8 year old German girl

An 8 year old German girl from Berlin was abducted yesterday by a group of migrant men. The original article was deleted because it contained 'hate speech'.

The girl's father witnessed the incident and called the police, as his 8 year old daughter Maya was kidnapped by a group pakistani refugees on her way back from school. The little girl was screaming and crying for help as the men kept laughing, 'I ran towards them as fast as I could but they were too fast to drive away with her, I kicked one of them in the face' said the 38 year old father of the child.

The police are saying they recieve other similar reports of incidents where young girls and boys are kidnapped almost monthly now, and the numbers have spiked dramatically in recent years. How ever the police say they can't do much about these migrant gangs, partly due to the 'hate speech' laws in Germany.

Maya's father was heard shouting 'I'm going to kill you all, you will all die some day you filthy apes!' the neighbours told the police.

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is the girl still missing

>The original article was deleted because it contained 'hate speech'.
How convenient for you, of course you don't have provide sources. Stop being a faggot and find it elsewhere on the news.

this. OP, you faggot, post a source.

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OP has pictures of little girls on his computer. He just wanted a reason to post them on pol so he gave a bullshit narrative.

Give source faggot.

It got deleted by your cuck government.

Why should I care about your word with no proof when there is photo evidence of children starving in Yemen?

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>How ever the police say they can't do much about these migrant gangs, partly due to the 'hate speech' laws in Germany.
Kek. Leave it so hanz to be such a pussy. Theres really nothing they can do? They won because the police cant make it about race?

Yet another reason why whitie really is the weakest race.

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Merkel and the EU is run by jews.

It's really not. Theres alot of child kidnapping in Canada.

>Maya's father was heard shouting 'I'm going to kill you all, you will all die some day you filthy apes!'

How can we help?

your fan fiction falls apart in the very first sentence

>Theres alot of child kidnapping in Canada.
The fuck does that have to do with OP's bullshit thread you stupid nigger?

Should've carried a gun

One german less in europe, nothing wrong with that.

Based shitskins

By dropping nukes on Berlin, Frankfurt, Hambug, Munich, Cologne.

Sure blame it on da joooos. Typical weakling response. Your greedy pig ancestors sold it to them, is that buyers remorse?

How about the German police take 1 goddamn second from eating schnitzel and take these criminals out. But they're blaming their inaction on hate speech bullshit? You're telling me that if it was another german honker stealing kids they would throw their hands up in the air like
>Nope, the guy was whitie
>We cant do anything about that

Majority of amber alerts are shit skin kids getting taken by divorced husband/wife.

No source. More fear mongering from Alt Right weenies.

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thats typical jewish shill beahviour, discrediting the rape epidemic with fake news to muddy the waters, fuck off Mohammed

Time to get some white markers, German bros.

oh well that’s germany

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>Your greedy pig ancestors sold it to them
what do you mean exactly?

>No archived link
It's fucking nothing.

If this were a real story from Germany the father would have been arrested for hate speech and assault.

If the article has been removed he obviously can't have a picture of said girl. He has to post an image to open the thread.
I'm not saying the article actually ever existed, I just wanted to point out that you're a brainlet.

german women WISH they'd get raped, they are massive sluts and throw themselves at brute paddies in hopes of a dicking. German ''''men'''''' may as well be cold bratwursts.

Good death to white race

maybe but there really isn't an article about that. Also no blog entry.

Why are danish posters such massive faggots?

Thats not a German girl thats Mongolese

I hope the father gets arrested for the racist outburst

Oh well.
Part and parcel.

>'I'm going to kill you all, you will all die some day you filthy apes!'
that'll really make the lefties angry

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females cannot help themselves. they are fatally drawn towards the BBC regardless of consequences. the main problem are the melanin receptors inside the vagina.

>One german less in europe, nothing wrong with that.
fuck off iqbal, you dirty nigger

Jow Forums seems extra bad today. Eat shit and die, op.

Nice source OP, it'd be a shame if everyone saged this thread.

I dont even care anymore.
Fuck this country full of cucks.
Lets invite more shitskins and end the civilization.

