What Jesus looked like

Jesus most likely looked like this.

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NOT this made up abomination.

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The letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar

This is a reprinting of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing the physical appearance of Jesus. Copies are in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.


A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions!

Exactly "What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions!"

Is the source the same source who claimed that he levitated on water and knows zomebie-reincarnation magic?
You believe in a jewish folk legend user, it really is quite sad.

Attached: the semite and ''king of the jews'', descendant of jew King David - rabbi yeshua (1000x673, 271K)

this letter is a known forgery

Attached: the semite nigger rabbi yeshua ((( becomes ))) nordic.jpg (770x896, 232K)

Get's deeper than that because we have verification of the letter by early Christians.

Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin mentioned in three places in the Gospel of John:
He wrote "The Gospel of Nicodemus"

It contains an epistle from Pontius Pilate to Ceaser Tiberius. It is called The Acts of Pontius Pilate. [pic related]

Justin Martyr wrote, "And that these things did happen, you can ascertain from the Acts of Pontius Pilate."
-- First Apology, A.D. 150
The Apology letters were written and addressed by name to the Roman Emperor Pius and the Roman Governor Urbicus. All three of these men lived between AD 138 – 161.

Justin Martyr died in 165 AD and he was aware of the book

Tertullian who died in 240 AD mentions the Acts of Pontius Pilate in his book Apology in A.D. 200

Epiphanius who died in 403 AD mentions the Acts of Pontius Pilate in his book Heresies in Chapter 50.1

It should be noted that some believe a fraudulent version of the Acts of Pilate was circulated later in the fourth and fifth centuries.
This should not be confused with the original document that was generated in the first century, archived in Rome
and was available to Caesar Antoninus Pius and the Roman Senate. Otherwise, Justin Martyr’s appeal to the Acts of Pilate in his
First Apology would have lacked credibility. Both Justin Martyr (A.D. 150) and Tertullian (A.D. 200) refer to the document much earlier that the fraudulent version.

It was prescribed for reading in schools under the emperor Maximinus.
Justin Martyr wrote, "And that these things did happen, you can ascertain from the Acts of Pontius Pilate." The Apology letters were written and addressed by name to the Roman Emperor Pius and the Roman Governor Urbicus. All three of these men lived between AD 138 – 161

Urbicus was the governor between 139 and 142 AD. So we know it must have been written before that.

Attached: Shroud of Turin reconstruction.jpg (900x1151, 146K)

God bless.

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We also have this

Our Saviour from the only authentic likeness of our Saviour cut on an emerald by command of Tiberius Caesar Died: March 16, 37 AD


This Likeness of Jesus was copied from a portrait carved on an emerald by order of Tiberius Caesar, which emerald the Emperor of the Turks afterwards gave out of the Treasury of Constantinople to Pope Innocent VIII for the redemption of his brother, taken captive by the Christians.
The Original emerald was verified by the Vatican in 1986

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no apparently jesus was kinda ugly

This is fake on multiple levels. Only (((roman))) source is conveniently a double-faced kike who wrote mainly in greek, Titus Flavius Iosephus [bluecheckmark]. Au siècle, Yousef ben Mathias.

As a Christian it's my duty to turn the other cheek to faggots like you.

the turin shroud is a fucking hoax you actual brainlet


Jesus confirmed for Hyperborean Aryan Space Nazi.

Ok retard.

I delivered a cake to a negro household not long ago and they had a literal black jesus painting on the wall. It’s really not a big deal. We’re not Muslims, we can depict the savior however we please.

True. But there is NO WAY Jesus was a black man.

Muh pay guns represent less than 1 percent of the entire Earth

No! This is what jesus looked like

Attached: jesus.jpg (1328x1874, 363K)

you mad white boy?


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Nigger cope knows no limits

He was fictitious, godtard.

>we can depict the savior however we please.

Should we tell him, lads?

Yes, because for a good portion of ~900 to 19th century it was (((big state))) policy to be (((christian))). Now ya'll faggots cry about how people have abandoned the faith, OF COURSE they have, YOU'RE NO LONGER USEFUL TO THE STATE LMAO.

Holy shit.

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This thread wasn't made for faggots, now fuck off sodomite.

yeah, why would a middle-east guy look like a middle-east guy huh?

Go away faggot.

>uses the Christian word "pagan" to describe himself and his independence from Christianity
you people never cease to make me laugh

Didn't say he wasn't middle eastern, faggot.

Your god's fake, your heaven's fake, your hell's fake, your baby jesus was nothing more than plagiarised fiction, your religion is a scam designed to separate idiots from their cash, your priest knows that he is a liar and you are a drooling, knuckle-dragging tard. Questions?

