Headline from WP

headline from WP
>After a 4-year-old took a doll from a store, video shows Phoenix police pulling a gun on her parents
Headline from fox
>Arizona couple files $10M lawsuit after cops allegedly pull guns on family after 4-year-old steals doll

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>niggerchild that was never raised to understand stealing is bad has barely educated parents that chimp out when cops get involved and cause police to draw their weapons, lawyers immediately capitalize on race politics to make 9 million dollars to give said niggers one million dollars.
@Chan4 News.

Kind of the officer's fault. Never start a job you can't finish.

I am a jewish lawyer 1 million dollars? Goy it cost me 2 million just to write this, The innocent niggers demand 5 million or they will sue. Oy vey I am having temporal fluctuations due to my parents being gassed 12 times each and being killed in Auschwitz before I was born. Now pay up the 22 million dollars you owe me

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Ill take $500 for lying niggers alex. The cop didnt pull the gun out becase of the doll but because of the over reaction from the niggers

Lovely. Another ten million taxpayer dollars being handed to a thieving negro.
How long would you personally have to work to cover that? It's a long time, isn't it?
I haven't even seen the video so I don't know who was at fault this time. I hate both the cops and the blacks anyway.
How about this, though; if a cop acts like a piece of shit and someone must be compensated, let the fucking cop pay the bill. Or let his PD pay it out of their budget. Then maybe they're keep eachother a little in check.

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I stole two 5 hour energy’s and a big ass jawbreaker from safeway when I was 13 and the fucking security guards threatened to pepper spray and taze me. Then after they cuffed me they kept talking shit saying they thought I’d give them trouble based on how I was dressed, I was just a poor ass white kid. This was overkill for this situation for sure.

now show the entire footage, it starts with a nigger trying to punch a cop before any questions were even asked about a toy.

Did you miss the part where two cops were screaming and cussing at them with weapons drawn, saying how they would fucking put a cap in them if the mother didn’t drop the baby she was holding and put her hands in the air?

But hey, keep licking those boots if that’s what gets you off.

If this was a white family Jow Forums would call foul on it for sure

The mom knew the kid stole the doll and was letting it happen.

Instead of this being a teachable moment, she was trying to teach the kid to steal and is now trying to steal from the state.

The cops should have opened fire and taken the child to the abortion center.

You need a fucking jaw breaker you dumb nigger

Im white you fucking faggot. Pulling a gun on a family over a stolen barbie isn’t necessary. People in power always trip on it dumb fuck.

All these stories are designed to get black people angry and convince them the white man is trying to wipe them out so they need to fight back. The New Orleans hurricane Katrina was purposefully mishandled and set the stage for this narrative. These news headlines are the equivalent of holocaust memorials. All groups are being convinced they have to fight for survival

Father wuz stealin' underwear at the dolla store.

do you have links to it i only saw the footage when they were inside the parking lot

2019--Niggers or cops, not quite sure which is worse.

In defense of the cops, a Walmart doll has more value than an African child.

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>In defense of the cops, a Walmart doll has more value than an African child.
This is actually true, non ironically.

Let's summon walmartanon. The retard usually posts around now.

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I fuckin love that guy

He's a self-loathing, degenerate, drunk retard who refuses to get his GED and a better job. Fuck him.

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Get rekt Double D



how does a 4 year old carry a doll out of a store without the parents noticing

Imagine a world where blacks are the majority of the population.

actually less. You can sue for as much as you want, but there is a cap on what you can actually collect. Usually its $750k and the lawyer gets 10-50% of that.

>If this was a white family
everyone would call them "white trash" and move on, if they ever stopped to watch anyway. There would never be a national news story and a 10 million dollar lawsuit about it anyway I can assure you of that

Because its a racist store for not giving free stuff to black people.

Sounds like my kinda guy.
Double D?
I think they would get more support on here. But true it wouldnt be on the news.

if it was a,white family they would have paid for the doll before leaving the store and the cops would have never been called.

Also I have seen how long it takes for cops to show up for shit like this...pro-tip, this woukd be a very low priority call so its likely they were dispatched for something way worse if they came in time to even see the family in the parking lot

10 Million

>i stole two 5 hour energy’s and a big ass jawbreaker from safeway when I was 13
>You need a fucking jaw breaker you dumb nigger
>Im white you fucking faggot.
Your country and everyone in it should be nuked.

here's the video of the niggers stealing

I dont see the need to draw weapons on unarmed people still though man.
I fucking grew up poor as fuck with a meth head step dad. I learned my lesson and only stole once more after that. Some shoes off someones porch because my shoes were literally falling apart.

