Was Gen Patton assassinated?

Looking into this tonight and seems this all hinges on Mr Wilcox’s two sources - both stating that Patton was on a Stalin NKVD(pre-KGB) hit list and Gen Donovan OSS(pre-CIA) was aware and cooperating in a joint effort - poisoned in the hospital right before flying back to states

Curious ur thoughts on the credibility of Wilcox and his witnesses

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he was "that ass"-inated. Patton was a PAWG.

>Was Gen Patton assassinated?
didn't he name the jew? if so, more than likely!

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> Was Gen Patton assassinated?
Yes, it was the (((usual))) suspects

Attached: pATTOn+jews.jpg (1018x4799, 2.94M)

if you think the first truck that hit him was a coincidence, then maybe the second one should silence your doubts.

>be amerimutt
>serve my kike masters
>the war is over
>get disposed off as the tool i am
>til his dying moment think i fought for the american people

Goyim...goyim never change

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>wanting to start WW3 with Soviet Union
Good riddance. Shame McArthur couldn't have been killed off, with his "hey, lets drop 50 nuclear bombs along North Korea - China border" during the Korean War.


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what strange is patton said he could take russia in 5 weeks and the faggots yeeted him

also even after all that at the yalta conference the soviet rapists offered most of eastern europe and the retards like the freemason churchill signed it away

So many of is are glad to be nothing like you

>Was Gen Patton assassinated?
Of course not, goy!

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speak English. I think you're just mad that you'll never be a PAWG like Patton.

Bill O’Reilly writes a book on this topic and well he isn’t on Fox News anymore is he?

What the fuck did ZOG mean by this?

Attached: Upward and Downward Stars.png (68x88, 4K)

>What the fuck did ZOG mean by this?
Probably arranged that way for a tighter cluster giving a nicer look... Just kidding it a secret shout out to Baal and the synagogue of satan

Attached: baal.jpg (577x300, 77K)


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he named the jew
called out the jew influence in governments deciding what to do after the fighting ended in WW2
he called out the commies
the last thing the kikes wanted was a respected war hero as an enemy

Attached: patton on jews.jpg (1280x985, 293K)


Anyone going to give me a serious reply or bother to read the article? Lol

or maybe this is like saying the sky is blue for some anons

>tighter cluster giving a nicer look

They're all three spaced the same length apart. Downward stars symbolize servitude, and slavery.

Attached: Subverted Star.jpg (696x330, 56K)

I believe so.

J.P. Morgan was and theres nothing in the encyclopedia about it