Daily reminder that Hitler was an ATHIEST and VEGETARIAN
Daily reminder that Hitler was an ATHIEST and VEGETARIAN
>17 Million
>Stalin 23 Million
Literally nothing wrong with being a vegetarian
Atheism is inherently not a causative factor, being a neutral stance.
Hitler's religious history was rocky to say the least. Any claims made by somebody who isn't (or even some people who are) an expert is probably exaggerated for the sake of a scapegoat.
Fuck off jew, Hitler didn't kill even a million. Stalin killed 60 million however.
Pythagoras was a vegetarian
This, you fucking dogmatic imbeciles.
>Pol Pot
The only people he killed were landlords who deserved it. The other 1.7 million were killed by US bombings.
All the so called (((people))) he killed deserved it.
The Holodomor was caused by kulaks hoarding the grain and the other famine was caused by WW2. The other deaths were 1 million in the gulags but only criminals were in the gulags so good riddance.
>Chairman Mao
Look at the Chinese population and you will see that this number is a big Capitalist lie pushed by (((American))) historians.
Hitler was a Christian. (And a good guy) When the Germans invaded the Soviets their belt buckles read "God With Us"
Sofar ive seen Hitler was...
Taking estrogen
Secretly trans
All on pol
Chairman Mao increased the Chinese population by 100s of millions so the 10 million killed in the great leap forward do not matter. Chairman Mao greatly increased the life expectancy, literacy rate, & living conditions of the people.
i like atheism now!
(pic unrelated)
Well, I'm atheist and omnivorous AF and I'm not evil, so the problem is with the damned vegetarians, not people that don't believe in superstitious nonsense.
Go back to China
Epic bait, but I'm not giving you a (You). :^)
None of that is incorrect though
>Daily reminder that Hitler was an ATHIEST and VEGETARIAN
And that's a GOOD thing!
How this can be atheism, if communism is a christian invention?
He was also mtf tranny and gay.
Hitler was a furfag
Should have known. They way he looked at those animals. Add zoophile on the list.
>Literally nothing wrong with being a vegetarian
Right. Except for the fact that it's literally unnatural for humans and will result in a whole host of serious physical and mental problems. Example: Vegans.
Because all jews are atheist