>Your country and everyone in it should be nuked.
don't judge us by that retarded faggot

He doesn't. That's why the chimpout and consequent gun drawing.

kill yourself reddit faggot

> I learned my lesson and only stole once more after that.

Im not from Reddit you fucking leaf ive been here for 5 years

nope they would be white trash and got what they deserved. one thing nogs never seem to understand is that whites are a lot less forgiving towards ourselves then we are nogs.
when a white man is shot by police for being a retard he deserved it. when a white drug addict is beat up by the police he deserved it.

and if it were a white family, they'd be considered nigger tier for not looking after their children and got what they deserved

>it's okay to steal because I needed it

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Look at these morose nigger motherfuckers right here... It's always a misunderstanding, like an episode of three's company I guess... Who do you moulie theftamaniacs think you're fooling?!?

I know it sounds funny but its true lol. Was always scared to wear them around too.

This I'm sure this upstanding african american family calmly spoke to the police and explained what happened and the police decided they would just go ahead and execute them.

the adults covered here from view while the theft occurred. shouldve just kicked the doll into the gutter and told the girl to go get it.

fuck thieving niggers.

>nigga it's just a dolla stor, dey aint gonna miss one mutha fuckin doll. yall niggas is stingy as fuck

Good one!

How else was I supposed to get it? My mom wouldn’t spend the money the government gave her for me on things I needed and I was only 13 so I had to steal. I wouldve mowed lawns and actually did with my buddy a bit but my step dad wouldnt let me take our mower out of the yard. Plus the dude I stole the shoes from ripped my buddy off for 20$ before.

>Doesn't know about Double D
I want zoomers to leave.

i see that worthless nigger gay-z has donated to their legal fund to sue !

goddamn worthless monkeys destroy everything good in our society and the rich monkey that made music about the prisons they love so much has decided to help them get some gibs.

niggers. niggers niggers.

RIP Harambe

I was laughing at you, you halfwit mutt.
Kill yourself.

the most appalling part to me was at 40 seconds when the negress just tosses whatever she was holding onto the shelves, knocking shit down
just casual disregard for anyone but themselves, no respect for the store or its employees who will have to clean up their nigger mess

Read the report faggot. The nigger parents were shoplifting too, they fled the scene in a vehicle and another nigger fled on foot because he had warrants. No fucking shit the cop had his gun drawn. Nobody in their right mind is going to risk getting shot by violent niggers just to virtue signal.

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From ed edd and eddy?

Fuck niggers.

in a white state, where white civility is the norm, cops are nothing but guides and litter picker ippers.

it is because of the nigger, that cops are allowed and capable of power tripping on anyome these days.

Cops put out statement claiming they stole food and underwear. The doll story is bullshit.

>Nobody in their right mind is going to risk getting shot by violent niggers just to virtue signal.
that's the thing, police treating niggers differently is FULLY JUSTIFIED because niggers are statistically way more dangerous to police than anyone else.
cops all know this.
not being racist as a cop is potentially fatal. it's just a sad reality. niggers only have themselves to blame.
and that said, statistically niggers are less likely to be killed during police encounters than whites are. it's just that they're way more likely to have police encounters.

you draw weapons when you notice the nigger family try to engage in deceptive behavior..... like refusing commands .

police don't have the patience to wonder if this nigger has a gun or not. when you take your time complaining and not following orders then you are setting yourself up for police anxiety and the ass whipping that comes with it.

go be a fucking nigger somewhere else, has not the last 400 years given you a clue that no one wants you around?

theres 30 black people in America that tried to fit in but the other 20 million of you torpedoed any hope of them being considered equal.

just look at your sports hero's now......

all militant and ignorant as fuck. never gonna be accepted and too goddamn stupid to do anything about it. you had 400 years so far and the best thing you came up with was singing , dancing and bouncing a ball.

all things found in the wild in africa.

