world from Russia to Antarctica
Brayden Hill
I don't think you could have picked a more inappropriate place on the entire internet to try and find sympathy. Maybe only the daily stormer (if that's still a thing).
The situation that police take two weeks to come out if there is a shooting in the countryside is just how it is. And if you defend yourself with a gun you will end up in jail if they find whoever you shoot at.
Jack Thomas
Wait...You get robbed and have the fucking chutzpah to call it terror? You're now trying to repackage "farm terror" as theft? The fucking balls on you mate.
israel's problem is they are not diverse enough. you must go into multicultural mode or else you will not survive.
Nicholas Harris
tell you what, nigger. go take a few English classes and then come back and call me a retard. maybe then i will be able to understand you schizophrenic gibbering a bit better.
it was in the 60-70s fix me if am I wrong they support in Israel multiculturalism I fucked up too believe me
Just sad to see the world shuting up about the terror aginst farmers in your country sometimes I want to take a gun and go to South Africa and fucking kill the niggers in your country for the white's who fell victim to the niggers ! Believe me, my brother I am on your side I got the same shit in here. not getting shot'd or anything but you know multiculturalism... here is peaceful but yet eehh you know mate this place is filled with silly arabs and jewish arabs that see white people as sex doll ... when its about the Negro need a place, sure why not ?@! but when its a white man who been fucked up and literally a refugees seeking a worm country he isn't a refugee... I might not scare for my life because Israel is safe .. but I do feel you .
Evan Martin
>go take a few English classes Go and stick a carrot in your ass ... never talked to a native English speaker in my life... only few books that my father left when he died and Jow Forums which is people in 4am shitposting. I never ever spoke consistently to a English speaker or begin in a environment who spoke English ...
then please, please, stop .
Brayden Hernandez
Thanks :)!
Ayden James
>he died based. tell me his name so i can add it to the list of good jews. did you cremate him by any chance?