Why do white people think its an achievement to kill a majestic animal like a lion with a gun?

Why do white people think its an achievement to kill a majestic animal like a lion with a gun?

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Its cool

a pig killing a lion thats a new one

Because spears are uncivillised youtube.com/watch?v=h_oGuUA2hgE

Next thing is.. hitler was white people
Lol kys jidif

it's gay

Because it's fun and hunting as an activity helps keep the numbers of the animal stable plus getting allowance for such hunting costs a
lot of money which goes to animal/ nature preservation

>Why do white people think its an achievement to kill a majestic animal like a lion with a gun?

Why isn't it an achievement? You've got to track the animal, stalk it, get close enough for the shot to be a guaranteed kill, and not get hunted by the lion itself.
Plus the licenses that people pay to hunt big African game actually pay for the conservation of these animals and give governments and private landowners an incentive to protect the animals.

Because crackers are evil

Lions are fags

I don't see people in your pic.

And if they got killed by the lion you’d go
>huuuurp Darwin awards lel
kys your thread sucks

last time I checked it was niggers killing rare animals like rhinos, lions and elephants to the point where these species were almost extinct

"Play the pig to eat the lion"

>white people
you can leave out the "white", it's redundant.

At Least Whites put them out of their misery

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This. Deer are like a rat plague since all the wolves were wiped out

because it's the only thing keeping them alive

because the tons of money they spend on that is one of the very few income source of natural reserves. Plus managed hunting is not an issue for the ecosystem

False you inbred faggot, lion hunting is extremely profitable because it is unregistered and the money is taken by the poachers. You want to shoot shit? Go ahead and kill boars, lion are going extinct cause of sheiks, chinese millionaires and white dentists who gets an hard on killing an animal originally bred for repopulation. Niggers don't care about nature, and looking at your flag I suspect that you are the same faggot who spams those cringy BLM comics. Go die in a fire you edgy sambo

You still live in a victorian society Ahmed? Almost all lions poached comes from natural reserves and are tagged, you can easily track them via GPS. Also big achievement there, shooting from a refrigerated humvee with a 357 an animal that was most likely taking a nap 300 meters away

are those arabs

It's not.
Lions sleep like 20 hours out of the day. They are not difficult targets to take down. It's pretty abominable.

African lions are an endangered species, they do not need help "thinning the numbers". If there is a problem with multiple lion prides overcompeting, conservationists handle this by moving the animals to another location. There is never any acceptable reason to shoot a lion. Not even "it's coming right for us!", because a lion will never come right for you, unless you are stupid enough to wander right into the middle of their pride, which only a poacher or an idiot who strayed too far from his guide would do, in which case a guide might be forced to shoot a lion to save your dumbass life.

You don't get a nice trophy if you kill them with explosives.

You are a mutt, lions won't even come close to your smelly sticky bloated frame. Choke mayo until you die you blob

>Comparing an endangered predator to varmint and hunting game

Fucking idiot

Gayrabs yes

t. ritardato mentale
i leoni ancora esistono in natura solo grazie alla creazione di riserve naturali, finanziate in gran parte dalla caccia

>endangered predator
again, you don't know shit. Lions are classified as vulnerable not endangered

This. It sounds counter intuitive but hunting is necessary for conservation. If not thinning out numbers, then to help finance the farm.
t. friend works on south African farm

and you don't hunt lion with a 357 which is illegal in terms of bore size, but with at least a 375, plus you don't hunt it at 300 meters, you don't hunt any dangerous game at those distances.
Before insulting people check if the bullshit you are spewing is actually true

>hunting is necessary for conservation

It never fucking is for lions. Deer and impala, maybe. Not big cats, you clod.

>implying that is a registered and legal business
Also, false. Lion hunting is too expensive and the clientele is too thin to be the main income, most of the money comes from the govs and private donations. If it was a hunting reserve or a private area that would be different.