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Damn, you must be well versed in Christianity to be able to conclude this. What are your thoughts on the differences between Tertullian and Novation?

Hell is hot. Better bring an air conditioner.

None, we found the assmad kike who tried to adopt a religion and throw his own gypsy people under it's protection just to show their true face like always and have him killed because he called you out for the kikes you were. Death to Khazars.

I don't think he's going to respond to that.

it just remind me that supposed "real look" of Caesar.




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If I were sufficiently stupid and cowardly to be intimidated by the empty threat of a fake hell, I would already have caved in, forfeited my dignity and become a godtard.

Like you did.

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Man, you got me, I'm now questioning my whole existence, I wasted my life. Thanks for making me realize the truth. Lol nobody takes atheist seriously.

Pagan, kuffar, hoverei ha-shamayim, I get called a lot of things by seething Semitics.

le problem? XD

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This right here is why the western civilization is failing. Weak men without a backbone..

Like I said, as a Christian i must turn the other cheeks to faggots.

Because the spirit of The Christ can manifest within any race.

People from those regions aren't a monolith and you can find some western looking ones as well

but in the end it doesn't even matter, ohoooooh

Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers

>pic related

Attached: jesus.jpg (333x499, 28K)

This. Atheist don't understand religion.

He more than likely wasn't Korean either, but no one complains about Korean Jesus.

Your "holy" babble contains talking snakes, zombies, a 600yo man building a boat, land animals crossing oceans to board that boat and a magic, invisible, floating faggot in the sky. This is axiomatically a work of fiction. To deny this is to either be a liar for jesus, or to be a simpleton. Which one are you?

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>He thinks the Krishna birth stories resembling Jesus weren't written after 800AD

t. got nothing

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Why is every British person on this thread a massive faggot? Oh yeah they all look like this.

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>my religion has no rules against women in power but you're the cuck

The christlings are not redpilled
The redpilled are not christlings

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Idk about his eye color but jesus was a readhead according to the talmud.

We are all equal as in we all have a soul. We are equal under god. But we are different to others.

The one from the old testament or the new guy?

It's important that someone lets you know that you're not very bright, because the Dunning-Kruger effect will prevent you from realising it on your own. That person is me, and so..........you're not very bright. This is why you're a godtard.

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I wouldn't trust the Talmud.

You're worshipping a jew hahahahahahahaaha

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Every atheist knows there is a God.

They surely do not. In fact, they are merely bastard sons of the very church they denounce. Verily this is true.
You're a perfect example of a bastard that holds antiquated notions of idols. Stop sinning against yourself, unwise adolescent, or continue to live with the most common, vulgar spirits.

Which god do we know exists? Your favourite one?

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>Death to Khazars.
Jews were in Europe (Rome) 1000 years before the Khazars even converted you retard.

>Rothschilds (or clownworld elite as you boomers call them)
>Nobility of the (((Holy Roman Empire)))

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This is based on nothing at all. I don't know why it was ever released as such. He looks fucking retarded.

>b-but my rules say you CAN'T do that
>obey the LAW goyim
>meanwhile both the law and women (some time literally) fuck him in the ass

At least you have your constitution.

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Reminder that this was shortly definitely proven as a forgery and christians insist on using old "evidence".

>believing the rendition literally created by jews

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Hello Jordan "Axioms can't exist without God" Peterstein

You know God exists

I was going to ignore you but I have to say that you're a fucking idiot who doesn't study or understand religion and has a simple low iq view of it. TLDR You're a fucking moron who thinks he's smart.

Do you know what Jesus thought of Jews?

>"it's faith, you have to believe it"
>"anyway, here's some debunked evidence if you're so crazy about evidence"

Christians are schizos-lite.

There are no atheists.

Struck a nerve, eh. Stop being mad at God, and come to Christ.

>Do you know what Jesus thought of Jews?
Are the jews of then the same of today?


Attached: Shroud_of_turin.png (1292x8757, 3.91M)

Found the packing jew.

>Be literally the deconstruction of jew
>atheist think he was a jew

Faith in god doesn't mean you have faith that he exist.

>thinks the synagogue of satan is jewish
>doesn't realize jews don't exist anymore

They're larping, haven't you noticed how they are pushing christian fundie nonsense grade conspiracies on Jow Forums and /x/ even some times /his/?

It's a LARP, they've adopted the character of a christian fundie, yet they fap home at traps.

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Oh yeah, I forgot all the antisemitism in the new testament

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He said fake Jews (jews of today) are the synagogue of satan.

Read this

Jesus most likely looked like this.

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