This is probably how it would happen
Iran war
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Oh yeah thats totally possible. A nation that hasn't been in a direct military conflict since Persepolis was a city people actually lived in is somehow going to be a problem for the most technologically advanced military on the face of the planet.
it is problem in afghanistan
WW3 Happening soon as digits shows
Annnnnd now!
>A nation that hasn't been in a direct military conflict since Persepolis was a city
>american education
Well, sounds like it will be an interesting summer
>American doesn't know about the Iran Iraq war
Not surprised desu.
what the fuck did you just do nigger
USA is a paper tiger
>Iranian Air Force
>Like half of their planes are old F4s and F14s sold to them by the US
>Implying we don't have a way to remote control kamikaze them into their military bases and govt offices
USA: mmuh marines
*gets defeated*
USA: mmmuh drones
USA: mmmuh kd muggafugga
I could go on....
Day of the grill confirmed.
Fuck off
Doesn't count, your first attempt failed
Get in the box.
damn bruh
Made a wish for WW3 to happen. Digits were calculated accordingly.
>>Implying we don't have a way to remote control kamikaze them into their military bases and govt offices
since you guys are holding military equipment from them for the last 30 years or so, they have essentially rebuild the planes in order to maintain them, any kill switch installed was removed long ago
include me in screencap!
It seeme so, we better strap in.
Oh my fucking god, what have you done
damn you! WW3 jest flew over my house
Shiieet boi
(you) satan!
Dead goys and Israel goes asia wide. We finally did it!
This goes out to Nikker nation
When was the last time the US Marines lost a battle?
I’m ready for war wanna know why? I won’t be drafted due to having a mental history and having a metal plate in my head. Maybe now I can find a job when all you fags get drafted
Did Super Satan just confirm WW3?
If Iran wants to come and start shit then do us a favor and come up through Russia. There will be a short media blackout then the reports will slowly start coming in "fuck.. are you guys hearing what I'm hearing?" "yeah... what do we do? Do we just turn a blind eye?" "We could blame Canada?"
get out of the fucking city
For me, I'll have a McChicken, the best fast food sandwich
Can't play digits twice in less than a minute kid, I declare theses digits invalid
pentagon to be nuked.
Bloody hell fella
Digits are never invalid.
WOW 7 six !
hail satan
MFW I just turned 27 and am illegible for the draft.
Fuck boomers fuck zoomers fuck niggers fuck jannies
>Not a zoomer
you can't start ww3 on a re-roll
>has nukes
>losing to underequipped, untrained rice farmers
im laffin
Zoomers can't math
>tfw 21
what is this seriously is this a troll or is this serious i cant even tell lol
this was in the 2nd half of the 19th century
persians are very good at war
also russia is more advanced in many fields like rocket technology than the us
also for the newfags: a war with iran would be the start of ww3 and mutual destruction for all paries
I hope you h ave a permission to post this copyrighted content
Digits are Digits
Lord Kek, is this really you?
Iran is 3x the size of Iraq. Covered by mountains. Some of the most advanced AA systems in the world courtesy of Russia.
A competent army which knows the rough terrain extremely well and whose training is completely focused on repelling a much more technologically advanced force with gureilla tactics and terrain advantage.
Missile silos hidden all over the mountains. You can’t just bomb Iran into submission like Libya and Iraq. You need boots on the ground.
For the numbers needed for that, you’d need a draft.
Have fun America.
What have you done.
>US has a 6:1 kd
Was technically someone called forth ww3 and he stated it was now
You can just bomb Tehran and its over.
Holy shit, Satan really wants that war.
>Nazis won on the eastern front
Oh no
Russia is more advanced than us in rockets ok kid, keep watching October sky
this ty
Wew lad
Put me in the post genocide screencap
>Iran Iraq war
Ah, the war where the advanced Iranians were using literal human wave tactics and just threw their brainwashed mudslime hordes into a meatgrinder by the iraqis.
Truly a nation that could rival USA, France, Germany or UK in military prowess.
YEEAaaahhhh UUHHHHHH can I get a umm uhhh big mac borger and fries please.
You guys never fought an actual war ever.
Even ww2 was just you fags coming after the hardest work was already done. After this, it has been you fighting agaisn't nigger countries and getting your ass handed to you by literal starved rice farmers. Then your veteran came home humiliated like the faggot they were only to be humiliated some more by drugged up hippes. Iran would unironically push your shit in in a fair fight. But you won't go toe to toe with them. You will employ cia nigger tactics and try to pull other European countries in with you because you love Isreal's semen so much that you are willing to sacrifice your own son if it means pleasing your jewish masters.
ty for the input rabbi
Against people that reproduce faster than us
Why do Americans love dying for Israel so much? How many Yanks are circumcised?
I agree OP's video didn't have the amerisoldier's wife geting BLACKED in PIP while the Iranian beat his his face beat in, not 100% accurate.
Americas strongest ally should be sending in their troops. They won't unless last resort.but hopefully they'll be caught in the crossfire or nuked by Iran for the hell of it
years and years of brainwashing since 1948.
Do we count all the vet suicides?
Who do you think they bought the parts from? Not that the US Navy and Air Force wouldn't fuck them in one day regardless.
Better us than future generations
Holy shit
Ohhhhhhh shhiiiiiiieeeeeeeeetttt
you've doomed us all you faggot, thanks
Decent fight, but Tyler King is a can. His record is full of nobodies (and he lost to a lot of them). Amir seems to have talent, but it says he lost to Mirco Filipovic a few years ago, and while Micro is an MMA legend and was great in his prime, he should have retired a long time ago as he is too slow and ineffective nowadays.
fuck off scriptfag.