Its a mutt thing mostly. I would unironically love to slit the throat of every mutt that thinks hes badass for killing a sleeping lion with a high caliber scoped rifle

>before insulting blablabla
Fuck you, that was figurative speech. You know what I meant

Not much hunting in India, I’d love to try someday.

Killing things is fun. Fuck off.

So if it's vulnerable you can go "fuck it" and poach them? Hope the niggers rape you soon

Don't complain when they'll do it to you, you pig

Wow youre so badass brruh. You probably couldnt even kill a small mouse without your guns, because your morbidly obsese body is not fot for any actual hunting

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>implying that is a registered and legal business
>implying there aren't tons of companies that organize hunting safaris, which are fully licenced to do so and have to go through tons of paperwork to do it
You seem to not understand the difference between hunting (which is strictly regulated and monitored by biological departments of various countries and only targets animals that are well beyond their reproductive cycle, meaning it doesn't change the future population of the species being hunted) and poaching.
>Lion hunting is too expensive and the clientele is too thin to be the main income, most of the money comes from the govs
I you ever visit any natural preserve in africa ask them. I have been on safari (photografic kind). If it were up to government funds they would have already closed down, since most governments in africa are disfunctional and corrupt to the bone. Believe it or not they stay afloat with safaris and the occasional donation (which however isn't a steady source of income that allows them to stay in business)

>shoot old lion that's going to die anyway

kill yourself pussy.

You know what, I will not eat pasta or pledge my allegiance to Mussolini, you think someone can't kick a boot's ass? Just wait and see bub

I hear that lions too enjoy killing.

lol, I think you're seriously overestimating the difficulty of hunting in Africa. this isn't like hunting elk in the woods. this fat fuck pays a ranger to drive him about in a range rover, drives him the near domesticated lions who are so used to humans being about, wouldn't bat an eye. guy probably used a stated of the art gun and probably stuck it on a tripod, pulled the trigger.
>I am da superior species, tob of d fud chain.


>that was figurative speech. You know what I meant
I do, because I know what I'm talking about, you don't. Lion hunting isn't standing with a rifle on a refrigerated jeep, tracking it through GPS implant (lol you have seen too much jurassic park) and blasting away at it.
99% of hunting is the tracking part. You clearly don't know what you are talking about, sorry to come off as rude, but that's what it is
>So if it's vulnerable you can go "fuck it" and poach them?
No, but again, you don't know the difference between endangered and vulnerable. Vulnerable means that it's threatened by degradation of the environment and loss of habitat, not hunting and it risks becoming endangered unless those factors are corrected. Endengered means it's also threatened by hunting.

Lions are going extinct due to booming african population, not because of rich hunters going there and paying millionaire fees to hunt a male past breeding age.
Also poaching is wrong even if an animal isn't threatened at all. It's illegal and shouldn't be done, period

Why do black people stone elephants then skin and dismember it alive?

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A chick who used to be on game of thrones left the window of her jeep open and was pulled out by a lion and eaten some years ago. They aren't domesticated and they will kill you if they're hungry and they think they have an opportunity to get you.

Why do black people kill wildebeests with shovels?

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I don't even know what that flag is.

large preditors numbers are never higher than there should be and almost always lower. it's lower food chain animals that have explosive populations

Lions kill people so need to be killed themselves its the same for sharks crocodiles bears wolves tigers jews
they ALL need to be eradicated

You don't care about pigs at all but go crazy for lions. lmfao what a fag

>makes fun of American diet
>created larger version of the waffle

Come on man, you'd think a saffer like you would know these things

He's just jealous that someone in America can work at Burger King and still have a higher standard of living than him. lmfao

what's the point of killing an old frail animal? does this give any sense of purpose to you when you're a disgusting obese boomer?

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and thats all the reason to do it kek

We can't shoot niggers anymore.

Trophy hunting is for fucking mongoloids.

Why do black people hack the limbs off of live animals ?

