Clasroom in Russia

>all white clasroom
>teacher tries to calm a class nigger
>class nigger attacks teacher
>rest of the class gets up, tackles the nigger, beats him up and tosses him out

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>class nigger

But all Russians are niggers?

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They speak with North Caucasian accent though

can niggers even learn how to speak Russian?

Did you miss the part where the teacher hits the student first?

And all germans are muslims

Its pretty obvious the kid is hated by his classmates thats why they hit him, I know this since we had one when I was growing up and everyone was beating him.

It's just another Russian dude.

Lmao what kind of albanoid moroccan czechzen nigger is that?

He even has the little cuckbag

Here all Dutchs faggot would say 'wayooo' and film it. Granted that there are any Dutch children in the classroom. They're still too pussy though. I expected some face smashing.

It's a faggot bag but not a little one though.

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pick one

>Video starts right before the accident happens
Fake and gay.
Free education is cancer, schools in poor Russian districts are full of this shit, and usually noone in the class helps teacher.
Snow niggers

Never compare us with these losers, Swedish Negro.

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>niggers can't be white

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He rips his ear buds out

got em

Oy qt

A violation of the NAP

The nigger aggression pact?
Non-attentive pupil?
Novorossiya asshole principle?

no. This usually happens like this: (can't give link because Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again , gookmoot eat shit)

In your vid the teacher tore off the headphones from a non-gopnik outcast kid. If the teacher were to touch one of the gopniks (the rest of the class basically), the teacher would get beat down, spit on and humiliated in all possible and impossible ways.
Its just the difference between NOT belonging to a group of gopniks and daring to assault anyone (then you get jumped by a bunch of nigger-tier gopnik white trash from poor retarded families), and belonging to a group of gopniks. This kid is likely to be humiliated by everyone in the class, both teachers and students, so he started putting on the headphones and spacing out, and his was punished for such insubordination, humiliated and beaten, and will be humiliated again, until he learns his place.
Low cast students get beaten and humiliated all the time, until they understand that they cannot fight back on anyone, can't respond to humiliation in any way, and should just patiently endure whatever bullies do or say to them. They have absolutely no rights and often get raped in the ass/mouth, which makes them the lowest of the lowest in school hierarchy.

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This guys know whats up, funny enough this is how you get terrorist attacks too.

ok subhuman