Did you miss the part where they fled from the officers and were throwing stolen shit out the window? Also, they weren't called about a child stealing a doll they were called with an anonymous tip about a pack of nigs looting a store

At 39 sec the mother just throws things on the ground she decided she didn't want to steal?

Stop committing crimes

Well, truth is... Black kids don't recognize themselves until the age of 5. Whereas a white baby at 12 months recognizes themselves I cannot find the link to it. But I encourage those to do the research that solidifies my post.

A 4 year old can't be charged with thief in Arizona law. It's plausible she didn't know what she did was wrong.

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why do vermin use their own children to commit crimes?

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Watching white cops put the beat down on other whites is hilarious to me because i know they fucking deserve it. It's like watching a big or little brother getting slapped the fuck up by dad for being an absolute retard.

After all this trauma me and my fellow whites have put you guys through you only ask for 23 million dollars? Of course we will give you 24 million dollars!

Niggers go around being niggers and then wanna turn around & ask why do you gots to call me a nigger

Stfu, kids walk out of shops with stuff all the time, it's usually when a parent notices that they reprimand them, talk all you want but that one isn't a "nigger" trait. This sort of shit is why I've had enough of this place, it started off with some good taking points all over but it just ends up with morons like you thinking everything is a nigger or a jew conspiracy, boring as fuck, only even come here for the ylyl and happenings anymore...

You seem agitated? Whats the problem, Salvini going to send you to fight and die for Israel?

>At 39 sec the mother just throws things on the ground she decided she didn't want to steal?
yeah, that irked me as I mentioned here apparently that's the aunt of the girl. the mother an father were both busy also stealing.

4 year olds copy adults that are int their social circle.

stealing is a hobby for niggers, too much video evidence for anyone to deny it.

t. gated community faglord
White guilt is a sin, nigger lover

>mfw an @Chad4 News shitpost on Jow Forums gives the most concise and accurate description of events as they occurred

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>A 4 year old can't be charged with thief in Arizona law. It's plausible she didn't know what she did was wrong.
as if the parents weren't aware that they hadn't paid for the doll in a giant box that she was holding when they all walked out of the store.
you fucking retard.

My white buddy stole all the fucking time despite knowing he could’ve just asked his mom for money. No one taught him how to steal.

you are a dipshit fucker. go be a fat whale loser

>knows he could kill them all and get away with it - shows mercy instead

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" my buddy" kill your fucking self you stupid motherfucker , goddamn how fucking dumb can it get in here, you must be a nigger loving turd burglar

Im 6’0” and 168lbs. Stay mad incel.

in this case the ENTIRE FAMILY was stealing, including the daughter

Im not an n word lover. I treat everyone equally.

>t. Reddit shill

lol there he goes again, lying like the stupid ignorant people do everyday when they are embarrassed about their pathetic uninformed opinions.

you fat ugly fuck, get off your moms computer before she beats your ugly ass for breathing

Post your body now.

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then you deserve to be victimized equally, go play with your minorities weakling, we don't want your ass tainting our threads.

This. It was a routine stop investigating a crime. The only reason guns were drawn were due to the negro family's refusal to obey lawful orders.

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yeah i'm sure the niggers are totally innocent just like this guy was innocent, all he did was point his finger at the cop after all

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Poo on loo pajeet

Every black person ive met has treated me kindly so im not gonna hate them. And im not tainting the threads i just have a different perspective.

man you should never take pictures ANYWHERE except your moms bathroom, your dirty ass hands , ugly freckled hairy backed bitch. post pics LOL

post an opinion worth a fuck you stinking fucker or get the fuck off the pol

Should've just gunned them down.
You can't pay reparations to dead niggers.

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it's literally how they think. if you're ever around them enough you learn that fast. the hilarious thing they genuinely have hurt feelings when some tries to stop them or when they get caught. it's why they respond in such an angry way.

they really are like children in so many ways

You sound mad dude. Also you cant really talk shit about my body when you wont post a pic of yours.

you fucking live in a conquered country, your opinion is absolute shit here. we gladly accept your self ban from pol and expect your ass to never come back.

you fucking lost your whole country to invaders who rape your daughters at will and if you have any say, well, you're a fucking islamaphobe racist and you better apply for that knife permit before you spread that butter

pretty much, they know better and should behave like a human being and not an animal.

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Ill give you a jawbreaker for free ifin ya know what i meme