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Murican education everyone.
Lmfao you mutts are getting dumber every day arent you. Standards of living are better in my country than in muttland.

Why do black people roll around in the corpses of dead livestock?

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Because if fat/rich white people didn't want to kill those animals with guns then the wildlife sanctuaries would not exist.
It is white mans money that has preserved this big game and if we suddenly stop killing them then bye lions, bye Rhinos, bye Elephants, bye all the things niggers would hunt to extinction without wildlife sanctuaries paid for by white men who like to hunt.

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>a billion pigs, chickens, cows processed through factory farms annually
>no one bats an eye
>one lion is killed by a rich piece of shit
>everybody loses their minds

I bet they can teach me so much.

Keep pushing it, shitbrick, if you don't drag that little ass down to church straight away I will not be held responsible for what happens

That looks depressing as fuck.

I'm sure they could teach you why there's a fingertip in your soup.

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It's something a nigger could never do, and it's cool. Fuck you OP

Maybe they could even teach you how to cure an incurable illness.

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Mate if you ever see a lion with a gun you better hope there's a grown man around to shoot that nigger normal lions are dangerous enough fuck me

checked and keked

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It's out of my hands

>Why do white people think its an achievement to kill a majestic animal like a lion with a gun?

Why don't you get out of Germany ? Why are you leeching off German people ? Why do you ask stupid questions ? Why are you such a fucking hypocrite ?...Since you live in Europe, why do you put us all in the same basket and call us "white" ? We all have distinct identities, cultures, languages, history... And why would you assume that all of us think it's an "achievement" to do what this fat fuck piece of shit did to this lion ?

For the info... Europeans have saved countless endangered species...we're the only race on this planet who gives a shit about animals. Maybe with some extent, with the Japanese. (though they do kill whales and dolphins these bastards)

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This type of shit drives me fucking insane.

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Old males kill the young males in dominance battles which makes it impossible for the group to repopulate. Hunting is good overall for the species. Poaching is another story.

Why can't actual niggers prevent white niggers from killing their animals? Because they're all niggers. Also watch Africa Addio.

The real challenge making it to third world countries and coming back alive.

Because the Lion's old as fuck and the money paid for the safari will be used to preserve the young ones.

1. lions must kill thousands of animals to survive.
2. lions die all the time and nobody cares.
3. it's for posterity and he can harvest the pelt/ head.

If you're this fat it's quitean achievement

You know there's difference between poaching and hunting...

Inbred faggot? Blm comics? Very subtle

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>Because if fat/rich white people didn't want to kill those animals with guns then the wildlife sanctuaries would not exist.
Nobody is disputing this.
The question is, why do people derive pleasure from this?
I think humans either enjoy hurting/killing other creatures, or they don't.
Those that do not find it difficult to understand those that do, and vice versa.

Personally I don't. Maybe someone that does could share some insight. What pleasure could be derived from killing this lion?

Feeling powerful i suppose. I dont know i think hunting lions and elephants is srsly retarded

Lions never did nothing I’m to me I’d rather hunt some niggers

You're just a pussy animal freak.

Just because your behavior has been normalized by the media doesn't mean you're not mentally I'll. You're still mentally I'll.

And I'm eating extra meat this week because the thought of animals dying makes me happy

Conservation efforts.

Cruelty to animals is actually a sign of a sociopath

If it was a lion with a gun then it was self defense.

Have you killed a lion before?

You're gay

An old lion will get dethroned when he gets weak, and gets driven off to die alone. They also tend to become man eaters when they get too slow to catch anything else.

because it costs a fuck ton of money to do so. It's like people posing on holiday pictures, or with an expensive car.

Some do hunt in more challenging ways than that lard ass though, and then it's an achievement in another way.

Shooting animals is gay af if you dont eat them and you dont make the weapon to hunt them with your own bear hands. Otherwise youre just another tool cuck, not really capable of hunting. Those kills belong to the original tool maker. This is the honorable way. A commodity rare in western culture.