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I didn't hear of this. I have to go to Jow Forums to see what is actually going on in my own country

Wait hold on OP, isn't this even archived somewhere?

>8 year old German girl

This is the future all whites chose. I have ZERO sympathy. That 8 year olds virginity is LONG GONE now and the damage is done.

>Christian American white men decided to ignore a massive amount of anti-war protesters leading up to WW2 and decided to destroy Europe anyways.
>Idiot Germans fresh off of a massive defeat in WW1 decided to premature engage in another massive LARP ensuring their total destruction.
>2019...White men still largely support women's rights ensuring white women fuck and endless string of niggers while white men cluck about their individualism, principles, and empathy.
>2019...White men still worship the fucking trades and flood into the bottom class of society leaving their countries in the hands of Jews.
>2019...White men still largely support the middle-eastern shitskin slave-cult Christianity instead of just growing the fuck up and learning how to manage themselves based on 2000 years of history and knowledge.

Literally white men chose this. I bet that 8 year old is having the sexual experience of her life right now. Or not. She might already have been sold off to some Saudi Prince and is on his rape-yacht in the middle of the Mediterranean.

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>implying it wouldn't have been archived in a split second by one of you spergs

Look! A fake news thread!

Because the pic of that girl is much cuter than that monstrosity you posted.


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I had a girlfriend who was in the air Force and was stationed in Germany. When she got back to the States she wasn't aware of any of the migrants crimes or mass killings that were all over the news.

Everytime I see something happen in Germany without a source I think of how clueless she was because of how suppressed the media was over there. Now I can't not believe everything I read about German migrant crimes because I know they themselves cover shit up all the time. The German government is untrustworthy because if their extreme ideology, once again.

>girlfriend who was in the air Force
Faggot confirmed.

I'm going to say this is real and all migrants can fuck right off.

It is most likely to be man from Muslim countries like Pakis , Somalians etc.

I saw a chart before on Jow Forums showing the child rape criminal rate of all immigration groups in Germany and Muslim countries are incredible high.

The burgers are also very high though. They are listed between Muslims.

Burgers, amirite?

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Potatoe niggers, amirite?

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>Maya's father was heard shouting 'I'm going to kill you all, you will all die some day you filthy apes!' the neighbours told the police.
Expect him getting jail time for this.

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Smh. Learn your peoples history whitie

Hitler literally did nothing wrong mongrel

aborted GOYIM fetus of course

Part and parcel of living in multicultural society.

Just two days ago 27y old peaceful refugee from niger tried to rape 9y girl in Dessau-Rossblau and only thing that saved the girl from enrichment was young couple with dogs disturbing the rapist as he was tearing down clothes from the girl.

this. german women dont need to be raped. they love bbc. nearly every baby carriage in Dusseldorf had a mulatto baby inside and a single mother pushing it

You're just a passportless, ameirfat retard.

I just got back from Germany. While there is a fuckload of shitskins there is still little crime. One can argue that is because all the foreigners are on gibs but that is another story.

Germany is still 1000x safer than literally any American city.

sure whatever you say 'person from Britain'

He said WHAT?

We can't allow this hate speech to be spoken openly in our tolerant countries, this father needs to be punished. Severely.

White life got cheap for the white social justice warrior some time after World War II. There is no point in playing the same game you have always played with a society so Anti White that it can't bear to report the facts of a white child abduction at the hands of Darkie Men.

You either humbly submit to your Jew and Darkie overlords or you sabotage critical infrastructure in a very big way. If the problem for your white neighbors is that you called the child abductors names, you have just found your first targets.

That's because niggers are more prone to violence than any other race, they are taught to be victims from birth and then some (((idiots))) decide that it is a good idea to use them as drug mules/distributors plus give them weapons to help them run drugs. Thus the great American ghetto was born.

>girl abducted
>but the father said something bad
fuck this earth.

Hate speech is worse than abduction


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lol get fucking rekt muslim shithole

>muh christianity is evil
Way to be retarded, user.

> by a group of pakistani refugees
Imagine the smell.